Linden color: beneficial properties and harm

The fact that summer has come reminds us of the heady aroma of flowering linden. At the very beginning of July, the first fragrant flowers bloom on trees, which have been used in folk medicine since time immemorial. Indeed, linden is a true “green doctor” that can help you recover without pills and injections.

lime color useful properties
When to collect lime color to preserve its uniqueness? How to use and for which diseases to use? Can there be any contraindications for taking this folk remedy? Let's try to sort things out slowly.

It's time to collect

In warm and dry weather, when the morning dew dries, they collect a linden blossom, the useful properties of which in another period may be lost. The best time for collection is when some flowers are already blossomed in the inflorescence, but most of them are still in the budding stage. And since the linden blooms very quickly, this moment must not be missed! It is best to dry the flowers in the shade in the fresh air or in ventilated areas. You can use electric dryers, but at the same time observe a temperature regime of no higher than 40-45 ° C. It's okay if you collected too much of this unique raw material. It can be prepared for future use, since with proper storage the useful properties of lime blossom can be preserved for two years. Quality depends on the location of the plant. You should not collect linden blossom in cities, on roadsides and in other places that, from an environmental point of view, are considered unsuccessful.

Useful properties of linden

What is the use of lime color and how to use it? The fact is that the composition of the buds of this plant is actually unique. Linden blossom is especially rich in essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, so it can be reckoned with certainty as excellent natural antiseptics. Even if linden just grows under your window, this absolutely guarantees that the air in the house will be clean. The raw materials contain a lot of vitamin C and carotene, which stimulates the production of a very important and necessary vitamin A in the body. In addition, linden is considered a powerful natural antioxidant and is used to treat various inflammatory ailments.

when to collect lime color
Healing aroma of linden tea

Brewed linden blossom, the useful properties of which do not need to be proved to anyone, is considered an excellent remedy for colds. This is an ideal antipyretic and diaphoretic that increases immunity, literally “flushes” harmful microbes from the body and normalizes metabolic processes. Therefore, it is drunk with honey for colds, flu, SARS. And if in the collection of dry color we add in the proportion one to one more leaves of peppermint and raspberry, then literally in a few days from these “ailments” there will be no trace.

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However, few people know which diseases can still use lime color. The beneficial properties of this plant are used to cleanse the liver of toxins. To do this, prepare simple linden tea: 1 tablespoon of dry raw material is poured into 300 ml of boiled water and insisted for 5-7 minutes. You should drink such a drink on an empty stomach once a day, without sugar and honey. If you brew linden for 20 minutes, then the resulting infusion dilutes the blood.

Doctors advise those who have gastrointestinal problems at least once a day to replace ordinary tea with linden tea, using it only after eating. This helps its faster and more complete assimilation and at the same time clean the kidneys from toxins and toxins.

In cases of various diseases of the gallbladder, linden tea is drunk before bedtime, a couple of hours after dinner.

If you regularly drink small amounts (150-200 ml) at night without honey and sugar, brewed linden blossom, its beneficial properties will help get rid of insomnia and overcome chronic fatigue.

what is the use of lime color

Even people with cancer will not hurt to include such tea in their diet, as this plant has an excellent regenerative effect.

It can be used for atherosclerosis and varicose veins, for washing very deep cuts and festering wounds, as decoctions for hemorrhoids, compresses for the treatment of radiculitis, lotions for burns and dermatitis.

Caution: harm from linden tea!

Delicious linden tea is advised to pregnant women and children, the elderly and the young. But not for everyone. Science has proven that if you drink it daily and in large quantities, then vision problems can not be avoided. Therefore, people with various ophthalmic diseases should be treated with linden tea very carefully.

Do not get carried away with such a drink and those who have big problems with the heart muscle. Indeed, due to the diaphoretic action of linden tea, the heart will experience additional stress. Doctors say that treatment with linden medicine should not be carried away: drank this wonderful fragrant drink for a month - it's time to take a break.


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