Environmental Action Plan - what is it and why is it needed

In recent decades, the world is facing a large number of environmental problems. From year to year they become more and more tense. The challenges are so great that humanity is not yet able to reverse these processes. However, there is growing understanding that if this is not done, a global environmental catastrophe awaits the planet. All this has led to the fact that more attention is now being paid to environmental protection.

Global environmental issues

There are different classifications of global environmental problems and their solutions. However, it is recognized that the most significant of these are:

  • destruction of natural ecosystems;
  • decrease in species diversity;
  • pollution of air, soil, water, earth's surface;
  • global climate change;
  • problems of the oceans;
  • overpopulation problem.

All of them directly or indirectly can affect the health and well-being of a person, since they are largely interconnected. An environmental action plan can help address them.

More on issues

The destruction of natural ecosystems is increasingly worrying scientists in connection with the risk of irreparable loss of natural heritage and a reduction in the number of biological species of animals and plants. The reason for the exacerbation of this problem is the continuous growth of the population. In many countries, fertility is even stimulated, which is done for purely economic reasons, but it is the environment that suffers. In addition, living in overcrowded conditions is considered unfavorable for physical and mental health.

Environmental pollution is also highly dependent on the global population, largely due to the reluctance to change established habits. It directly affects human health and can affect the number of fish and other living things. This problem is also far from being resolved.

global environmental issues

The problem of global climate change is being actively addressed, however, the insufficiently rapid development of alternative technologies for energy production inhibits this process. Climate change threatens both land and the oceans. The transition to new technologies would reduce the problem of Earth pollution.

environmental pollution

The problem of overpopulation is most relevant for the countries of South and East Asia. Overpopulation naturally affects people's quality of life. It also leads to a deterioration of the sanitary-epidemiological situation and the destruction of natural ecosystems. For example, almost all forests have already been cut down in India.

Environmental action plan

In order for nature conservation activities to be focused and not chaotic, plans are being developed for environmental policies and measures to preserve the environment. Such plans are in China, India, Japan and a number of European countries. In Russia, such planning is rare.

Long-term plans to improve the environmental situation, as a rule, include areas such as the phasing out of coal, chlorinated hydrocarbons, and so on. As well as programs for reforestation, the creation of protected areas, the transition from gasoline and diesel cars to electric and hydrogen cars, plans for the development of alternative energy and more.

development of an environmental action plan

This creates a certain framework prescribed in the legislative acts of specific states. Often these plans are tightened.

In fact, all environmental activities are divided into planned and proactive.

In Russia, environmental planning is still underdeveloped, but some regions assume such obligations. Perhaps their plans lack specificity. This means that they can be created just for show. A similar situation is typical for Ukraine.

A global environmental action plan does not yet exist. The Paris Climate Agreement obliges all participating countries to develop programs that would work within the respective countries.

What is a Green Patrol?

This is a type of public environmental organization designed to solve local problems. It is mainly created for plant protection and landscaping. It can be organized at schools, environmental organizations, universities and other public places.

green patrol

Green Patrol identifies violators of environmental laws. It also contributes to the landscaping of settlements, riverbanks and water bodies, participates in the fight against erosion processes, and also takes part in local history work.

Green Patrol employees are called sentinels. They are usually 6 - 7 people. To distinguish each member wears special dressings on his left hand. It can be two oak leaves crossed among themselves. If there are higher links, stars are also added to these sheets. Most of them at the chief of staff.


Thus, global environmental problems make the development of an environmental action plan relevant. Many countries of the world are engaged in this. In Russia, the process is still in its infancy. Global environmental problems and their solutions are the agenda of a number of developed and developing countries.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14333/

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