How to remove 'My World'? Some easy steps

Opinions about communicating on social networks are very different. Someone finds new friends, buddies, interlocutors in them, just listens to music or reads news on topics of interest, and someone considers such a pastime no more than a waste of such precious time. Well then ... Of course, every point of view has a place to be.

Today I would like to talk about how to remove My World. Why and whether you really need to do this is up to you. It seems to me that people who sharply and dramatically get rid of their profiles simply burn bridges, get tired, quarreling or getting involved in cyberspace in an unpleasant story.

Let's try together to figure out how to accomplish the plan correctly and without making a lot of extra effort. In my article, I offer detailed instructions to those who decided to remove My World.

  1. First of all, log into the system itself. To do this, you will need to use your login and password on, on which, in fact, this profile is located. Have you visited the site? Login and password must be typed in a specially designed field located in the upper left corner of the page. Are you done? Now click on the “Login” button below.
  2. Having completed all the steps specified in the previous paragraph, you will find yourself in your inbox. By the way, a question of such a plan very often arises: “After“ Mile ru ”is deleted, can I continue to use my mailbox?” I would say a pretty logical question, because eliminating the unnecessary communication circle of the “World”, we do not want to lose the list of addresses and contacts of the mailbox itself. I’ll warn you right away: do not worry, you will be able to carry out electronic correspondence in the previous mode. By the way, your account in the Mile Ru Agent add-in will also remain untouched. We were a little distracted. So, in the top page of the screen, approximately in the middle, there is a tab “My World”, clicking on which, you will automatically go to your own page of the project.
  3. There will be a menu on the left side of the profile. Have you found? Inside there will be a link “Settings”, specially designed so that the user can not only edit his profile, but also change the appearance and properties of the page.
  4. Scroll the data of your page to the very end. There you will find a pretty conspicuous button "Delete your world." That's basically it. If you have not changed your mind, have not repented of the decision and the question of how to remove “My World” is still relevant for you, then you can safely click. In response, the system will ask you to confirm the completion of this action and only after your consent the page will be deleted.

How to remove “My World”, you already know, now I would like to arm you with some other, as it seems to me, very important information.

  • Delete the profile of this project can only be the one who created it. Those. angry with someone, you cannot destroy his page, no matter how much you might not want to.
  • Remember that when you decide to leave the site, you automatically delete your photos, videos, blog posts, completely lose all your friends registered there and cease to be a member of the communities, so before you delete My World, it is recommended to think a few times.
  • Within 48 hours after deletion, all your data can still be restored. To do this, you will need to return to the profile and click on the special button “Cancel Deleting the World”. But after two or more days, all your information will be deleted by the site administration forever and without the right to recovery.

After completing this article to the end, I was surprised how long and meaningful it turned out. Let this not scare you in any way. In fact, the whole process does not take longer than ten minutes. You will surely succeed.


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