How much can you sit on the twine and not harm yourself?

So, you decided to do your stretching. A reasonable question arises about how much you can sit on the twine. Experts do not recommend rushing with this, since unnaturally fast stretching of muscles and tendons will not lead to anything good.

How much can you sit on the twine
Muscle stretching exercises
To begin with, let's define what โ€œtwineโ€ is. This is a specific exercise, stretching muscles, ligaments. It represents the position of the body in which the legs are bent in different directions parallel to the trunk (longitudinal) or perpendicular to it (transverse).

That, how much you can sit on the twine, everyone determines for himself. There are people who are naturally flexible and with good stretch, there are trained, regularly involved in sports, and there are beginners. Nevertheless, perseverance and work on yourself will provide an excellent result. You just don't have to wait for it in a matter of days.

Beginners always try to quickly achieve results, making a mistake in how much you can sit on the twine from scratch. Everything has its own time, and the main thing here is not a rush, but a systematic approach.

The most important thing in any workout is warming up. Stretching is no exception. It is necessary to prepare the muscles and ligaments for stretching, otherwise you can get a serious injury. Therefore, before stretching, you need to do a half-hour charge.

Warmed up? Great, now you can safely do stretching. Of course, you wonโ€™t be able to sit on the twine right away. For this, special exercises for muscle stretching are developed. Here are the main ones:

  • Squat down, straighten one leg and take it to the side, slowly roll from foot to foot. Perform at least 10 repetitions, breathing should be even, however, like the back.
  • Sit on the floor. Keep your back straight, stretch straight legs forward, forming an angle of 90 degrees. Tilt your torso to the right and left toes alternately.
  • Get down on one knee. With emphasis on the other leg, take the bent back, trying to set it as far as possible. Keep your back straight, do it slowly.
  • Sitting on the floor, connect your feet, knees apart. The exercise is that you should touch the floor with your knees. You can help yourself by resting your hands on your knees. Perform smoothly, measuredly, keep your back straight.
  • For any object at the level of the belt, throw one leg. Tilt down, trying to touch the floor with your palms. For each leg, it is recommended to perform 10-15 inclinations.
  • Sit in transverse or longitudinal twine as far as possible. You will see your level of stretching, which will show how much you can sit on the twine, based on the preparedness of the muscles and ligaments. Insure yourself with your hands, there will be a little discomfort, but the pain should not be too strong. Feeling light, you can gradually make the landing deeper.

How much you can sit on the twine from scratch
Repeat these exercises at least every other day, the result will not be long in coming.

Do not forget that it is not always useful to do stretching. If you have leg bruises, spinal diseases, hypertension, bone fractures or fractures, you cannot do it.

In conclusion, it is worth recalling that how much you can sit on the twine is determined individually. And time it depends on natural data and physical fitness, as well as on health status. Good luck!


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