Sardonic - which one? Meaning, synonyms and origin

Why do we look into the dictionary while reading books in a foreign language, it is clear: it often happens that because of the poverty of the vocabulary it is difficult for us to unravel the meaning of what we read. But sometimes even Russian words need such a “master key”. Today let's talk about the adjective "sardonic." What's this?

Etymological Dictionary

Many times we read the adjective in question in books and dismissively dismissed the word. It was not too clear, but all right, because such a misunderstanding did not affect the general meaning, and we plunged further into the thicket of the text of the next classic or contemporary author. But you need to do wrong. If you see an unfamiliar Russian word, then run rather for an explanatory dictionary. He will reveal all the secrets. We will do so, but first we will find out what his “colleague” thinks about it - the etymological dictionary.

The latter refers us to the Greek word sardónios, that is, “stinging,” “contemptuous.” Usually similar epithets are awarded with laughter, but it happens that a look or a smile also gets such a characteristic.

A terrible legend and version of Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov

But we have something else to tell the reader. And, perhaps, his blood will freeze in his veins.

The adjective “sardonic” is what also conjures up associations about Sardinia, and is absolutely correct. The second largest island of the Mediterranean Sea has a secret, which gives the key to understanding the object of study.

In ancient times, the inhabitants of the present territory of Italy had a tradition of human sacrifice. Typically, everyone laughed during the ritual, not excluding the victim. Therefore, initially sardonic laughter is an indicator of grief rather than fun. History has not kept data on why it was necessary to laugh.

Isaac Asimov confidentially informs us of another version of the origin. Allegedly, a plant once inhabited the island, which when added to food or by itself had a magical effect: the lips automatically stretched into a disgusting smirk.

It is not surprising that the meaning of the word “sardonic” is so attractive, because such a rich and interesting story is behind it. No matter how good the story, we will have to leave it and turn to our days.


Joker holds a joker card

The explanatory dictionary has already waited its turn, too much time this time we have devoted to the origin of the adjective. Well, it's worth it. Nevertheless, our full-time assistant should not be offended. The Explanatory Dictionary states that the sardonic is “viciously mocking, sarcastic”. As you can see, two sources say the same thing.

To find the right image, we’d best turn to Batman’s worst enemy, the Joker. In the arsenal of the disgustingly attractive criminal there are no other smirks, smiles, glances other than sardonic. The Joker and Batman play the game among themselves, the rest of the participants in the action are random people who, only at the whim of fate, fell into the zone of defeat. But, we think that the first reader’s association was also about the Joker, but any villain would do.


The man laughs slyly

As always, when almost everything has already been clarified, we allow ourselves to diversify the reader’s dictionary if the object of study did not suit his taste or other difficulties arose. In this case, there will be no shortage of logical replacements. So, the list of synonyms for "sardonic":

  • spiteful;
  • mocking
  • poisonous;
  • contemptuous;
  • sarcastic;
  • ironic;
  • sarcastic;
  • mocking.

The main adjectives-replacements got into our “hit parade”, but there is no ranking because they are all equal. And I would like to recall one more illustration in the end. Remember the old movie "The Snow Queen", which was released in 1966? There is a wonderful moment with a sardonic laugh when the Snow Queen enchanted Kai, and he turned into an ugly and evil boy. As for our task, it has been completed.


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