How to become kinder to others

The modern world is becoming more and more cruel. If before, kindness was considered one of the best qualities of the human person along with courage and courage, today such human qualities as vanity, the desire to be successful and the best are leading. Unfortunately, many have forgotten one simple truth: treat people the way you want them to treat you. It’s never too late to change yourself for the better. So, how to become kinder to the people around you?

Often we use words without even thinking about their meaning. For example, what does the term “kindness” mean, which means “to become kinder "? Kindness is first of all a tolerant attitude towards people around, regardless of their social affiliation. Synonyms of the word "kindness" are tolerance, philanthropy, tolerance. Kindness is not innate, it is a quality of personality that develops throughout life. The presence of tolerance towards people depends on a person’s attitude to life in general. Everyone can learn to be kinder to others.

Some tips on how to be kinder to people and the world at large:

  1. Often, many things around us are taken by us for granted, but we owe everything to everything that we have. Often to ourselves. Think about what good is in your life today, and mentally thank those to whom you owe it. The ability to be kinder to oneself is a great art.
  2. Be able to correctly express gratitude, which, as you know, is a manifestation of God on Earth. Even unfamiliar and completely unfamiliar people should be treated with gratitude: a seller in a store, a taxi driver, a janitor. Of course, one can object: “Why will I thank a person only for the fact that he is doing his job?” But remember how a good word said in the morning charges positive energy for the whole day.
  3. Give compliments, because they perfectly cheer you up. You should not be annoyed by the little things and see only bad things in people. In every, even the most vile person, you can find something good.
  4. Do not blame other people. Someone is always wrong in the world, so why waste your mental energy on these people and prove the opposite?

Question: “How to become kinder to work colleagues?” is one of the most important. In the face of constant competition, the struggle for career advancement, it is very difficult to remain a person in the full sense of the word. Try not to break your annoyance with colleagues and subordinates, as they are also in constant stress. Sometimes, in order to start treating a person better, you need to get to know him better. Perhaps two seemingly different people will have common interests and topics for conversation.

How to become kinder to your loved ones?

Relations in the family should be built primarily on the respectful attitude of all its members to each other. Good attitude to people is laid down since childhood. From an early age, children should be instilled with a sense of tolerance and tolerance. A child who is used to seeing a mother beaten by a drunken father from an early age is unlikely to treat his future wife differently. The child should be told about respectful attitude to elders, about kindness and compassion before he goes to school. Children, caring for animals, birds and insects, grow more kind towards the people around them. Family relationships must be trusting. Do not hide your problems from loved ones, because it is much easier to find a way out of any current situation together. Do not break your bad mood on children. Learn to apologize where necessary.

There can be a thousand answers to the question “how to become kinder”. Each psychologist will add a couple more from himself. Kindness towards people always begins with a good attitude towards oneself. I would like to believe that initially in a person, all the same, good and not evil was laid. And another simple truth says: if a person is satisfied with himself and his life, he is happy and kind and ready to give his kindness to everyone around him. Perhaps in order to become good, you first need to be happy!


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