Compound words with the root of "waters." The formation of complex words with the root of "waters"

In Russian, words are formed in various ways. Let's talk about one of them.

Addition as a way of forming words

This method is a combination of two words in one, consisting not of one root, but of several. The independent parts of speech, forming such a lexical unit, are preserved in whole or in part. In a compound word, the connecting vowels o or e are often between the roots. If one of the parts is a numeral, then the vowel is also: seven-year. There are also tokens whose basics are directly related.

Let us show, for example, how composite units are formed with the root –water–:

  1. from whole words: kiosk "Juice-water" ;
  2. from the basics without connect. vowels: Burvod microdistrict;
  3. from the basics to connect. vowels: water carrier ;
  4. from part of the base and the whole word: gas supply ;
  5. of the basics with the addition of a suffix: water heater .

So there is the formation of complex words with the root -water-.

compound words with water root

Examples of proposals using them:

  • This reservoir provides drinking water to the entire district.
  • On the water surface of the lake, water striders briskly run.
  • In such a waterproof watch you can safely swim underwater.
  • On ponds, such individuals of birds began to appear that are found only in the south.

Distinguish by value

Compound words with the root “water” can have completely different lexical meanings.

-water- as a colorless, tasteless liquid

-water- as a process of movement with outside help

water carrier

water pipes

drainage system

water jet

pure water


gas pipeline




electrical conductivity


Compound words with a face value

The method of addition forms the names of people who are engaged in a certain business, and the designation of objects intended for something. For example, these are complex words with the roots -var-, -vod-, -ved-:





double boiler

poultry breeder


local historian


These sentences used compound words with 2 roots, with a root –var, –ved, –vod–:

  • Breeders have already begun to learn new technologies for cattle feeding.
  • The appearance of a new species of valuable fur-bearing animals in the forests has attracted hunters.
  • Kuzbass steelmakers excelled in this quarter with an unprecedented increase in productivity.


Let's play. Before you - the crossword "Compound words with the root –water-". Solve it.

compound words with the roots of the var waters of the Vedas

  1. A device for supplying water to a settlement.
  2. A place on a river or lake where animals come to drink water.
  3. One with a high water level.
  4. A special room for a pump that supplies the population with water.

Answers: 1. water supply, 2. watering, 3. full-flowing, 4. water pumping.

Spreading compound words with root -water

Compound words with the root “water” are very common. Most often, compound words are found with roots denoting something without which human existence is impossible, for example, water. The following is a brief dictionary of such tokens.

  • Whirlpool - a place in which the rotational movement of water occurs.
  • Water intake - the process of supplying water from a reservoir or reservoir to a water supply system.
  • Waterproof - with the ability to protect against the ingress of water.
  • Displacement - a characteristic of a vessel by the amount of water displaced by it.
  • Diver - a person specializing in work in the aquatic environment with special gear and equipment.
  • Aquarius is one of the signs of the zodiac.
  • Hydrotherapy is a dispensary specializing in water treatment.
    crossword compound words with water root
  • Hydrotherapy - baths, showers, wiping for therapeutic purposes.
  • Water - loving - well growing in conditions of plenty of moisture.
  • Water filling - designed to pour water into it.
  • Water tower - a tower designed to provide a pressure of water.
  • Waterproof - waterproof.
  • Water-carrier (water-carrier) - a person who carries water.
  • Aquifer is a layer in the earth that contains water.
  • Water repellent is a material that does not absorb moisture.
  • Water purification - disinfecting water.
  • Water treatment - one that is designed to treat wastewater or natural water.
  • A waterfall is a natural phenomenon, which is a drop in a water stream from a height.
    compound words with 2 roots with the root of the Ved Veda waters
  • Waterfowl - adapted to swim on water.
  • A plumber is a worker capable of repairing a water supply system.
  • Water - folding - able to distribute water in the water supply system.
  • A watershed is a terrain that rises above the landscape and divides river basins.
  • Algae - plants that do not have a root, stem and leaves, living in water.
  • Spillway - a structure in a dam designed to discharge excess water.
  • Water supply - providing a settlement or industrial enterprise with water.
  • Water resistant - not washable with water.
  • A gutter is a pipe through which water flows from a roof.
  • Water chowder is a humorous name for a person who drinks a lot of water.
  • A reservoir is an artificially constructed reservoir serving for the accumulation and storage of water, created by blocking the river with a dam.
  • Deepwater - one with a high water level.

Here, of course, far from all complex words with the root “water-” are listed.

Text about the reservoir

To fix the topic, read and find complex words from the text.

"The nature of Siberia is rich. There is even a man-made sea called the Krasnoyarsk Sea. This reservoir was created as a result of the construction of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station on the river Yenisei, the most deep-water in Siberia. The widest place of this sea is fifteen kilometers and the deepest place is one hundred and five meters.

The southern part of the man-made sea is sandy beaches, they are ideal for swimming and relaxation.

There are many places where tourists come: some of them are crowded, they come there by car, others are secluded, you can get there by boat or yacht.

compounding words with the root of the water

A favorite pastime of vacationers is a visit to the spillway. The deafening noise of the water cascading down the ledges, the splashes in which the rainbow forms are all so impressive that it is impossible to remain indifferent. I can’t believe that this magnificent waterfall was created by human hands.

Another of the attractions of the Krasnoyarsk Sea is Biryusinsky Caves. They are open to the public. These stone labyrinths amaze both amateurs and cavers with their corridors and halls. The length of some can reach several kilometers. Grottoes and galleries, passages and transitions - everything is magnificent, mysterious and mysterious. Those who have visited this place at least once remember for a long time the enfilades of stalactites, underground lakes and the glimmers of water on stone walls in blue twilight.

Everyone will be able to find something interesting for themselves on this man-made sea. "


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