Hosting reviews. site builder reviews

If you have ever created a website, you probably know what hosting and domain are. You may also have used some kind of site builder to design and run a page on a topic of interest to you. And if you have been looking for a site for hosting your site for a long time (hosting), then you have repeatedly come across non-professionals. This is evidenced by many who were forced to find a reliable and affordable solution for themselves.

We will talk about a company that can always provide you with a profitable (in terms of costs) and suitable (in terms of its technical parameters) hosting, in this article. You probably heard about her. This is the industry leader, Reviews indicate that she is one of the largest domain registrars in Russia. And of course, she has all the qualities of a leader: low prices for services, excellent user support, the ability to choose the option that suits you best.


About industry

Speaking about such areas as the provision of hosting services and domain name registration, it is impossible not to note the highest level of competition. The largest players in the Internet market, who have been present here since the beginning of the 2000s, are concentrated in these niches.

Of course, if you want to open your own company specializing in such services, you will need to come up with some ingenious idea that can simply blow up the market. In any other case, do not even think about conquering this Everest. Indeed, in fact, now thousands of resellers are working in this field, who simply sublet the power taken from larger “sharks”.

As the reviews characterizing the service show, it is he who is such a “shark” capable of absorbing smaller and weaker players, squeezing them out of the market and simply luring customers. And there is nothing surprising in this - the company has rightfully taken a leadership position in the Internet services industry. Thousands of customers know about her; here, both small blogs and large commercial projects regularly buy services, trusting (reviews of which we will present a little further) the stable operation of its services and, in general, the fate of its business. reviews

Of course, on the Internet, in addition to this company, there are thousands more of those offering related services. However, there are not many projects on the network working on a similar scale. Hosting (reviews can clearly confirm this) is a platform for the constant operation of a huge number of sites. Therefore, do not underestimate this giant, which means so much in the domain industry.

About company

In order to amaze your imagination, it is enough to give some figures determined by the main statistical indicators. So, the company has been repeatedly recognized as the number one registrar in Russia due to the number of its customers, the total amount of all domains served and the quality of work. Also, this provider has about 2.5 million domain names in constant service. Over the entire period of its operation, the company provided its services about 14 million times. Today, hosting and domain services are bought here, as well as their other varieties of the order of 900 thousand users. According to reviews characterizing, all clients receive round-the-clock support from competent specialists on any matter of interest.

All this resource, which we describe, was able to achieve in a relatively short period - since 2006. Moreover, thanks to a large number of users, he has become one of the leaders in domain registration in Europe! This is the high level of this company.

hosting reviews

Activity Vector

As you already understood, the service carries out domain registration and provides hosting services. Of course, in fact, the vector of the company’s work is much wider. According to reviews, has many other options and offers that may be of interest to entrepreneurs, companies and even individuals. It all depends on what they do, for what purpose they turned to this service. All of the most popular services available on the site (including reviews), we will tell a little further.

In the meantime, we note that, despite the various services that the company provides, in general, the vector of its activities remains quite narrow. This is a service in the field of Internet telecommunications. Whatever add-ons are added here (for example, the same website builder, reviews of which we will present below), domain names and website hosting remain central. Based on them, the company begins to create some new services, areas of its activities that make the work of ordinary customers more comfortable and easier.

Domain registration

Let's talk about the basic option, for which more than 2.5 million people regularly turn to the service. These figures indicate a lot. Firstly, they show that this company has a huge selection of domain name zones that are subject to registration. At the time of writing, the service was working with 750 zones. Therefore, even if the user wants to have a site with a name other than the .ru zone, he can apply for some more original zone (including the geographical names of some islands or thematic new domains such as .hotel, .travel and etc).

Secondly, working with such a provider is reliable. For each site, the domain name is the basis for future activities. It is at the expense of it that any Internet resource becomes known, other users recognize it. Therefore, if the client wants to create his own resource that will function without any problems with the domain name, he needs to contact a trusted, reliable registrar who will also continue to work in the future (so that he does not have to deal with domain transfer and perform other similar unnecessary actions ) If you read the registrar reviews describing, you will see for yourself how stable this service is.

As indicated on their website, the registrar’s liability is insured for a million dollars with Rosgosstrakh. At a minimum, this should inspire confidence in customers. And reliability in this case is another argument for using We will provide feedback on the hosting that the company offers its customers in the next section. Here you will also learn more about pricing policy. In the meantime, let's return to domain names and give one more, third argument, confirming that cooperation with is your right choice.

site builder reviews

This argument is pricing. Despite the fact that the service is a leader in the Russian market, it does not pursue large profits with the help of high prices for its services. You can verify this by visiting the appropriate tab “Cost of services”.

Here are the prices for creating a name in each of the available domain names. In the huge list (consisting of more than 700 variations), you can find both international and regional domains, as well as thematic zones for identifying your business. Given the flexible system of discounts (which, for example, apply to registering several names at once), the user gets the opportunity to get his Internet address cheaper than many other registrar companies. And this despite the fact that you are invited to work with a leader!

So, for example, a .ru domain costs only 199 rubles, .com - 784 rubles, .net - 756 rubles a year. You can get acquainted with the prices in more detail on the corresponding page of the site.

Another advantage of the service is the simplicity of the interface. As the reviews characterizing show, a domain can be registered here in just a few minutes, simply by entering your personal data and choosing the desired name.


Another important area of ​​the company's work is the provision of hosting services for hosting sites on the Internet. A description of this activity can be found in another section of the resource devoted to various tariff plans. It should be noted that the hosting of, the reviews of which we analyzed in the process of writing this material, is represented by a wide range of tariff plans, which are divided into three groups: unlimited, classic and VIP packages.

Each of them has several plans that have their own characteristics and characteristics. For example, in unlimited there is a Host-Unlim plan, which assumes a complete absence of restrictions on the amount of traffic, disk space, databases, and so on. The cost of this package starts at just 199 rubles per month, but it is likely that the price will increase as the client connects new options. The final cost, therefore, depends on the user's resource requirements. hosting reviews

The classic group of tariffs is 5 hosting plans, the cost of which varies between 149-389 rubles in the basic content. In this case, the client can change the configuration of each of the plans presented and, thus, increase their cost. Details of what features each tariff is characterized by can be seen in the Hosting tab. Reviews report that they provide detailed information about the plans and conditions for using them.

other services

Of course, there is a list of other services that the company provides to its customers. These are both sections related to the products described above, and completely different related options. The former, for example, include the ability to rent a VPS or Dedicated server; Get access to cloud hosting or order protection of your site using an SSL certificate. As for the second group of related services, they include the site designer

Reviews of it indicate that users really appreciated the capabilities of this tool. Everything is extremely simple: if a person has the opportunity to develop a site without involving any extraneous services, on his own, he simply will not need such a constructor. And on the contrary, if a user is interested in the ability to start a web service without knowledge of programming languages ​​and even without knowledge of the basics of html markup, he can do this by just using such a constructor. Reviews about him were left by people who turned to him for help, and they are mostly positive. They say that the tool is ideal for beginners and those who do not want to spend their time learning the basics or money for specialists.

Designer reviews characterizing the service note that this tool is very useful. It has a wide selection of templates and all the necessary functionality that is needed to launch your resource. And most importantly - it is very easy to use and, judging by the comments, liked a large number of users. employee reviews

Customer reviews

We have already begun to characterize the comments left about the site builder developed by the company. Now I would like to give also reviews and customer ratings about hosting. Indeed, unlike a one-time operation in the form of domain registration, the constant maintenance of servers is a more complicated task. And if you want to become a client of a company, you must know how well it copes with it.

After analyzing about a hundred reviews, we can conclude that the average rating is kept at 3.5 points out of 5. The reason for this is simple: some users indicated that the company provides the service at the highest level, making it possible to order tariffs at the lowest prices. The other part, on the contrary, negatively describes the work of the company in terms of hosting services, noting the constant failures in the functioning of their Internet projects. What caused this contrast in the comments is hard to say. Perhaps the owners of some resources really experienced problems, but it may also be that such reviews were left specifically to lower the rating of the hoster. Still, it is poorly believed that a company like does not monitor its servers and cannot provide them with high uptime and stable operation.

In addition, many praise the work of this hosting provider for the reason that this company is able to provide a number of additional services (in addition to basic hosting). You can immediately see their serious attitude: can lease its dedicated servers to you, so can it really not provide virtual hosting tariffs with normal operation ? This is simply unrealistic, by all indications, the company is a leader in the field of Internet / telecom services, and this is a guarantee of the quality of customer service.


So, we discussed how the company works with its customers, providing domain registration and website hosting services. You might not even know, but they also do automatic SEO promotion here. (reviews confirm this several times) is a multi-profile company capable of providing a range of services. However, we will not return to customer service. In the last sections of the article, we would like to draw your attention to how its employees relate to work inside the service. And for this, therefore, we will analyze the vacancies available in the company (at least at the time of writing).

So, having visited the tab “Career at”, we found that the company is recruiting employees in various fields of its activity. For example, a customer service requires technical support specialists, consultants on transferring sites from one hosting to another, and specialists for consulting on domain name issues. All these vacancies are interesting, promising in terms of career and, of course, highly paid. reviews

The second direction is design and development. It requires a UX designer as well as a Perl programmer. For these vacancies, in turn, the company puts forward other requirements. Generally speaking, completely different selection criteria apply.

Employee Reviews

What about those who work there already write about this company? In order to find out, we turn to resources for help posting real reviews of specialists about a particular service (more precisely, how it feels to work here). And so we saw information from several development experts who went to

Employee reviews, it should be noted, look much more positive than customer comments. They report that getting to this job was really not easy. It was necessary to undergo a serious interview, after which HR managers determined whether these specialists were suitable for the company. It turned out that they were successfully accepted, after which they were officially enlisted in the state.

In addition to the basic advantages in the form of legal employment and a “white” salary, as well as a pleasant team and a whole set of social guarantees, each of the reviews also notes how interesting work in such a company is. It really requires the employee not to perform some kind of mechanical, machine work, but to show creativity and search for an extraordinary way to solve the problem. If you are a creative person who wants to try something new in life, working here will be a real pleasure for you.


So, what can we say about such a well-known and so successful company as Without excessive modesty, it can be noted that this is one of the most successful IT companies, not counting search engines and social networks. Given that the service is exclusively commercial in nature, such a number of registered users indicates a high-quality service, the correct approach of its creators to this business and the right priorities placed in the course of the project on the market.

Due to all these factors, as well as due to the correct time for launching the service, the company turned out to be a very dynamically developing and actively expanding sphere of its activity. If the initial profile of the service was domain registration, now it is also hosting of Internet projects, as well as a number of support services. This approach makes the service a true center of Internet technology. Moreover, the company managed to succeed in such a competitive and busy market, which is already crowded with strong players. This is another indicator of how justified all the investments made by the founders at the very beginning were.

Today, is a successful project that can function independently. , , .


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