Haircut on the 11 lunar day: characteristic of the day, reviews

Many girls and women, before going to the beauty salon and conducting various hair treatments, open the lunar calendar. This has happened since ancient times, when people carried out haircuts only on favorable days. After all, it is believed that the general condition of a person and his further fate depend on manipulations with the haircut.

Day feature

11 lunar day is considered an incredibly energetic day, which can greatly affect a person’s state of health and his emotional mood. This day has a strong energy of fire, and its element is earth. Astrologers advise on this day to pay attention to self-control, to concentrate fully on the goals set, and also to rationally calculate their capabilities and strengths.

Moon calendar

Do not overload yourself with work if you are not sure that the result will justify the means. Hair cutting on the 11 lunar day will affect the internal energy of a person. It will become stronger, the desire to reach new heights will increase and will lead to the restoration of favorable relations between colleagues, friends, partners.

Astrologers claim that on this day, the moon has an incredibly powerful influence. In order for a haircut on the 11 lunar day to bring only a favorable result, you need to be confident in yourself, set up for a good result and think only about achieving a specific goal. Any undertaking on this day will be fueled by cosmic energy, and it is doomed to success.

Haircut effect

11 lunar day in the lunar haircut calendar shows that this day is great for changing the hairstyle. Visiting beauty salons will lead to an increase in internal energy, which will be directed only in a favorable direction and will contribute to the achievement of goals.


Hair after the procedures will be more actively grow and strengthen from the very roots. If the ritual of hair care includes any procedure for shining hair, then after them the strands will have an incredibly beautiful and attractive look. The effect of the haircut on the 11 lunar day will be felt for several weeks, after which the energy will gradually fade.

Astrologers claim that the person who makes the haircut on this day will be able to forgive and let go of all insults. He will feel better and will be able to easily establish relationships with his loved ones. A haircut on the 11 lunar day helps to improve the body and overall health.

Reviews of girls

To believe in the influence of haircuts and hair manipulations according to the lunar calendar is the business of each individual person. However, a large number of reviews shows that a haircut on the 11 lunar day does have an incredibly strong effect on the condition of the hair and human health.

Girls and women note that after visiting beauty salons, hair grows very quickly. They become stronger, more resilient and shiny, and lend themselves well to various styling. The tips become less brittle and do not undergo section. They notice that the fall process slows down several times.

Moon phases

The internal and external state of a person improves markedly. The amount of energy that is aimed at fulfilling the desires and needs of a person is increasing. Girls say that relations between relatives and colleagues are improving, becoming more trusting. The work of the whole body is being established and the general condition is improving every day.


A haircut on the 11 lunar day has an incredibly powerful effect on every person. It is important that a trip to a beauty salon and all hair treatments bring not only an outwardly beautiful result, but also improve a person’s internal state. Reviews show that haircuts on favorable lunar days really have a strong energy and impact on human life.


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