Treatment of psoriasis with birch tar: reviews

Psoriasis is a very unpleasant skin disease. There is still no confirmed theory regarding its appearance. It can occur as a result of a viral infection, due to a nervous breakdown or in violation of metabolic processes in the body. More and more scientists are leaning towards an autoimmune theory of its appearance.

They try to get rid of psoriasis in different ways. Use both medicines and traditional medicine. One of such effective methods is the treatment of psoriasis with birch tar. In this article, we will consider how to use it correctly and what people say about it.

treatment of psoriasis with birch tar

What is birch tar

Raw materials are extracted from a layer of birch bark by dry distillation. The result is a dark liquid with an oily thick consistency. Previously, it was used for so many purposes. For example, they cleaned shoes, rubbed metal, smeared wheels and so on.

Today it is not as widespread as before. But they successfully carry out the treatment of psoriasis with tar birch.

Its effectiveness is difficult to dispute. After all, the composition is characterized by a large number of useful substances. These are creosote, phenol, cresol, xylene, toluene, ketones, organic acids, aromatic hydrocarbons.

treatment of psoriasis with birch tar photo

Healing properties

In folk medicine, the use of birch tar is not limited to the treatment of psoriasis. There is a whole list of diseases in which he is able to have a beneficial effect. This is bronchial asthma, tonsillitis, hemorrhoids, herpes, dermatitis and so on.

Treatment of psoriasis with birch tar has a disinfecting, healing and antiparasitic effect.

Blood supply improves, the affected areas heal, the skin is cleansed of infections and parasites, itching, irritation, and pain go away.

birch tar treatment of psoriasis on the head

Side effect

Given that tar has a complex and potent composition, it can not only have a beneficial effect. If the application is carried out incorrectly or for too long, the contained carcinogens can even harm the skin.

Therefore, it should be used carefully and in courses, providing for breaks.

If there are extensive areas of lesions, first the therapy is done with injections and tablets, then tar is used.

Also note that you should not apply it to other areas where the skin is healthy.

Contraindications include chronic diseases that are in acute form.

Pure tar should not be used for acne, adipose tissue and boils.

It is contraindicated during pregnancy, as well as kidney problems.

If other drugs increase the sensitivity of the skin, then its use for a while should also be discarded or used with extreme caution.

Immediately after application to the skin, the previously existing itch disappears, but a burning sensation can be felt. Such discomfort will disappear in a quarter of an hour.

Occasionally, an increase in inflammation occurs. But such a reaction does not necessarily indicate a worsening of the disease. There simply may be intolerance to the treatment of psoriasis with birch tar. Reviews, however, people leave almost everything positive. The only unpleasant moment that you have to put up with is a heavy smell.

Drugs with its content

If psoriasis has an acute form, then tar can be used in its pure form. It can also be found in medicines.

It is a creamy black mass with a sharp specific smell. Pure use may be accompanied by certain difficulties and inconveniences. For example, it is poorly absorbed, which makes clothes dirty, and the smell spreads very unpleasant. Therefore, most often tar is used in the composition:

  • soap;
  • ointments;
  • shampoo.


birch tar treatment of psoriasis reviews

This tool is used for skin hygiene in an inflamed state. Tar soap is sold in liquid and solid state. This is an excellent antiseptic with analgesic effect.

Treatment of psoriasis with birch tar in the form of soap cleanses and regenerates the skin well. Regular use contributes to the disappearance of fungus, lice and dandruff, and wounds and scratches heal easier.

It should be used with excessive sweating, thrush, lichen, fungus, acne.


This tool helps the speedy healing of wounds and cuts, relieve inflammation and itching. Ointment is bought ready-made or made independently.

Starting treatment of psoriasis with birch tar, it is advisable to make a small concentration so that the skin gradually adapts.

Tar is purchased at a pharmacy. It is also juniper and coal. But birch is considered the most useful. Ointment is prepared in many ways.

  1. To prepare the ointment, salicylic acid and castor oil are additionally acquired. 100 milliliters of raw materials are mixed with 40 milliliters of salicylic acid and castor in the same amount. The finished mixture is applied to the affected area from evening to night. An unnecessary hat or clothing is worn on top. In the morning, the ointment is washed off. So birch tar is treated for psoriasis on the head or body.

  2. An antiseptic gains additional power if mixed with propolis (100 milliliters of tar and 15 grams of propolis).

  3. For the next ointment, prepare:

  • two tablespoons of tar;

  • one tablespoon of chicken fat;

  • half a glass of chaga;

  • two tablespoons of medical bile;

  • two tablespoons of laundry soap;

  • one teaspoon of soda;

  • 3 raw chicken yolks.

Everything is mixed until a homogeneous mass is applied to the skin.

Ointments with the addition of honey have a very beneficial effect. There are several such recipes.

For example, you can mix 50 milliliters of castor oil and tar, add 100 grams of honey and two egg whites, which they beat before. The ointment is stored in the refrigerator for 3 days, and then applied to the affected areas of the skin. The course lasts one month.

For another recipe, take:

  • 200 grams of honey and celandine;
  • 300 grams of tar;
  • 100 grams of chopped walnut leaves, blackberry leaves, fish oil.

All components are mixed, insisted for three days, during which they are also constantly mixed. After this, treatment of psoriasis with birch tar can begin. The photo illustrates an ointment prepared according to one of the above recipes.

treatment of psoriasis with birch tar inside


Tar-added shampoos promote scalp care. If an allergic reaction is not observed, it will perfectly protect and restore the skin.

Treatment of psoriasis with birch tar in the scalp often leads to a very effective result.


treatment of psoriasis with tar birch tar

In addition to ointments, you can make lotions. To do this, cotton swabs are moistened in tar diluted in vegetable oil 1: 1 or with ash from burnt birch logs in the same ratio.


For bathing, 100 milliliters of tar are prepared with 75 milliliters of soapy alcohol and the same amount of water. Then they draw water into the bath, pour the mixture there, and to achieve the maximum result, before the procedure, you can additionally smear the affected areas with tar.

After half an hour, the skin is cleaned of tar with soap, but it is not recommended to dry it with a towel.

Internal application

It is not only the external treatment of psoriasis with birch tar in the scalp or the treatment of the whole body that is known. Traditional healers and even many doctors of official medicine recommend adding a few drops of tar to decoctions of herbs.

There are many recipes for treating psoriasis with birch tar inside. But it is advisable to consult a doctor before checking the effectiveness of a particular prescription on yourself.

It is also known that with its use they cleanse the body. But keep in mind: those who are sick with psoriasis, fasting is contraindicated. With any cleansing, it is highly advisable to drink lemon water in the morning on an empty stomach. Then feelings of hunger can be avoided.


Unfortunately, psoriasis does not apply to diseases that can be quickly cured.

If he has already appeared, it means that something is seriously broken inside. It should be prepared for the fact that the healing process will take a long time. However, if you show enough perseverance, regularly carry out the necessary procedures and, most importantly, are in the mood for victory over psoriasis, this will certainly happen.

There are quite a few people (in addition, many of them leave their comments on the virtual network) who managed to cope with this disease.

treatment of psoriasis with birch tar

Of course, they used not only birch tar. Nevertheless, people note its effectiveness in treatment. Although the main thing is still the mood for success.


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