Food and Recipe Delivery Service "Food Party": reviews, description, menu

Every housewife wants to deliciously feed her husband, and at the same time spend as little time as possible on shopping and standing at the stove. Therefore, you need to carefully think through the menu for several days, make a list of products and purchase everything you need. In this case, there is a chance to save by combining various ingredients, the remains of which will be used to prepare the next dish. But that is not all. It is necessary to go through more than one store to choose all the freshest and most useful. If you also work, then this becomes an impossible task. What are the outputs:

  • The same type of menu. Soup or pasta in the navy, something that cooks quickly and does not require large expenditures. But after a couple of weeks, such food bothers.
  • Semi-finished products. You will definitely not suffer from monotony, but the usefulness of such products is in question.
  • "Party food." This is a unique opportunity to cook at home in a restaurant, without wasting time looking for the right products, reading recipes and training attempts. Every time you get a masterpiece.

party food reviews

New in the service market

Indeed, this is a unique offer, which so far is available only to residents of the metropolis. You are given the opportunity to weed out the search for recipes, studying the menu, making a list of the necessary ingredients, their searches and purchases, as well as transportation to home. All this is done by the Food Party company. Reviews are different today, but most people are pleasantly surprised by this service and plan to contact the company further.

So, all that is required of you is to go to the site and select the type of menu. There are options for those who want to lose weight, for vegetarians and children, as well as for meat eaters. In general, for all occasions. On the weekend, the courier will come and bring you packaged products with recipes and cook recommendations. Judging by the reviews, "Food Party" greatly facilitates the life of the hostesses. Now you can spend in the kitchen about 30 minutes daily and at the same time please your home with delicious and varied dishes.

New business idea

In Russia, such a service appeared relatively recently. The pioneers in dinner delivery services were Homes Delicious. It was they who came to the conclusion that restaurant food can be easily prepared at home, provided that the cook (that is, the hostess) has all the ingredients and the recipe is well described. By the way, the chef of this company has now led the Food Party project. Reviews of regular customers make it clear that they are very pleased with this turn of events, because they were pleased with the quality of the delivered products, the size of the servings and the results of their efforts.

party food spb reviews

Cooking yourself, why a chef?

This thought may appear in a person who has not yet encountered such a service. The fact is that the client shows a minimum of effort to prepare dinner. But so that every time there is a masterpiece, the chef must try very hard. Think over the recipe, carefully weigh the required number of products, describe the cooking process, as well as some subtleties and secrets. And the most important thing is to come up with something so tasty and unusual that you can cook it quickly and simply in the ordinary kitchen. You must admit that it is on this point that our fantasies about a novelty in the family menu usually stall.

Company birth

In 2014, a team of people united by a common idea launched a project called the “Food Party”. The reviews suggest that the inhabitants of the Northern capital took it with great enthusiasm. Still, such a saving of time and effort. The main concept of the company was the idea that food should be tasty, healthy and served on time. The whole team is working tirelessly, so that is how it was.

party food founder

Step One: Learning the Menu

If you are tired of shopping, then welcome to the company website. Here you will be asked to select several menu options. In principle, everything is intuitive:

  • Classic. Everything is pretty simple and tasty: potatoes and meat, fish and vegetables.
  • Vegetarian. There is a minimum of fatty and heavy foods, the emphasis is on vegetables and herbs.
  • Bright menu. If you want for dinner not just a stew of potatoes with beef, but something unusual and very interesting, then contact. You are waiting for new ideas and recipes from the company "Food Party" (St. Petersburg). The reviews confirm that the cook manages to combine completely incompatible products in one dish, but the result is bright and tasty.
  • Premium - veal cheeks and turkey, creamy sauce and spicy couscous. True gourmets can appreciate the unique recipes worthy of serving in the best restaurants. Your homework will be greatly surprised.
  • "Fitness". For those who follow the figure and go in for sports.

Standard options

Rate your taste preferences and choose one of the proposed options. Next, decide how many days you want to cook from the products you bring home. There are several standard schemes that Food Party (St. Petersburg) offers its customers. Reviews say that the most convenient is a package of five dinners. Each of them is designed for two people. But the site has the opportunity to order a trial package for three dinners, as well as change the settings from two people to four. Then a package with the amount of products for the whole family will come.

Each dish, which is included in the menu of one day, can be changed. To do this, there is a special tab, clicking on which, you will open access to the available options. Read the composition and press "replace". As a result, you will find an unlimited number of dinner options that will not be repeated among themselves.

breakfast food party

Delivery strictly on the day off

Indeed, you will have to think carefully about the menu and place an order before Saturday. Delivery will be made on Sunday, so that you can well consider the purchase. On weekdays, usually there is sorely enough time for this. The founder of the Food Party Mikhail Peregudov in his interviews many times noted that there are several priorities for him: good serving, the highest quality and practicality. There are no problems with any of these points. You are brought fresh chilled products, which calmly lie in the refrigerator without freezing right up to the day of their preparation. All of them are well packed and numbered, so that it is convenient to take and cook. The meat and fish are usually already sliced, all that remains is to cut the vegetables.

What's in the box

Today, a new dinner delivery format is available in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The Food Party, whose reviews are very good, is not the only company developing this market, but so far it is the leading one. Customers are satisfied with the serving of the products and the portion size, as well as the quality. But let's get it in order.

So, placing an order, you get a weighty box in which you find several packages of products. They are numbered: day one, two, three, and so on. You should not change the sequence, because the first usually consists of products that have the shortest shelf life without freezing. If you are still in doubt about the quality of the food that the Food Party offers, the test box is the perfect solution for you. This is a three day package. Accordingly, dishes can be selected on the site at your discretion.

party food menu

Look inside

As already mentioned, in the box there are five (or three) packages, each of which is packed in a special thermal layer. By the way, delivery is carried out using special CoolAround technology. Its essence is that production, packaging and delivery are carried out at a temperature of + 5-7 g. This is the ideal temperature for most products. Special packaging with insulation and ice keeps the temperature up to 17 hours, even if the summer is hot in the street. Due to this, nothing spoils, and meat and fish get to the client in a chilled form.

Open the package

Removing the protective thermal layer and removing the ice pack, you can begin to consider the grocery set. All of them are packed in separate packages, the necessary spices are attached, there are complete instructions for using each ingredient of the future dish. Vegetables come unwashed and not peeled. This may seem like a minus, but in fact, this option simply provides long-term safety. All customers note good quality products. The meat and fish are enclosed in vacuum packaging, which gives them the opportunity to "live" without freezing. Of the minuses, some inconsistencies in the menu are emphasized. For example, if you shake out the whole seasoning attached to the sauce, it turns out too sharply. Apparently, they put it with a margin, and then everyone can adjust it independently.

food party trial box

Classic menu

"Food Party" promises each client to choose a menu according to his individual needs and tastes. But classics are classics, it's hard to argue with that. What can I cook for dinner by ordering this package?

  • Chicken mitballs with zucchini and tartar sauce.
  • Cod in a creamy sauce with sun-dried tomatoes and sautéed vegetables.
  • Oriental kebab with rice.
  • Turkey beef stroganoff with mashed potatoes.
  • Beef tenderloin with vegetable stew.

Familiar sound dishes. As regular customers note, the portions are quite large. About 500-600 g. That is, it can be enough for three, as well as some products often remain on a day off, making it possible to do without unnecessary trips to the store.

Vegetarian menu

Do you think life is impossible without meat? You've never been wrong before, and the Food Party company dispels this myth. Employee reviews emphasize that with the start of work here they themselves began to cook vegetarian dishes more often, because it is tasty and not too expensive, and also very useful. Be sure to try the following food options:

  • Quesadilla with lentils, Adyghe cheese and tomato sauce.
  • Curry with Brussels sprouts, zucchini and green beans.
  • Fried tofu with eggplant in sweet and sour sauce.
  • Spaghetti with tomato sauce, nut mix and tofu.
  • Bean and chickpea cutlets with green buckwheat.

ooo party food spb employee reviews

Employee Reviews

Party Food LLC (St. Petersburg) has recently entered the market, but today it has become prestigious and very interesting to work here. The leader is interested in making it not just a team, but a reliable and friendly team in which everyone would live by a common idea and put their soul into its development. Apparently, he succeeds because the vacancies here open only as the staff grows. An interesting job and a decent salary is an excellent reason to remain loyal to the employer. In addition, you get the opportunity to work in an office located near the metro, receive your money without delay, and also have a discount on dinners.

Future plans

The only negative that consumers note in the work of the Food Party company is breakfast, or rather, their absence. The busiest would prefer to get a complete package of products from which you can prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner for the whole family. But it should be noted that today the company specializes exclusively in delicious dinners. That is, the emphasis is on busy people who eat at home only in the evening, and spend the rest of their time in business. However, breakfasts are still most often held at home, albeit at a fast pace. Therefore, today it is planned to launch a new project from the Food Party company. Smoothies made from carefully collected ingredients are a great start to the day. While there are no recipes and prices for future breakfasts, so we will only have to guess what will be prepared for us.

Instead of a conclusion

Today it is one of the most successful companies, which offers its customers sets for quick preparation of a tasty and healthy dinner. Consumers say that even in supermarkets it is difficult to find products of such high quality. The fact is that the head of the Food Party individually entered into agreements with each supplier, which he selected in the most thorough manner. Add to this the work of a professional chef and get the expectedly excellent result.


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