Modern hairstyles for boys: 3 tips for parents

You are a caring mother of a little tomboy, or your pupil does not depart from textbooks. In any case, initially, from early childhood, it was you who was responsible for the appearance of the son. And every year the problem will become more acute. In the first few months, small hairs in the amount of “four pieces” only pleased you, in the first three years it was enough to cut the baby shortly, but here comes the treasured moment when the child goes to school. Since then, the question of choosing a hairstyle for boys has become no less important for parents than choosing a school bag. And it depends on you whether the child will be satisfied, whether a conflict arises between you.

Tip 1. Hairstyles for boys with maternal hands: only without extreme!

You may be used to cutting your baby the way you like. But he is no longer a year old. The kid communicates with peers, teachers, high school students look at him. And here you simply must take into account the social factor! How would you not like to shave a couple of patterns on the top of your child, or cut your hair at 0.5, leaving your bangs, try not to resort to extreme or too original options without the child’s consent. You don’t want the baby to become a victim of bullying just because his mother shaved twisted patterns on his head, cut a mohawk or braided dreadlocks?

Try without extreme. He will still be in your life when the baby grows up and wants to dye his hair blue. Then it will be his personal decision and he will have to deal with the consequences.

Tip 2. Not a single fashion

Beauty is said to be above all. In the case of the selection of hairstyles for boys, the smaller the age - the more important the convenience. An eight-year-old baby will not straighten her bangs or do daily styling with a gel. And the child’s activity is proportional to the length of the hair: then you don’t want to pull out pieces of chewing gum from long tangled cosmas?

The most convenient hairstyles for boys under 12 years old are a short haircut or a hedgehog (depending on the hair structure and activity of the child). They do not require special care, but often force you to visit a hairdresser (about once every three weeks). Especially a haircut is relevant in the summer, on vacation or in a children's recreation camp.

Tip 3. Teenage hairstyles for boys: patience, only patience

The most difficult stage for all parents, when the boy grows up and begins to be a person, the situation is aggravated by experiments in appearance. There are haircuts - do not haircuts, advise - do not advise, and one day your son may come with an original haircut with uneven contours and a bang that covers the face. And do not immediately drink sedatives or yell at the child. It does not matter what subculture it belongs to and whether it belongs at all.

Firstly, choosing a hairstyle for a boy at this age becomes a very personal matter in which he does not want to interfere with his parents. This is a personal identification, a search for oneself and one's own style, an effort to please a girl. And secondly, before scolding his son, pay attention to the surrounding youth. For example, emo hairstyles, which some scold so much, have been worn by young people throughout Europe for more than a decade who do not even belong to any subcultures. On the other hand, still pay attention not to the hairstyle itself, but to the general style of the child. This will help you better understand the teenager and his views on life.

Nowadays, you can choose fashionable hairstyles for boys of all ages and worldviews. Whether it is long hair, casually gathered in a bun, or a short neat haircut, or a slanting bangs - the main thing is that the child likes it and it is easy to take care of the hair. And perhaps he himself will come up with and draw, which haircut is more to his liking.


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