Herpes on the lips: treatment at home, features and reviews

Bubbles and sores on the lips always appear at the wrong time, but herpes is not only a cosmetic problem. A cold on the lips brings a lot of discomfort: the wounds hurt, there is a burning sensation and itching, it is possible to infect someone close or transfer the infection to other parts of the body, not carefully observing the rules of hygiene.

The treatment of herpes on the lips is most effective when the bubbles appear or even before they occur. In the place where a cold soon pops up, tingling and tingling, pain, a slight itching is usually felt, redness occurs. Already at this stage, it is desirable to use pharmacy or home remedies. But how to treat herpes on the lip? We will consider the treatment and the causes of the appearance of rashes below.

Herpes on the lips

A cold on the lips appears due to infection or activity of the HSV-1 virus. The disease manifests itself in the form of skin rashes, slight irritation. Later, it passes into small vesicles filled with lymphatic fluid. When the bubbles reach their maximum size or are combed by a person, they burst. Lymphatic fluid spreads, can get on the fingers. At this time, an infected person is the most contagious to others. Next, scabbing occurs. In place of the bursting bubble, an ulcer appears, a protective crust forms above it. At this stage, it is important not to damage the crust, otherwise healing may take a long time.

Causes of Herpes

Some representatives of the medical community claim that more than 95.5 of the population are infected with herpes, more real numbers are slightly less, but also impressive - 80-90%. But a cold on the lips does not appear so often. Among the main reasons for the activation of the virus are:

  • lack of sleep, frequent physical fatigue, constant fatigue;
  • stresses, nervous experiences and frequent unrest;
  • hypothermia or overheating of the body (this also includes a prolonged stay in an air-conditioned room or going out into the cold without hygienic lipstick on the lips);
  • excessive tanning and prolonged exposure to the scorching sun, especially without lip protection with SPF-factor lipstick;
  • any other inflammatory processes that occur in the body;
  • hormonal changes, including menstruation, pregnancy, lactation, menopause;
  • acute respiratory infections;
  • excessive intoxication (tobacco smoke, alcohol) over a long period of time, bad habits;
  • violation of personal hygiene rules (you can not touch the wounds with your hands, this can lead to repeated self-infection, in addition, herpes can go to other parts of the body);
  • contact with an infected person.

Acyclovir preparations

Antiviral drugs are prescribed exclusively by a doctor and in cases where the affected area is extensive, the rashes are significant and bring not just discomfort, but pain. The most effective for the treatment of herpes on the lips are medications with the active substance acyclovir. Even despite the emergence of a new generation of drugs, Acyclovir and other medicines with the same active substance are prescribed most often. For the development of this drug, scientists even received the Nobel Prize in the 80s of the last century.

treatment of herpes with acyclovir

The principle of action of the substance is as follows: acyclovir enters the DNA chain of the virus, breaks it off and blocks the possibility of further division. This process does not affect the reproduction of human DNA, that is, it does no harm. However, drugs with acyclovir can not be used only symptomatically, then the antiviral effect is lost. The use should be justified by the clinical picture, the drug can only be prescribed by a doctor.

On the basis of acyclovir, such drugs as “Acyclovir”, “Zovirax”, “Acigerpine”, “Virolex”, “Geviran”, “Acyclostad”, “Medovir”, “Provisan”, “Gerpevir” and “Herperax” are produced. These are all synonymous drugs that act in a similar way. The feasibility of using a specific medicine from the list is determined by the attending physician.

"Acyclovir" in tablets of 200 mg of the active substance is used for primary and reducing dermatological infections, mucous membranes caused by HSV-1 and HSV-2. Take inside, you need to drink plenty of clean water. For effective treatment of herpes on the lips, one tablet is prescribed four or five times a day (excluding the period of night sleep). It is possible to treat children with this drug: up to two years, half of the “adult” dose is prescribed (it is not recommended to give medicine to newborns), after - as much as adults. The duration of treatment for herpes on the lips with Acyclovir is five days.

When taken orally, migraines, slight nausea, upset stomach, fatigue, allergic skin reactions, and fever are possible. Contraindication is hypersensitivity. "Acyclovir" treatment of herpes on the lips during pregnancy or lactation is allowed, but with caution.

Valaciclovir tablets

Treatment of herpes on the lips at home is also carried out with valaciclovir preparations. This active substance is the "precursor" of acyclovir. Once in the human body, valaciclovir almost completely decomposes under the action of a special enzyme, turning into acyclovir. Further, its action is similar to the drugs already listed above.

herpes lip treatment

For the treatment of herpes on the lips (according to reviews, these are the most effective medications of this group), Valtrex, Virdel, Valtsikon, Valvir, Vairova, Valtsiklovir are used. Valtrex is available in the form of biconvex coated tablets. Each contains 500 mg of valaciclovir and excipients: magnesium stearate, crospovidone, colloidal silicon dioxide and so on.

They are used in the treatment of cold sores on the lips of Valtrex tablets 500 mg twice a day. If the infection does not manifest itself for the first time, then the course of therapy is three to five days, if primary infection occurs, then the duration of treatment is recommended to be increased to ten days. It is advisable to start taking the drug before the onset of symptoms, then it is most effective.

Frequent cold sores on the lips? Treatment with Valtrex can also be preventive if herpes appears more than nine times a year. Adults and adolescents from 12 years of age are prescribed 500 mg once a day for about one year. If there is no regular sexual activity, then medication should be started three days before the intended contact.

Penciclovir Medications

Penciclovir has a mechanism of action similar to acyclovir. It acts on the DNR of the virus without affecting the person’s own DNA and without harming the patient’s health. Under the action of enzymes, penciclovir is converted into active triphosphate, which is retained on cells infected with the infection for up to 12 hours and does not allow the synthesis of viral DNA.

fenistil medicine

Penciclovir preparations include: "Fenistil Pencivir", "Vectavir." "Fenistil Pencivir" for the treatment of herpes on the lips is available in the form of a cream for external use. Indications for use are also food or drug allergic reactions, urticaria, allergic rhinitis, symptomatic treatment of insect bites, atopic dermatitis and chickenpox.

Drops called "Fenistil" are also prescribed for such conditions, but they are already made on the basis of the substance dimentinden. Adults are usually prescribed 20-40 drops three times a day. If high drowsiness is observed, then the daily dose can be divided into two doses: 20 drops after rising and 40 drops before going to bed. The "children's" dose is calculated by weight: for one kilogram of weight, 0.1 mg of the drug is needed per day (20 drops correspond to 1 mg of the active substance or 1 ml of the drug). The dose should be divided into three doses during the day. So, children up to a year are usually given 3-10 drops, from one year to three years - 10-15 drops, from 3 to 12 - 15-20 drops. The drops taste good, so there should not be any problems with the reception and the need to breed them.

With regard to side effects, most often in patients who are treated for herpes on the lips at home with the help of Fenistil, increased drowsiness and fatigue are observed. This is especially pronounced at the beginning of the course of therapy. Dry mouth, headache and dizziness, increased libido, and nausea may occur less often.

Contraindications include intolerance to certain components of the drug, with extreme caution "Fenistil" should be used to treat children up to a year. It is contraindicated for premature or low birth weight babies. During pregnancy, drops are rarely prescribed.

Famciclovir preparations

The active substance famciclovir in the human body under the influence of special enzymes is converted to penciclovir. Assign "Famvir" or "Minaker." “Famvir” is available in tablets of 125 mg, 250 mg or 500 mg of the active substance. The medicine is swallowed whole, washed down with water. You can take it regardless of the meal. With a primary infection, 250 mg of the drug is prescribed three times a day, and the course of treatment is five days. If relapse occurs, the dose will be 125 mg. You will need to take the medicine twice a day for five days. Correct the regimen for patients with impaired liver function and the elderly.

cold sore medication

Contraindications to the use of the drug are the period of pregnancy and lactation, hypersensitivity, viral infections (only in the treatment of children). During pregnancy, use is permissible only if it is not possible to choose a safe synonymous medicine. Among the possible side effects of Famvira that may appear during the treatment of cold sores on the lips with the drug are headache, nausea and vomiting, jaundice, hallucinations, confusion, dizziness, itching and skin rashes, drowsiness.

Herpes ointments

Many of the above drugs are also available in the form of ointments or creams for local exposure. These are Acyclovir, Zovirax, Bonafton, or Florenal. "Zovirax" is applied to areas affected by the herpes virus, from four to six times a day. Treatment should be started as early as possible, then the course of therapy will be minimal. However, the duration should be at least 5 days (to prevent an early relapse), a maximum of 10 days. Do not apply Zovirax cream or ointment to the mucous membranes.

ointments for the treatment of herpes

Panthenol and Depanthenol

Quick and effective treatment of herpes on the lips is possible with the usual Panthenol. Spray for 140-150 rubles or Depantenol cream for 170-190 will accelerate the healing of wounds from colds on the lips. Use these drugs can only be auxiliary, they have the effect of rapid scarring on the skin, stimulate the epithelium. With the help of "Panthenol" or "Depantenol" get rid of herpes will turn out pretty quickly.

Miramistin and Chlorhexidine

These are the simplest remedies that can be used in treatment, but only in combination with antiviral tablets prescribed by a doctor. Antiseptics "Miramistin" and "Chlorhexidine" in a pharmacy are 180-400 rubles and 10-12 rubles, respectively. They need to lubricate the wounds as often as possible. "Chlohexidine" is also good in that its use does not carry any additional pain, this antiseptic does not pinch.

chlorhexidine treatment of herpes


Balm "Golden Star" - a tool that has been tested by time. The familiar “star” in a pharmacy costs about 50 rubles. The balm has a fairly warming and anti-inflammatory effect, disinfects, when applied, it is true that there is a burning sensation, but it quickly passes. Herpes will pass in just one or two days, if you lubricate the wounds with an “asterisk” three times a day.

Doctor Mom

Although Doctor Mom is not a cure for herpes, it helps a lot with the very first signs of a cold on the lips. If you start lubricating the wound on time, then it can pass during the day. That's just “Doctor Mom” and “Golden Star” can cause an unfavorable dermatological reaction, so before using these balms you need to conduct an allergic test. You should smear a small area of ​​the skin with the chosen product. If within a few hours no symptoms of irritation appear, then you can lubricate the bubbles on the lips.

Baking soda and salt

The treatment of herpes on the lips with home remedies is also possible, but this should be an adjunct therapy, and not the main one. It’s better to follow the doctor’s recommendations and take antiviral pills, and use something from traditional medicine as a symptomatic remedy. Healing will be accelerated by ordinary soda and table salt, grains of which need to be applied several times a day to the affected area.

alternative treatment for herpes


The treatment of herpes on the lips with toothpaste gets good reviews. This is a simple remedy that dries wounds well and disinfects the affected area. Perfect, for example, toothpaste "Forest Balsam." The only important rule is that you do not need to lubricate the toothpaste with the vesicles or wounds themselves, but the place where (according to the sensations) the rash will soon appear.

Aroma oils

Aromatic oils are strong natural antiseptics. The anti-inflammatory property of the oils will relieve local rashes, and they will have an antimicrobial effect directly on the herpes virus. It is necessary to lubricate the wounds with aromatic oil or their mixture. Tea tree oil is perfect for this purpose (it must be used with caution in its pure form, otherwise you can get a burn; preferably diluted with almond, soy or olive), cedar, pine oil, fir, eucalyptus oil. Almond or sea-buckthorn oil works well, which will also significantly speed up recovery.


Propolis can be used to treat colds on the lips only for those who are not allergic to beekeeping products. In addition, you need to be sure of its quality. Of course, it is better if propolis is from its own apiary, but not everyone has such a great opportunity. The therapy is the same - it is necessary to lubricate the affected area with propolis.

folk remedies for the treatment of herpes on the lips

Plant juices

Aloe juice, Kalanchoe, lemon or aspen leaves are a quick treatment for herpes on the lips with folk remedies. You can take any you like or one that is at hand. It is enough to lubricate the vesicles with lymph fluid with juice squeezed from plants or lemon for several days.

Home ointment

An ointment made with one's own hand is a folk remedy quite effective in the treatment of herpes on the lips. Such an ointment can be made from ash, honey and garlic. First you need to burn a piece of paper on a saucer and carefully collect the ash. Next, you need to crush or grate two cloves of garlic. Half a tablespoon of honey should be mixed with a tablespoon of ash, add garlic and mix well. With this mixture, you need to lubricate areas that are affected by the virus, two or three times a day.

Garlic vs Herpes

Alternative treatment of herpes on the lips is, of course, garlic. You can just gently rub the wound with a clove of garlic, cut in half, lubricate the affected area with lemon juice. To avoid bad breath from the lips, it is better to do the manipulation in front of the catfish. After garlic, it is also recommended to lubricate the lesion with a small amount of honey.


Causes of cold sores on the lips and treatment should be interlinked. This is especially true for those cases when it comes to frequent relapses of a cold on the lips. The main reason for unpleasant rashes is, after all, a decrease in immunity. To treat the causes of cold sores on the lips, sometimes it is enough to drink the vitamin-mineral complex prescribed by the doctor. If herpes occurs in pregnant women, this may indicate a lack of B vitamins. In any case, in the autumn-winter period, as well as in the spring, when there is still very little sun, fresh vegetables and fruits, it is advisable to take care of your health. The doctor will help you find the right vitamins.

herpes prophylaxis


Prevention of the appearance of herpes is an immunity support and a healthy lifestyle. You need to try not to overheat and not to overcool, not to be in the sun for a long time or in an air-conditioned room, to use hygienic lipstick when going out in the cold. You also need to eat enough fresh vegetables and fruits, healthy foods to saturate the body with vitamins, it is advisable to abandon bad habits.

So, the causes and treatment of herpes on the lips are interconnected, therapy can be carried out using antiviral drugs for oral use, ointments and creams for topical application and home remedies. Before taking the pills, you should definitely consult your doctor, as some of them should be used with caution if there are certain diseases in the patient’s history.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14301/

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