Useful tips on how to wash your blood without using modern household products

Did you accidentally cut your finger with a sharp knife while cooking, and blood fell on your favorite shirt? Or, when falling from a bicycle, did a kid injure his knee through new jeans? Probably, similar unforeseen situations have occurred with everyone. As a result, spots appeared on things, which, as it turns out, are not so easy to remove. The fact is that many modern powders, bleaches and sprays often damage the fabric, violating its structure and color. Or it is simply impossible to wash, for example, when removing stains from dense curtains and furniture upholstery. How to wash the blood in such situations, while using safe means? In this article you will find useful tips and methods for processing fabric folk methods.

how to wash blood

The main rules for how to wash blood

  1. For all stain removal methods, use gloves to protect delicate hand skin.
  2. Since blood has an organic origin, it tends to “coagulate” when heated. Therefore, always use cold water first.
  3. The complexity of the work largely depends on the quality of the fabric, the age of finding the stain on the clothes, and on the multiplicity of removal samples.
  4. It is possible that even after treatment with hot water and various chemicals, the stain cannot be removed. Then apply the last option - put a decorative patch.

How to wash blood from clothes of "fresh" origin?

The easiest way to remove stains is immediately after you get dirty.

- The first thing to do is rinse with plenty of cold water. Soaking for 10-15 minutes will also help remove the stain without additional processing.

- The second stage - lather with soap and rinse with cold water. Do this several times.

- The third option is to use hydrogen peroxide. When cleaning thin tissues, it is better not to do this - the structure may be significantly disturbed, which will lead to the formation of a hole.

- The fourth tip applies only to light cotton fabrics (especially white). After the obligatory “cold” treatment, try boiling the product in water with the addition of laundry soap for half an hour.

how to remove blood stains

How to remove blood stains with “dry” methods?

There are several options for stain removal by applying a variety of thick or mushy mixtures:

  1. Cover the stain with a cotton swab with warm glycerin. After that, the fabric is rinsed in cold water, and then washed in the usual way.
  2. Mix the two tables. tablespoons of starch, one table. a spoonful of salt and a quarter of a glass of water. The paste is applied to the stain and holds until dry. Then the product is washed under running cold water.

Ways to wash blood off furniture upholstery

blood stains

Such spots in most cases appear under very delicate, unforeseen circumstances. The origin of their usually "female" nature (menstrual blood on unplanned critical days). The worst thing is if such incidents occur at a party. What to do if besides the upholstery of the sofa is light? Use the starch salt spray method described above. After drying, remove the dried crust from the upholstery with a clothes brush.

What to do if blood stains are old?

Products with dried blood stains are soaked for several hours in saline (1 table. Spoon per liter of water), and then washed with laundry soap. Or you can use ammonia. One table. a spoonful of ammonia is dissolved in half a glass of water and applied with a cotton pad. After five to ten minutes, the product is first rinsed, then washed.

If, after all attempts to remove the stain in simple ways, the only solution is to use bleaches and stain removers.


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