Cocktail "Moscow Lights": a mild taste and a rainbow-colored mood

It would seem that our country has not so long ago joined the list of states that actively use the art of bartenders. But at the same time, quite a lot of purely Russian cocktails have already entered the international annals. Moreover, they are recognized even by international barman organizations. Among them is the Moscow Lights cocktail, which was especially loved by ladies and supporters of soft drinks.

cocktail Moscow lights

The cocktail legend

No compound alcoholic drink can do without the myth associated with it. It has its own history and the Moscow Lights cocktail. According to legend, he is associated with the exhibition “Lights of Moscow”, which opened the exposition on the 250th anniversary of street lighting in the capital in the 1980 Olympic year. Four years later, the exhibition grew from a museum of the same name, which settled in the old mansion of the Armenian Lane. And a little later, the Moscow Lights cocktail was created - theoretically, to view museum exhibits more vividly.

True, it remains unclear where in Soviet times people took components for a not so simple cocktail. Nevertheless, the version of the origin has taken root and is popular.

Cocktail "Moscow Lights": composition, recipe, serving

The drink became famous in bars for its lightness and tenderness. Secretly, it is even called alcoholic lemonade. But do not flatter yourself: a certain deceit is inherent in him. It is drunk easily, and drunk imperceptibly.

To make a Moscow Lights cocktail, a highball glass is filled with ice. Already in this cooler liqueurs are poured - melon and pineapple. Each is taken in 25 ml. The mixture is topped with juices, pineapple and orange. Each volume is 100 ml. It is recommended to stir the drink with a spoon, but this is not necessary: ​​the components mix well and independently. A traditional decoration is a circle of lime and an orange slice next to it. It is drunk slowly, with pleasure, it is possible through a straw, it is possible without it.

cocktail Moscow lights composition

Terms not to be confused!

For those who are not yet very experienced in bartender terminology, we consider it necessary to give a warning: the Moscow Lights cocktail and the Moscow Lights cocktail are by no means the same thing. The second is a layered drink, the lower level of which is cognac, and the top is champagne. Only a very trained specialist in taking alcoholic beverages will be able to leave the bar on his feet after a glass with such a cocktail. So, treating your girlfriend, do not confuse the name! And it’s better not to overestimate your strengths so as not to spoil the evening.


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