Earnings on mobile applications: methods and requirements

Recently, more and more users of mobile technology and the World Wide Web are interested in the top of mobile applications for making money. Indeed, this option of making money is quite easy, especially if a person knows how to create your own application and monetize it. There are many options and ways. Consider the main features of making a profit in this promising area.

general information

From year to year, the mobile market is becoming larger, and it is very difficult for an ordinary person to imagine how much money is involved in this area. As is known from statistical reports, over the first quarter of this year, in total, applications developed for smartphones provided their authors with about 2.5 billion US dollars. The number of people with their own mobile equipment is increasing daily. At the same time, there are more developers who have realized the promise of this area. Some people think that creating and monetizing apps is the true gold mine of our time. On average, studies have shown that 45% of developers provided themselves with a monthly income of more than a thousand dollars.

In order to secure easy money on mobile earnings, the application must first be done. To provide yourself with a decent income, you should proceed as follows: first come up with an idea, then develop an information product, study ways to monetize development, evaluate them by profitability and put them into practice. It will not be superfluous to first get acquainted with the real experience of people working in this field. Quite curious in this regard are personal projects of developers in which people talk about different working situations and subtleties. Failures and successes, collapse and progress, ways to achieve your goals - many of these invaluable knowledge are ready to give their readers, so do not neglect such sources of information.

earnings on mobile applications

How it works?

To use applications for mobile earnings on iOS, Android, Windows Background, you must first develop your product. Monetization is the second stage. There are several schemes for ensuring profit through the result of their intellectual work. A mobile application that gives earnings to its author is a program launched on a smartphone that is designed to solve a certain predetermined task. So, any game for the phone is an application aimed at entertaining the audience. It can be completely free for the player, and the developer, having correctly approached the issue of monetization, will secure millions of profits. This is surprising and not always clear to the average man, but it works - you just need to responsibly deal with popular schemes these days.

From the very beginning

To think over which mobile applications for making money on Android, iOS and other platforms to use, you should first familiarize yourself with the most popular types of information products. Quite revealing in this top of Google Market apps. The leading positions are occupied by products designed for communication, use of social networks. Authoring banking products for using the services of such enterprises are popular.

Total applications - several million. They are structured into categories. As a rule, all products are divided into games, educational projects devoted to journalism, health, drinks, tourism, entertainment, shopping. Choosing a curious direction for oneself, one can not limit oneself to the strict framework of the idea that is popular, as it seems,: one can create in any field that attracts. The main idea is to create an application that will interest users and be useful. And this is possible if the product is aimed at solving a specific problem.

To understand how and what is the best way to make money, you should familiarize yourself with products that already bring decent money to their authors. For example, when planning to make money on mobile applications on Android, you should take a closer look at unusual projects created for fitness lovers, turning a smartphone into a radar detector or designed for students.

mobile money making apps

What is it about?

There are interesting applications in which trackers are integrated with reference to the navigation system. They provide information on a variety of training indicators, track distance and speed, measure the time spent and calories burned by the user. Here you can keep a training journal, formulate goals for yourself and track your progress. Is it attractive? Still would. What is the likelihood that such an application will be downloaded? Very high. Is it possible to monetize it? Yes easily.

However, such curious projects already exist and even bring money to their owners. Creating a clone of a popular program is useless, especially if it is already free to download. But such projects well illustrate the prospect of work in this area. Carried away by something specific, a developer can create an application that will be useful to all people with the same interests. Knowing the specifics of the sphere well, the author will lay down all the useful functions, which means that the project will surely be in demand.

And what about the money?

When planning to make money through mobile applications, you need to understand that money will not pour from the sky by itself. First you have to make an effort. You can create a project yourself or attract a group of specialists. If they are friends, they can help for free, but hiring programmers will have to pay for their work. The author’s task is to calculate in advance costs and profits, evaluate the characteristics of the target audience. The next step is to create an information product. Then it is untwisted, and after that they receive income through the monetization of the project. Each of the steps contains an abundance of nuances.

Before calculating your earnings on the Internet in mobile applications, you first need to understand what they are. The two main platforms are Android and iOS. On average, according to market analysts, they account for about 99% of the market. The rest is reserved for a less popular project - Windows for smartphones. The OS has its own application store, a built-in directory that allows the user to download the desired information product and install it on their equipment. The store contains millions of different products, of which many are never installed by users. All applications are divided into free and those for which you have to pay to download and install.

best mobile apps for making money

Where's the money?

At first glance, it might seem that to make money on iOS and Android mobile applications, programs should be done with paid downloads, but in fact, free ones are no worse than monetization. The first option is more transparent and understandable. The user, wanting to gain access, makes a small contribution once, then receives the product and applies it for his tasks and goals. Obviously, free projects are not so profitable for the author. There are different options for earning on them, and it is not always possible to predict in advance which ones will be effective and which ones will hardly bring financial benefits to the developer.

To try your hand at mobile earnings in the application on the "iPhone", the smartphone on the "Android", you need to upload your development to the general store. It is accessible to everyone. True, you should not expect, having made a paid download, that there will immediately be thousands and millions who want to pay for the download. This is especially successfully implemented if the author already has a good name, he has established himself as the creator of effective, accurate, reliable and perfectly working applications, and a new product is aimed at solving some urgent tasks of a simple person. But the unknown creator is unlikely to succeed so quickly, so you should consider the possibility of monetizing the product in advance, downloading which would be free for any user.

I want money!

Already at the planning stage of a future product, monetization methods need to be considered. When planning to use mobile applications for making money, it is important to take into account the target audience and the level of filling of the selected market with competitors. It will not be superfluous to evaluate which mechanisms are more often used by creators of other applications of similar specifics for profit.

Most applications in stores and catalogs are free. There are a lot of options for receiving money through such projects. You can implement ad units or offer users additional functionality for a reasonable fee. There are some other ways. Let's consider in more detail.

mobile earning application on clicks

No ads - nowhere

It is known that the best mobile applications for making money are well-developed projects. Is it possible to get started without submitting ads to advertising sites? It is doubtful. However, this also works in the opposite direction: by spending money on advertising and providing audience attention to your development, you can turn it into an advertising platform and start receiving money from those who are still striving for demand and fame.

Advertising is the most popular and most familiar method of making profit through smartphone programs in the modern world of application monetization. The developer at the stage of programming the interface creates special blocks designed for advertisements. The user downloads a new project from the catalog, launches it, and during use constantly sees different advertisements. If he clicks on the proposed link, the author of the development receives a small fee from the advertiser.

You can understand how this method is popular and effective by looking at typical modern programs for smartphones - in many advertisements there are so many that your eyes run wide. However, this is more annoying than causing any positive feedback. But the user can pay for the function of disabling advertising. To start making money as an advertising platform, you will have to register your product in a special affiliate program. There are quite a few of them, the most famous is Google Adwords. The official page of this resource describes in detail the current conditions of cooperation.

About advertising in more detail

So that of all the projects created by beginning developers the best mobile app for making money is really effective, you should look at what they charge money for. In some cases, payment has already been paid for viewing advertisements - this is more typical of advertisements in video format. More often paid for transitions. Ads are banners, native (that is, those that merge with the content of the project).

There are pop-up ads and notifications. The latter appears in the notification area on the user's phone. To ensure a good profit, you need to develop an application that will appeal to thousands and millions of people. In this case, it will become a source of good money, even if it contains only one ad unit, which is not too intrusive for the client’s eyes.

mobile earning applications on ios

It's time to buy

If through the developed application mobile earnings on clicks are not satisfied, you can try to implement another function - the purchase of a product for regular money. As is known from the statistical reports of last year, approximately half of all the income of the authors of various programs was due to just such a function. Inside the application, you can sell products or additional functionality. You can, for example, create a special information product for shopping enthusiasts aimed at selling clothes. Participants will make acquisitions, and the creator will receive money for this. However, this is relevant only if you have your own store, because you have to send the purchased to the customer. A much more convenient and successful option is the introduction of additional functions for which you have to pay.

Considering the best mobile applications for making money, common today, it is worth paying attention to numerous games. For the most part, they are available to users completely free of charge, but there is an internal special store. It is possible to purchase specific bonuses in it, thanks to which the game becomes easier and more efficient. Usually, at the start-up stage, the user is given one tool out of several, allowing them to achieve success in the game. If a person is interested in a better result, he needs everyone else, but they already have to pay for them. In addition, you can enter paid insignificant little things - jewelry, medals, skins, allowing you to diversify the picture and make the process brighter, more colorful, more fun.

Why does it work?

In order for the earnings on the mobile application to be good, while the paid function does not cause dissatisfaction with the player, an alternative option should be introduced to achieve the desired through the internal currency available for achieving any outstanding indicators. So a person gets a choice: you can make your own money inside the game that you like so much from the pictures, but you can not waste time and effort and buy an item for real money. At the same time, it is important to maintain a balance so that the acquired functions do not give the player too pronounced advantages in the game process - this is especially true for multi-player projects. Such an approach to monetization can cause dissatisfaction not only with the player who purchases the items, but with everyone else who does not want to gain anything from the principle, and who are dissatisfied with how much they lose.

Usually, players purchase items to stand out from the rest. This allows you to improve self-esteem, therefore, a positive effect on a person and his behavior in real life. Making real money in the game among gamers is called a donat. In principle, the purchase process can be organized in any application, not just gaming. The main idea of ​​the developer is to think over the motivation for the user, so that he really wants to pay for the function. To do this, it must be evaluated by a person above money. In general, the profitability of this aspect of earnings is not limited.

making money on android mobile applications

What do experienced people say?

As you can see from the reviews about earning on clicks, mobile applications to their owners through this mechanism, although they give good money, but this is a relatively small profit. Of course, certain financial support is never superfluous, but nowadays, many users are only annoyed when they see ads, therefore they don’t click on it. As you can see from the reviews, making money on a mobile application that makes it possible to buy some function is more reliable, stable, attractive, but there are some disadvantages here. The project may be unsuccessful, and the function that the author is trying to monetize may not be of interest to the user. Only by analyzing the market responsibly can you understand what customers are willing to pay for.

In the general case, as you can conclude from the reviews, in mobile applications, earnings are possible in different ways, and all of them are effective if you use them wisely, but only in practice this is not obtained by many. According to some, the introduction of paid functionality is the most reliable way to get enough money. In addition, it is applicable to the project in any direction. However, what other opportunities are there?

Paid Subscriptions

This monetization path is also quite attractive and quite promising. The main idea is to introduce additional functionality into the product, for access to which the user must make real money. For the amount paid, he receives the desired for a limited time. So they practice, for example, subscribing to news updates - say, for a month or six months. You can subscribe to your favorite magazine. In general, as experienced developers assure, this way of making a profit is one of the most reliable and successful, while the introduction of paid functionality does not cause such a rejection from the client as the abundance of advertising.

To understand how this works, you should turn to popular subscriptions of major services. For example, YouTube offers its users a Premium subscription. , , . , , , . 200 , .


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Such earnings on mobile applications is popular for its versatility - it can be implemented in almost any application. There are, in particular, popular games in which the user is forced to watch a video after each successive failure. Since the levels are quite short, on average every few minutes a participant in the project is shown another video, for watching which (even partial) the author receives financial encouragement from the advertiser.

There are other products in which developers motivate users to watch ads, charging them some bonuses for this. Currently, an average author can get about 11.6 dollars (about 789 rubles) per thousand views of video in the application. In the United States, prices are slightly higher - almost 13 dollars (884 rubles), but in most other countries they are much lower. For example, Indians pay only about 2.2 dollars (149 rubles).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14305/

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