How to grow hair fast: tips

The question of how to grow hair quickly often confronts the fair sex. After all, sometimes it happens that even thick and beautiful curls cannot be grown. The reasons for this may be different:

  • Genetic features.
  • Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  • Lack of proper care.

If hair grows slowly due to a genetic predisposition, then there is nothing to be done. But other reasons can be eliminated.

how to grow hair fast
So tell yourself, "I want to grow my hair fast ." Where to start to make a dream come true? Before growing, it is necessary to put the hair in order, since long, thin, dry and split ends with dandruff will look deplorable. What steps should be taken to do this?

1. Haircut. It is necessary to get rid of damaged and lifeless hair. For the remaining length, make out a beautiful haircut, which will need to be regularly refreshed. Effective in terms of hair regrowth haircut with hot scissors. It is advisable to choose a hairdresser who knows the technology of how to grow hair quickly, and will not cut more than necessary.

2. Throw away all low-quality hairpins, elastic bands and other accessories. Choose only those that do not damage the curls.

3. As a rule, never comb your wet hair. And on dry, carry out this procedure carefully.

I want to grow my hair fast
Here are some more tips on how to grow short hair quickly:

1. Eat fully and balanced.

2. Take vitamin complexes for hair growth.

3. Eliminate or reduce the use of styling.

4. Discard the hair dryer, ironing, curling iron. Preference is given to drying in a natural way.

5. Do not dye your hair with chemical dyes or do chemical waving.

6. Choose suitable shampoos, balms, masks, wash your hair properly. At the end of the procedure, arrange a cold shower.

7. Do a head massage with your hands and brush.

8. Regularly do hair masks.

Having figured out the tips on how to grow hair quickly, consider what tools will help to do this.

1. Professional products. It includes various ampoules, masks, balms, creams and lotions that stimulate hair growth. The cosmetics industry produces a whole series of products to enhance hair growth. In addition to the home use of funds, you can visit the beauty parlor and do physiotherapy, ozone and meso therapy. This will help stimulate blood circulation and saturate the hair with beneficial substances.

2. Folk remedies. Their main disadvantage is an unpleasant smell. There are many recipes to accelerate hair growth. They include products such as onions, garlic, eggs, brewer's yeast, coffee, various oils, red pepper, mustard honey and others.

how to grow short hair quickly
Here are a couple of simple and effective formulations:

  • Remove the skin from the tomato and grind it into gruel. Apply the mask to the roots. Wash off with water after twenty minutes.
  • Mix well a glass of kefir, egg yolk and a tablespoon of dry mustard. Apply to hair roots. Wash off after an hour.

It should be said that itโ€™s not enough just to know how to grow hair quickly. To succeed, you need to make it a rule to regularly care for your hair. Only in this case will she please her length.


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