Workforce is the foundation of any enterprise

Labor resources - this is the main productive force of society, which includes a working share of the population, able to participate in socially useful activities, as well as in the production of spiritual, material goods and various services. The population may be economically active and inactive. The first is called all busy and unemployed people. An economically inactive category of the population includes a part of the community that is not working for any reason (they do household work, care for sick people or children, etc.), old-age pensioners on favorable terms, and also disabled people who receive disabilities retirement.

According to Western statistics, full-time students are included in this category. But Russian statistics classify such students as an occupied population. In other words, labor resources are a part of society that possesses physical data and intellectual abilities suitable for conducting labor activities .

Consider this concept on a global scale. World manpower is an economically active share of the population distributed across countries. Due to the economic backwardness of developing countries, the share of the working population in them is only 45-55%. Developed countries comprise about 70% of the total economically active population that makes up the world's labor force. This situation is primarily associated with unemployment, sometimes reaching 10% of the total working population.

The structure of the labor resources of one enterprise subdivides all the personnel working on it into the following subcategories:

• Industrial production personnel (PPP), which is engaged in production, as well as its maintenance. This includes all those employed in production activities and in servicing workers in workshops, laboratories, plant management, computer centers, etc.

• The staff of non-industrial organizations - consists of employees belonging to the enterprise housing and communal services, medical, children's institutions, etc.

PPP workers are divided into workers and employees. The first group includes employees of the enterprise, directly involved in the creation of the manufactured product or the provision of production services. Among the employees there are categories of managers (empowered), specialists and employees themselves (managing and organizing the production process).

The labor resources used at the enterprise are the so-called personnel. Personnel of the enterprise are the many workers employed in this enterprise and making up its payroll, i.e. accepted for work related to the activities of the enterprise. It is necessary to distinguish between the concepts of “personnel”, “personnel” and “labor resources”. The “staff" of the enterprise is characterized by the entire composition of working workers, both temporary and permanent, highly qualified and unskilled. Under the "frames" refers to the regular, i.e. permanent, qualified staff of the enterprise. “Manpower of the enterprise” is called all of its potential employees.

Personnel of the enterprise are also divided by specialties, professions and qualification level. A profession is a type of work that requires certain practical skills and theoretical knowledge. A specialty is a type of activity limited within the profession and having certain specific features. The specialty requires any additional knowledge and skills from the employee. Within each specialty and profession, specialists differ in their qualification level, which characterizes the degree of complexity of the type of work performed by an employee of this level.


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