Who is chica? Meaning, Examples, Interpretation

“Chika Rita, Chika Margarita” - this is a modified quote from an old Soviet film, which is the best suited to the topic of our study today. There are many different newfangled words that are not only incomprehensible to older people, but also relatively young people. We find out today who such a chick is? Youth slang also needs to be mastered, and then you never know what.


who is chica

Naturally, our ever-present friend in such cases - the dictionary - is useless. Such definitions cannot be found in the explanatory dictionary.

Therefore, it will draw from other sources. Who is chica? A young, beautiful sexy girl with specific aesthetic ideas, she always wears a miniskirt, she is well-groomed and strewn with diamonds, so she herself resembles an expensive cut diamond.

Who is the chica delighted with? At a distance of almost all members of the stronger sex, but to meet or live with such a girl would want only those who have glamor as a style does not cause rejection. We think that the reader already has an image of beauty.


what is chica

The theme of origin is simple and complex at the same time. Sources indicate that the word came to us from Spanish, where chika is a girl, a beauty. But we have one more hypothesis, and it concerns not such an exotic language for our country as Spanish. A long time ago, about 20 years ago, the word “chicks” was popular among young people - it is tracing paper from the English chick, and now dear reader can choose the version that seems more plausible to him. Given that, even now, Spanish is for the average Russian, we are not talking about international journalists, this is sophisticated and exclusive.

Let us give the meaning of the word "chix":

  1. Girl.
  2. Prostitute.

There is no need to explain that “chicks” is jargon. Now who is this chick? In any case, we secure success by synonyms.

Replacement words. Mother and Chica

In this case, it is difficult to choose substitutions, because the word is unusual. But we are not afraid of difficulties. Here are the synonyms:

  • beautiful girl;
  • beauty;
  • chix;
  • girl;
  • pupa;
  • swell;
  • kral;
  • princess;
  • charming lady;
  • enchantress;
  • Madonna (Botticelli or Raphael)
  • mother.

Let us dwell on the last synonym. This is taken from the movie Assa. It gives the following definition: “A girl is of a light disposition, not burdened with intellectual activity.” In addition to the aesthetic film, Sergei Solovyov’s film also had an educational function: it introduced the audience to youth slang of those times (late 80s of the 20th century).

In the same sense, the word is used in the imperishable creation of Boris Borisovich Grebenshchikov "Mochalkin Blues." If suddenly the reader becomes curious, then you can hear the song in the aforementioned film.

Such are the facets of existence that the word that we are considering opens up, we hope the question of who such a chika has already disappeared.

Where are the beauties that amaze the imagination?

meaning of the word chika

Again, a well-known slightly modified phrase from the song pops up: “Look for her in the club”. If a girl is fantastically beautiful by glamorous standards, then she is unlikely to work in the office for 8 hours a day, and then goes on a party. Most likely, such girls either do not work at all, or are engaged in the modeling business, or are engaged in acting. But not every actress can be called a chiksa, she should look suitable, like Cameron Diaz in the film "Very Bad Teacher" (2011).

It is difficult to imagine that a glamorous lifestyle can be combined with the usual five-day period. So you want to know what a chica is, go where the millionaires live. As Karl Lagerfeld said: "Beauty requires money."

Who can be called chika?

chika who is it

Of course, there are a lot of options. If a person does not invest any negative meaning in this word, then so can be said about any beautiful girl. There is only one problem - this is youth slang. Jargonisms are fun, but only until the moment when a person breaks away from his teenage company and ends up at an institute where he masters a certain specialty, meets with professors and doctors of science, he broadens his intellectual horizon and deepens the prospect of existence. And then people will ask him: “What is chica?”. And he will not answer, because he forgot all that kind of words. Of course, this is ideal. And higher education is not always a panacea for bad taste.

Teenage language is a way to stand out from the crowd. But what people like at 15 may no longer cause delight at 25 or 30.

True, there are women who, until retirement, can be “swells”, “dolls”. But if the reader saw them, then he will agree, the sight is rather pathetic and scary. Men also live in the world who easily answer the question about the meaning of the word "chika". But this is only if their work is connected with communication with the younger generation: teachers, musicians, writers. Sometimes a guy can hippe or punk up to 70, without turning into a man, and then into an old man. When a person feels young in years - this is fine, but a certain manner of behavior in adulthood can offend the public taste and world harmony at once.

Therefore, you need not only to know the answer to the question: “Chika - who is this?”, But also to keep the word ready and use it only in a suitable situation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14276/

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