The best hair masks for the night

No free time to care for curls? There is a great solution - a hair mask for the night! It can be aimed at solving various problems. This is active hydration, nutrition of overdriven and damaged strands, getting rid of dandruff, split ends and much more. The publication will tell you about 10 effective night hair masks and how to do them correctly.

Benefits of Night Masks

  • Softness of action. These masks lack strong irritating ingredients (e.g. hot pepper, onion, mustard, cinnamon). They are not, because during the night they can dry out the scalp and even burn the hair. The composition includes only gentle and soft components that are harmless, safe and carefully care for the hair. Therefore, such hair masks can be left overnight.
  • Efficiency. Cosmetic formulations during sleep (which is 6-10 hours) have time to penetrate deeply into the scalp and hair structure. Therefore, the locks receive all the useful substances from the components that are part of the prepared product.
  • Time saving. Not all girls like to care for hair, because it is a long process that takes the lion's share of the day. A completely different thing - hair masks for the night. At home, they are very easy to cook. It is enough to apply the composition before bedtime and rinse it off in the morning. It remains only to dry and lay the curls. But most women do this in the early hours.
Applying a mask at night

Recommendations for the manufacture and application of night masks

1. As already mentioned, strongly warming ingredients that actively stimulate blood circulation in the scalp cannot be added to night masks. For example, peppers, onions, garlic, mustard, alcohol. It is better to avoid such products or (in extreme cases) add them in the very minimum quantity. During the night, they can greatly dry the curls and head. In addition, constant burning will interfere with sleep. If such ingredients are present in the composition, then the mask can not be rubbed into the skin and damaged strands, and the tips must be protected with oils.

2. If you plan to leave the mask on your hair at night, you need to apply it at least half an hour before bedtime. That is, before the head is lowered onto the pillow. Hair needs time to adapt, in addition, you need to make sure that the composition will not flow into the eyes.

3. Night masks should be applied only to dry and well-combed hair. You do not need to wash them before the procedure.

4. After applying the mask, it is often recommended to remove the hair under polyethylene. But this does not need to be done at night. A greenhouse effect will be created that will not allow the scalp to breathe. With a long procedure, this is not at all useful. It is better to collect the hair in a bun and wrap it with a thin fabric cap or a fabric made of natural material. To prevent the mask from flowing into your eyes, you can put on a headband wrapped in cling film.

Cap for a night mask

5. If you leave the hair mask for the night and do not take care of protecting the berth, then you will have to wash not only the pillowcase, but also the pillow itself for a long time. Therefore, under the head you need to put a terry towel or dense fabric. If the mask is too thin, an additional oilcloth can be placed.

6. At first it is better to wash off a homemade cosmetic product with one warm water. Then you need to connect shampoo or baby soap. In most cases, you will need to repeat the procedure one or two more.

7. After the mask, be sure to use balm or conditioner. You can pre-rinse the curls with water with the addition of lemon juice. It will make hair smooth, shiny, obedient and neutralizes the smell that could remain from the ingredients with a strong aroma.

8. It is important to take into account the length and density of curls. The following recipes (usually other folk remedies) are designed for medium hair. For a heap to the waist, the amount of ingredients can be multiplied by two or three. But for short haircuts, they can be reduced by half.

Next, recipes and the procedure for preparing hair masks for the night will be considered. At home, they are easy to prepare and use.

Kefir mask

It perfectly moisturizes, refreshes curls and gives them shine. Suitable for any hair and for frequent use.

Kefir hair mask for the night

Kefir can be alternated with yogurt. Half a glass of the drink needs to be slightly warmed up and applied to the hair.

Gelatin mask

The main objective of this tool is hair lamination. The beauty of the recipe is that after shampoo you do not need to use balm. Curls and so will become smooth, silky, shiny and obedient. An invisible film forms from the mask, which protects the strands from the aggressive effects of the environment.


  • Powdered gelatin - a large spoon.
  • Hot water - half a glass.
  • Hair balm - 2-4 teaspoons. Depends on the consistency of the product.

Pour gelatin over water and wait for it to swell. Bring to readiness in a water bath. Pour so much balm so that the mask consistency resembles thick sour cream. Apply only to curls. It is most convenient to do this with a brush for coloring. It is important not to touch the roots.

Honey Recipe

Many girls make a hair mask with honey and yolk at night. In these components there are a lot of useful substances that nourish the follicles. Also included is mayonnaise, which improves the structure and gives shine to curls. Owners of oily scalp may exclude this product. Then the mask can be washed off without shampoo, rinsing the hair with acidified water.

Night hair mask with honey


  • Yolk - 1 piece.
  • Honey is a tablespoon.
  • Mayonnaise - a tablespoon.

If honey is solid, it must be melted. This should be done exclusively in a water bath to preserve useful properties. Add the yolk and mayonnaise and beat with a whisk.

Complex oil mask

Perhaps there is no better mask at night for hair growth than a home remedy from various oils. But you need to tune in advance that it will take a long time to rinse with shampoo. But then the curls will stop falling out, will grow faster, will acquire smoothness, firmness and elasticity due to nutrition and moisturizing. In addition, after washing off the mask, a delicate aroma remains, which every woman will appreciate. The mask is suitable for all hair, but especially dry, brittle and excised at the ends.

Only oils are a part (each of them needs to be taken on a teaspoon):

  • Burdock.
  • Castor.
  • Almond.
  • Pink.
  • Jojoba.

In a water bath, heat all oils, except pink, to 35 degrees. After add it and mix. Rub the resulting mask into the skin and roots, and then distribute along the length, paying particular attention to the tips.

Coconut Hair Mask for the night

It produces a comprehensive healing effect. Solves the problem of excised tips and eliminates dandruff. It also nourishes the hair follicles and stimulates blood circulation, so that the strands grow faster, become stronger and do not fall out. The mask is suitable for any hair, but it is difficult to wash off.

Coconut Hair Mask


  • Coconut oil is a big spoon.
  • Ylang-ylang oil - 4 drops.
  • Eucalyptus oil - 4 drops.

If the coconut oil is solid, then it needs to be melted in a water bath. When it cools, you can add ethers and stir.

It is not necessary to make a hair mask for the night. Coconut oil can be rubbed before bedtime and in pure form. This will also be very useful for curls.

Vitamin mask

Universal for all hair types. It has high antioxidant properties, protects against the negative effects of the environment, gives shine to curls, nourishes them and scalp.


  • Carrot - 1 piece (for blondes it is better to replace the vegetable with a vitamin A capsule).
  • Apple (any) - 1 piece.
  • Aloe - 2 leaves.

Grind apple and carrots on a grater. Squeeze juice out of aloe. Mix everything, apply to hair and head.

Herbal mask

Suitable for all hair. It tones, refreshes and nourishes well. The recipe is good because in the morning the composition can be washed off with water alone.


  • Shredded grass is a large spoon (for blondes, chamomile is suitable, and for dark-haired - St. John's wort).
  • Boiling water - half a glass.
  • Yolk - 1 piece.

The grass must be filled with water and boiled in a water bath for ten minutes. Cool and mix with yolk.

Vegetable mask

Red-haired beauties to preserve color, a nightly hair mask with olive oil and vegetables is ideal. After its use, curls acquire a fiery shade. Therefore, it is better for blondes to refrain from applying a mask, but brunettes can safely experiment. It is important to distribute the composition as evenly as possible across all the strands, otherwise in the morning you can get a spotty hairstyle. The mask also gives the hair an amazing shine and moisturizes it well.


  • Carrots - 1 piece.
  • Beets - half.
  • Potato - 1 tuber.
  • Olive oil - a large spoon (for owners of oily scalp it is better to take the same amount of grape seed oil).
Night mask for red hair

Grind the vegetables on a grater. Add oil to the pulp with the allocated juice and mix. Apply the mask on the curls, wait until it dries a little. Only after that you can wrap the top of your head with a towel and go to bed. If the product was prepared with grape seed oil, then it can be washed off with water alone without shampoo.

Ginger and Sesame Recipe

The components of this mask can be found at home in many women. These are ginger, sesame and burdock oil. From them you can make an excellent mask for the night. For hair, this is a wonderful restorative and firming agent. According to women who have experienced its effect on themselves, it produces a stunning healing effect. Surprisingly, ginger acts on the roots no worse than pepper or mustard. But at the same time, he absolutely does not bake the scalp, but heats it evenly. Therefore, the risk of dermatitis and burns during sleep is minimal. The mask will suit everyone. It must be rubbed into the roots to stimulate the growth of curls and applied along the entire length, paying particular attention to the tips. So they become moisturized, nourished and stop breaking.


  • Sesame seeds - 2 small spoons.
  • Ginger root is approximately 1.5 centimeters (30 grams).
  • Burdock oil - a tablespoon.

Peel ginger, grind or in a blender. Sesame through a coffee grinder. Combine the ingredients with oil and mix well.

Beer hair mask for the night

Mask on beer

The recipe is designed in such a way that it can help moisturize, nourish and make the strands smooth. Beer, which is part of the composition, is often used to combat baldness, brittleness and loss of hair shine. The foamy drink contains a lot of yeast, due to which beneficial substances penetrate deeply into the structure and act on the hair from the inside.


  • Fresh beer (any) - a glass. Standing open drink is no longer suitable.
  • Almond (olive) oil - 3 tablespoons.
  • Powdered gelatin - 1.5 tablespoons (35 grams).
  • Water - 50 milliliters.
  • Chicken yolks - 2 pcs.

Beer is slightly warmed up in the microwave. It’s important not to boil! Pour in oil. In a separate bowl, mix gelatin and water. Heat and leave to swell. When the gelatin has cooled, add the yolks. Combine all ingredients into a homogeneous mass. After applying the mask for half an hour, you need to monitor the reaction of the epidermis. If it is positive, you can go to bed.

Summing up, we can say that it is very useful to leave hair masks at night. Reviews of numerous girls prove this. After such lengthy home treatments, the curls will shine with beauty and health.


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