Goals and objectives of trade as a professional activity

The main goals and objectives of trade are related to the functional orientation to the market nature of the activity. This is the competence of all trading entities that have a free choice of partners, independence, full financial independence, material and moral responsibility for all commercial activities. Wholesale and retail trade has its own structure of stores, distribution network and features of business.

Trading Functions

In modern market conditions, it is possible to use internal reserves in the development of economic activity at trade enterprises. Effectively organized work on such business entities creates favorable conditions for satisfying consumer needs, contributes to an increase in the turnover of goods and, consequently, in the amount of profit. Therefore, we can distinguish the following goals, objectives, functions of trade:

  • analysis of the state of existing markets and consumer requests to assess the situation in the trade sector;
  • establishing long-term and reliable partnerships with manufacturers of goods;
  • formation of reserve funds in order to provide finance for the supply processes;
  • the use of various methods in the process of interaction of a business entity with both producers and intermediaries.
    trade goals and objectives


When speaking as an intermediary between consumers and producers, the goals and objectives of trade for the active movement and accumulation of finished products are determined both in space and in time.

The wholesale network with the definition of the structure and direction of commodity flows with the transformation of the product range into goods should act as a kind of conductor of the mass of goods when it enters the market. Wholesale trade is characteristic of:

  • the acquisition of a significant batch of goods directly from manufacturers;
  • the increase in the number of intermediate links until the finished product arrives at the final consumer;
  • adaptation of goods in assortment to the needs of end and intermediate consumers;
  • implementing a policy of timely quality improvement and updating the assortment of goods;
  • the availability of capital in the required quantity for conducting trading activities;
  • prevention of the occurrence of risk during the circulation of goods.

Thus, representatives of retailers and manufacturers have sufficiently substantial reasons for using the services of a wholesale structure.

goals and objectives of trade as a professional activity

Wholesale trade: goals and objectives

Briefly, the tasks of such enterprises are considered:

  • analysis of the target market with an assessment of the needs of the buyer;
  • strengthening the base of material and technical supply;
  • maintaining goods flows with distribution channels between consumer demand and supply of goods;
  • the formation of stocks of commodity values ​​and their maneuvering with an orientation to the market situation;
  • marketing services and support;
  • manifestation of efficiency and competence in entrepreneurial activity.
    trading goals and objectives briefly

Wholesale Classification

The goals and objectives of the wholesale network trade directly depend on the following basic classification features: form of ownership, territorial services and destination.

goals and objectives of trade technology

The most common form of ownership of such business entities is private. Representatives are joint stock companies and business partnerships.

Among other forms of ownership can be identified: municipal, state, mixed and consumer cooperation.

Destination of trade enterprises

The activities of such organizations are determined by the functions performed and their intended use. In this case, the influence of the territorial factor should be taken into account.

According to the destination, wholesale enterprises are divided into source bases, trade and procurement and trade and supply enterprises.

When the wholesale enterprise is located in the field of commodity production, it is considered the source base. The goals and objectives of this type of trade are to bring goods from producers to consumers. They purchase products from manufacturers of goods, they are sorted and completed in shipping lots at warehouses. The next stage is the shipment of goods to both wholesale and retail business entities.

Classification by product profile

The goals and objectives of trade as a professional activity depend on the assortment of products sold. So, wholesalers are highly specialized and specialized commodity-trade profile, and also universal and combined business entities are known.


The goals and objectives of retail are not much different from wholesalers. So, the main goal of such enterprises is to bring products to the final consumer, which is possible only with the effective organization of customer service.

The process of goods circulation with the delivery of finished products to the immediate consumer ends in the retail network of the trade sector. It is this area that makes up the material and technical base of all trade and should be a collection of representatives of trade entities.

trade task objectives

In modern market conditions, the structure of retailers has undergone some changes. Today, these enterprises have significant differences among themselves in both qualitative and quantitative indicators, which determines their general classification.

So, the retail chain is classified by type, business entity, assortment of goods, retail structure, concentration and location of stores.

Goals and objectives of trade

The technology of any activity that a business entity begins to carry out involves setting real goals and objectives. Further, the enterprise must seek and fulfill them through organization, followed by providing itself with labor and material resources. Achieving these goals is possible only with the use of such an effective mechanism as planning, which provides for the formation of a team of employees with the ability to realize them.

retail goals and objectives

The head of the enterprise should have a good understanding of both formal and informal connections that exist between organizational units at various levels. Moreover, each link should be staffed with manpower so as to contribute to the success of the entire enterprise.

The leader must know the essence of the organization of all processes in the enterprise and be able to effectively use this knowledge in their own activities. The study of labor processes and the organizational structure of a business entity allows the boss to better understand the relationships that exist within the enterprise.

Correct setting of goals and objectives is a necessary condition for effective work. For a clear understanding by employees of the tasks assigned to them, management needs to determine the ultimate goals of the company. Only then can you start planning.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14264/

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