Opening hours of Sberbank in Yekaterinburg. Addresses of branches and ATMs of Sberbank in Yekaterinburg

The operating mode of Sberbank in Yekaterinburg excites many residents of the city and its guests, and this is understandable - more than 50% of Russian citizens have cards and deposits in this financial organization. Every day, with the help of the bank, a large amount of cash is received and withdrawn, so you need to know how you can use its services so as not to be in a difficult life situation.

Since Yekaterinburg is the capital of the Urals, it is there that a large number of industrial and financial enterprises are located, and, consequently, money. Most of these organizations transfer salaries to their employees on bank cards, some of which are open at Sberbank. Thus, the popularity of this organization is explained quite simply, with all this, it provides the highest quality service for its customers.


The capital of the Ural region lives a full life around the clock, in connection with this knowledge of the operating mode of Sberbank in Yekaterinburg will be useful to most of its residents. The village was founded in 1723, during the Soviet Union it was called Sverdlovsk and was the center of heavy engineering throughout the country. As of 2017, it is through it that six federal highways pass, as well as the Trans-Siberian Railway, connecting the central part of Russia with the Far East.

working hours of sberbank in yekaterinburg

The city is a regional cultural capital, there are a large number of museums and theaters. Some institutions appeared during the Great Patriotic War, they were evacuated here from the western regions of the Soviet Union. Yekaterinburg is also a place of concentration of a large number of sports sections and organizations, there are football, volleyball, basketball, hockey and even futsal clubs that have long gained regional fame.

Sberbank in the Sverdlovsk region

One of the strategically important branches of Sberbank PJSC - Yekaterinburg - is actively developing its network: new branches are being built, new terminals are being established, and the quality of service is improving. The city is the center of the territorial division of a financial organization - the Ural Bank, which controls the Sverdlovsk, Kurgan and Chelyabinsk regions, as well as the Republic of Bashkortostan.

It is also here that there are a large number of offices involved in servicing legal entities. Regardless of which clients you have to deal with, the specialists of a financial organization behave as correctly and professionally as possible, trying to solve absolutely any issue.

Branches of a financial organization

More than 120 branches of Sberbank in Yekaterinburg conduct daily activities to support the work of a financial organization. Most of the branches are located in the central part of the city: on the streets of March 8, Belinsky, Lenin, Malyshev, etc. Almost all offices work on a standard schedule - from 10 to 19 hours, the vast majority of them do not work on weekends. A detailed list of them can be found on the official website of the organization.

deposits sberbank yekaterinburg

Among all branches of Sberbank in Yekaterinburg, special attention should be paid to those that work on Sunday, since most often on this day its customers recall the need to perform any financial operations. There are only eight such offices, they are located at the following addresses:

  • Titova, 22;
  • Metallurgists, 87;
  • Repin, 94;
  • Belorechenskaya, 16;
  • Malysheva, 31v;
  • Tveritina, 34;
  • Lilac Boulevard, 2;
  • Bebel, 164.

All of them work on Sundays from 10 to 16 hours.


There are much more Sberbank ATMs in Yekaterinburg than branches - over 450. Their number is constantly growing along with the needs of the clients of a financial institution. They are located in a large number in the central part of the city, in almost every quarter you can find a terminal belonging to this bank. A distinctive feature - the terminals are located in large numbers along the only metro line in the city.

The vast majority of them are only able to issue cash, a much smaller number of terminals accept cash. Those that are located on the territory of offices, as a rule, combine both of these functions, which is very convenient. In most departments they are located in such a way that even after hours they can be accessed.

Where to withdraw money at night?

Some Sberbank ATMs in Yekaterinburg operate around the clock, as of December 2017 there are more than 200 of them in the city. Such a large number is explained by the fact that the city is a transit point for many travelers traveling to remote settlements: Novy Urengoy, Nizhnevartovsk, Surgut, etc. e. Guests of the city very often have to withdraw money at night, so the bank tries to do everything possible to make it convenient.

Sberbank ATMs in Yekaterinburg

The operating mode of Sberbank in Yekaterinburg is of little concern to them, but the terminals located mainly in the city center are another matter. Especially a lot of them are in the area of ​​the metro station "Square 1905 goda", they are located at the addresses:

  • Malysheva, 31v;
  • Weiner, 9a;
  • Khokhryakova, 10;
  • Lenin Ave., 25.

Also, this equipment is located in large numbers next to the area of ​​the Paris Commune, namely:

  • st. Lenin 48 and 50;
  • st. Mother's Siberian, 98;
  • st. Malysheva, 53.

A more detailed list of terminals working at night can be clarified on the official website of a financial institution.

What to do if you want to open a deposit?

If you want to receive additional income to the main one, one of the ways to do this is to open a deposit in Sberbank of Yekaterinburg. A financial institution offers a large number of products that anyone can use. To open a deposit, you can contact the bank branch or do it in the "My Account", so as not to waste your time. Experienced investors are advised to use the second method, it can help you “knock out” a more favorable interest rate for yourself.

banks of yekaterinburg sberbank

Sberbank deposits in Yekaterinburg are very popular because it is very easy to open them. In addition, the financial institution has a good reputation and always tries to save clients' money from various shocks, such as devaluation and default. The fairly convenient navigation of the official site makes it easy to figure out how to open it, in addition, it has a large number of simple instructions. As of the beginning of January 2018, interest rates on deposits are in the range from 2.3 to 7.0 percent.


Another product that can be used in the branches of Sberbank of Yekaterinburg is credit. Clients of a financial institution who have been working with it for a long time can be given a loan without any supporting documents in the amount of up to 3 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years. The minimum interest rate here will be 12.5%. If the bank is not ready to meet you, you can take a loan for 5 years with the help of guarantors, the maximum amount here can be 5 million rubles.

Sberbank Yekaterinburg loan

Are you looking for a stable financial institution that will help you reduce payments on existing loans? You should take a closer look at Sberbank of Yekaterinburg, loans for refinancing are given out quite willingly, the maximum amount is 3 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years. Special attention is paid to those who run their own subsidiary plots, such residents of the Russian Federation can get a loan of up to 1.5 million rubles for 5 years, the rate on it is stable - 17.0%. Special conditions are also provided to military personnel - up to 1 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years at a rate of -13.5% per annum. You can obtain more detailed information about loans at the bank's branches or on its official website.

Installment plan

If you suddenly wanted to buy any product by installments, it is not at all necessary to go to Sberbank of Yekaterinburg, whose addresses are published on a large number of Internet resources. A significant number of large stores and shopping centers offers to issue loans online, the only thing you need to have with you is an identity document.

It’s easier to get loans for the purchase of a product in a store than usual, a bank is much more willing to help its customers get tangible goods, managers of the organization immediately see what the money provided to them went to. If your credit history is clear, then the chance of getting a loan increases several times, the financial institution prefers to work with responsible customers who always make timely payments.


Another bonus that everyone can use is “Thank you from Sberbank”, in Yekaterinburg you can connect it at any branch of a financial organization. When making any purchase, program participants receive 0.5% of its value in a bonus account, which can also be replenished by its partners. For example, when buying tickets to the Kinomax network, you can get 8% of their cost in the form of bonuses. A detailed list of partners can be found on the official portal of the program.

Thanks from Sberbank Yekaterinburg

Bonuses under this program can be used for discounts when making purchases from its partners. Each bonus is equal to one Russian ruble, while the full cost of the goods or services you need cannot be paid with their help. Each partner of the bank independently sets the number of bonus points that can be used to pay for the program.

Telephone assistants

If all branches of Sberbank in Yekaterinburg are closed, and the terminals are unavailable for any reason, you can use the services of a call center. The line operates around the clock and seven days a week, so you will receive the necessary help if you need it. It is best to contact this center on really difficult issues, since simple ones can be solved independently using the "My Account".

In cooperation with Sberbank in Yekaterinburg, the addresses of terminals and branches you will probably know by heart, but all this information may not be useful to you at all. When calling the terminal department, you can use the feedback service: the specialist will call you back as soon as your call arrives at him in processing. Thus, you can significantly save your own time and not waste it, waiting on the line.


If we consider all the banks of Yekaterinburg, Sberbank, of course, occupies a leading position in the market. However, even he has failures, and then getting his money can be quite difficult. There is a solution - you can use the services of partner banks, which can provide you with money from a card of the Savings Bank of the Russian Federation.

Sberbank Yekaterinburg addresses

On the official website of the financial institution, as well as in most terminals, you can find data not only about how Sberbank branches operate in Yekaterinburg, but also about which other banks you can get your money from. There is a difficulty - all banks charge a certain commission for their services, it can be from 2 to 7% of the amount you withdraw. You can find out more detailed information when using the “alien” terminal directly, as well as when contacting a partner bank.


The operating mode of Sberbank in Yekaterinburg is practically no different from similar schedules in other cities - the central offices mainly work from 9 to 18 hours, the outskirts - from 10 to 19. The vast majority of customers prefer to use ATMs, since they have almost all the necessary functions and allow you to save a lot of time.

A financial institution listens to the wishes of its beloved customers, so if you are not comfortable with something in its work, feel free to contact the bank’s specialists. Specialists of the most client-oriented bank of the Russian Federation will listen carefully to you and will do everything possible so that your desires are fully realized.


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