Delicious Bonduelle Corn: Instant Secrets

For many people, when mentioning corn, a picture from childhood pops up before my eyes, when in the process of cooking a unique smell emanating from the pan floats throughout the apartment. And then you need to wait another two hours until the sun is ready. Now such memories are no more than an illusion, because modern varieties of corn are cooked several times faster.

Characteristics of the Bonduelle variety

For the first time having tasted canned sweet corn from a can, many people were eager to grow the same variety on their site. Some even managed to get seeds of a rare species. But later it became clear that the Bonduelle corn variety is nothing more than a myth.

Bonduelle Corn
In fact, a well-known manufacturing company under the same name produces canned corn varieties Spirit or Bonus. However, sweet cereal grains have gained such popularity that now all varieties of sweet corn are called Bonduelle.

Useful properties of corn

Corn is just as healthy as other grains. Vitamins A, C, PP, group B (B3, B9), potassium, magnesium, iron, sodium, phosphorus are contained in large quantities. Its regular use contributes to the effective functioning of the digestive system, heart and blood vessels, it is used for anemia, as well as a choleretic and diuretic.

Bonduelle Corn
Bonduelle Corn is a must-have ingredient on the vegetarian table. The protein of plant origin, which it contains, in its nutritional value is not inferior to the animal and partially compensates for it. Calorie content of corn is only 120 kcal per 100 grams, which allows you to include this cereal in the diet menu.

How to cook Bonduelle corn in time

Since various varieties of sweet corn are sold under the name Bonduelle, the preparation time may vary. On average, it is 15-30 minutes. Young corn is usually cooked very quickly. And yet, before you turn off the stove, it is better to check the readiness with a fork. The grains of cooked corn remain intact, do not burst, but are easily punctured. After this, the ears can be taken out of the pan, salted to taste and eat.

how much to cook bonduelle corn in time
In addition to the traditional method of preparation, corn can be boiled in a double boiler, baked in the oven, microwave, grilled or canned. In any form, it remains equally tasty and healthy.

How to cook corn in the microwave and oven?

Bonduelle corn is very easy to prepare if there is a microwave in the house. The peculiarity of this method is that the ear does not first need to be cleaned of leaves. This is done in order to create the effect of a steam bath under them.

So, the uncleaned ears should be put in the microwave. Set the time to 6 minutes and turn on the power to 1000 watts. After the specified time after the sound signal, Bonduelle corn can be taken and eaten both in hot and in cold form.

how to cook bonduelle corn
Everyone understands how to cook Bonduelle corn. However, if you cook it in the oven, you can get an unusual side dish for meat or fish.

Rub the corn cob with salt squeezed through a press of garlic and soft butter (20 grams). Then wrap in baking paper or foil and put in the oven for 40 minutes. Only young cereals are suitable for this cooking method, otherwise the corn may turn out to be hard.

How to cook Bonduelle corn in a double boiler

Steamed corn is not only tasty, but also healthy, since it retains all the vitamins and minerals in large quantities. Such a dietary product can be consumed even for weight loss.

To cook corn in a double boiler, you need to clean the ears of leaves, put them in a bowl for cooking, pour water into the lower pan and turn on the device for 20 minutes. This time will be enough to make the Bonduelle sugar corn variety cook.

Canned corn at home

In the summer, when corn is sold at a fairly low price, you can make homemade canned preparations. Their main advantage is not only economic benefit, but also the guarantee that the bank will have exactly Bonduelle corn of a sugar variety, and not some other. Knowing certain secrets, preparing such a workpiece is not difficult.

Bonduelle corn preservation
For preservation, you will need such ingredients: grains of cooked corn, water, salt, sugar. Before cooking, glass jars and lids must be sterilized in advance.

Bonjuel corn conservation is as follows:

  1. From pre-cooked corn you need to get grain. To do this, it is necessary to cut a small circle across from the cob so that it can be put on a cut. Then, with a sharp knife, the grains are cut away from themselves and poured into the prepared jar.
  2. Cook brine. To do this, add 1.5 tablespoons of salt and 2 tablespoons of sugar to the water from boiled corn, put on a stove and boil. Pour the grains in a jar with hot brine and send to the stove for sterilization within 40 minutes.
  3. At the end of the specified time, the bank rolls a lid. Canned corn is stored in the refrigerator.

According to this recipe, Bonduelle corn turns out to be very tasty, no worse than the advertised canned food of the same name, and using different cooking methods, you can eat this healthy product all year round.


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