Lungwort. Medicinal properties and application

Perennial plant Lungwort from ancient times include folk healers in their recipes. The herb contains mucus and tannins, silicic and ascorbic acids, rutin, bornesite and polyphenol, organic acids and sugar. Lungwort has medicinal properties and in connection with the rich content of various trace elements in it. This amazing plant contains iron and copper, manganese and titanium, vanadium and silver, as well as calcium and potassium. In addition, the Lungwort, in contrast to many representatives of the Borage family, practically does not contain alkaloids, the presence of which causes the appearance of adverse side effects.

The raw material for the production of medicinal potions is the aerial part of the plant. Its collection is carried out during the flowering period. Store the cooked grass in a frost-free, dark, dry room for no more than one year. Lungwort, the photo of which you see below, finds its application in many recipes of folk healers.

Lungwort healing properties
This plant is appreciated for its anti-inflammatory and wound healing effects on the body. The medunica has medicinal properties and as a hemostatic, disinfecting and analgesic. Herbal preparations are recommended for producing an expectorant, astringent and diuretic effect. Reception of drugs, which include the medunica, helps to strengthen the body's defenses that suppress various infections.

Lungwort photo
Decoctions made from medicinal herbs are used during the course of therapy for pathologies of the lungs as well as the respiratory tract. The medunica exhibits quite good healing properties in bronchial asthma and tuberculosis. It is also recommended for pathologies of the bladder and liver. To get rid of these problems, Lungwort herb in the form of infusions is used as an anesthetic and diuretic.

Preparations containing a medicinal plant are recommended for regulating the activity of endocrine glands. With blood pathologies, they are indicated as a hematopoietic agent. Decoctions of herbs help get rid of diarrhea, constipation and stomach diseases.

Lungwort is widely used in many countries. The healing properties of this herb help in getting rid of respiratory diseases. With these pathologies, the Lungwort shows its enveloping and expectorant properties well. Good results were obtained using medicinal herbs in the treatment of whooping cough.

Lungwort grass
Taking medications containing the medunica helps to suppress the vital activity of influenza and herpes viruses. In phytotherapy, the medunica finds its application and as a means of eliminating the pathology of the thyroid gland. The trace elements rich in healing herbs have beneficial effects on blood formation and remove radionuclides from the body. Decoctions made from Lungwort reduce blood coagulation, thereby reducing the risk of blood clots.

Folk healers recommend the infusion of Lungwort as a means of eliminating problems with the work of the kidneys and bladder. They also relieve these drugs from prostate adenoma.

The plant is used as an external tool for strengthening hair. At the same time, fresh juice of grass is rubbed into the scalp. With lesions of the skin, as well as for the cessation of purulent infections, medunica preparations are recommended for external use.


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