How to attract funds and become a favorite of money?

Money is a very subtle energy matter. It is possible to attract it by certain actions and actions (it’s more accessible to say: sending certain vibrations to the universe) and also push it away from you.

What is money in terms of the laws of the universe?

If we had x-ray vision, most likely we would notice something like the effect of an inverted magnet, when with whatever strength and desire you try to apply the “wrong” upper part, to the “correct” lower part, you feel only elastic between them an air cushion through which, like clockwork, our surface slides over and over again.

By and large, this happens with money. That is why many of us, it would seem, having all the makings, are exhausted to finally have financial enrichment and a luxurious life. But in fact, the story comes out with opposite sides of the magnet. And the thing is that the world was created a little differently than our parents and the party taught us.

There is no concept of justice in nature. When a tree grows, the leaves on it do not worry about some being below, while others are subject to all the grueling weather processes from above. They do not seek justice and are not nervous about this. So a person in life should not seek a fair reward and wait until finally everyone will be rewarded.

Of course, there are laws of karma, according to which what should increase in the next life and what should be taken away is calculated almost mathematically. Therefore, it is possible that you are experiencing financial difficulties in this life precisely because you unjustly took them from someone in the previous one.

In addition to this, there are patrimonial programs in which much depends on the unfulfilled desires and grievances of our ancestors, so do not dig and try to untie all the tight knots of the intricacies of fate. You need to calm down, take for granted everything that is already there, and try to establish a situation with new knowledge. The good news is karma is changing, and life, and in particular the financial situation, depends on our new deeds and the vibrations sent to the universe.

Consider the basic energies that affect the state of things.

1. Energy of joy

They say: "fools are lucky!". Money loves lightness and fun. They strive to where they will spend it quickly and cheerfully, easily transferring it to others. Prerequisite: when receiving money, the first 10 expenses to produce for yourself and your pleasure.

2. The law of attraction

How often have you noticed that all negative or positive circumstances in life come at the same time? There is a saying "trouble does not come alone." True, current situations always attract everyone else who is on the same vibrations. So, you can use this to your advantage. Is little good going on in life? Start playing it artificially! Automatic attraction, including money, will not keep you waiting.

We begin to create positive situations. Oddly enough, a person experiences the most positive emotions, making another happy. Choose 2-3 people from your environment and think about what you can do for them to enjoy? Conditions such as: “hug”, “call”, “say” - are not accepted. The action should be simple and such, at the thought of which you will have pleasant energy flowing through your body. As an example: walk in the morning with a dog instead of dad. Allow the son not to go to the section that he does not like. Put a small amount of money to mom on cell phone.

3. Lack of thoughts. Clear head

The brain should not have a constant stream of chaotic thoughts. A miracle cure is to transfer all thoughts to paper. Moreover, to make the universe “easier” to focus on what you need, you need to write out your goals on paper. Scrolling obsessive thoughts in your head is completely useless. We write the goals. But just because they won’t come, you need to do the work of cleaning the head of debris.

Cleaning work

1. We write our traumatic situations: (who offended, for which it was a shame, about which we regret). All this can be safely stored so that the brain is calm, that now everything is on paper, and allowed itself not to reproduce more memories. If there is no way to save, you can burn it. The main criterion that you did everything right is that you can never show your notes to anyone. If you can, then you were not completely honest on paper!

2. Now you can go to the list of your problems and fears. We write everything in a row, on which we think daily, lament and worry.

3. Now, from the 2nd paragraph, you can construct goals. In other words, if it is located there: “I worry that I can’t repay the loan,” then one of the goals will be: “not to remain in due place in such and such a bank for such and such a year.” All goals should be deliciously formed, and in addition to everyday life there should be great ones. The latter means that when prescribing them, you should smile at the very thought of what is happening, so shocking and abrupt that you could not even imagine that this could happen to you! For example: “To invent the world's first planning strategy in something”, “Go to helicopter piloting courses”, “Give a press conference in Amsterdam”. These goals are needed to generate energy that will go towards fulfilling your simpler goals. If at least one of the goals is spelled out correctly, your back will straighten up, your body will be filled with a sense of self-confidence and anticipation of an interesting future!

4. For each goal we write motivation. This explanation to myself, very honestly - "why do we need it." If the motivation is painted correctly, the goal will be achieved faster than we can imagine.

4. The next point that our money loves is cleanliness and order in everything

Choose a plot in your apartment that you clean today. Keep your workplace and purse in order. Clean up immediately after yourself, without putting off even making the bed for later.

5. Correct communication will give you more chances for success in society and is another right energy of attraction of money.

Do not let anyone think negatively about you or hold grudges. Even if you are very dissatisfied with something, you have arguments for this, which you need to not be afraid to explain in detail. They will certainly understand you, and even if it doesn’t work out the way you wanted, there will be no conflict, and your attitude will improve.

6. To fulfill all of the above, physical energy is required.

Typing her in a difficult situation is sometimes not possible. A large amount of energy, like a sip of water during thirst, gives us spiritual contact. Mantras, prayers, reading the sutras and the lives of the Saints - all this, after only a few minutes of listening or performing, will energize, put thoughts in their places and give strength to the above work. An excellent combination would be cleaning the apartment with listening to a spiritual source on a mobile phone. If you select a mantra, you need to find out the meaning of its words in the translation, and if you don’t sing it yourself, then listen to the words and imagine yourself uttering them. An important condition will be: everything must be passed through the soul!

You can learn all the magical rules for changing your life at individual trainings at

Take your time to resort to rituals for money. All of them work only to increase energy, which we do not yet have even in a minimal amount. Otherwise, in order to get the desired universe, you will need to restore balance by taking from you from other areas of life. Be careful in your desires. Work on yourself, not on money and the laws of the universe. Be Rich!


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