"Lactomin 80": reviews. Sports nutrition

Today, only the most lazy have not heard about the benefits and dangers of sports nutrition, but there is still no clarity on this issue. Let's try to sort this issue out together. Today we will talk about inexpensive sports nutrition called "Lactomin 80". It's easy enough to find a review about it today, because this industrial whey protein is quite popular.

lactomine 80 reviews

Does whey protein really save you money?

Buying a powder in a jar, you, of course, think that you get a large amount of protein for relatively little money, because it is made from waste from dairy production. However, in fact, if you compare, for example, Lactomin 80 (even the leading coach of the football team left a review of it, calling it the most affordable and high-quality domestic whey protein) with natural products (meat, cheese, cottage cheese), it turns out that their cost is about the same. Of course, it is impossible to replace ordinary nutrition with protein concentrate, as well as sports nutrition for an athlete is difficult to replace with meat. But still I want to see clear numbers. So, a kilogram of whey protein "Lactomin 80" will cost you 800 rubles, but the concentration of protein in it is 80%, that is, a kilogram of pure protein will cost 1000 rubles. In turn, chicken breast contains 22% protein, but costs 230 rubles. That is, as a result, the cost is almost the same.

Is protein harmful to health?

Pure protein or chemistry

It is probably not so difficult to give such an amount for a product that will really work for the good of your body. However, doubts arise whether everything is so cloudless? Hard to believe, especially if we consider protein concentrate with different tastes. Sweeteners and flavorings, and sometimes dyes, are definitely added to it. You can protect your body from such additives using the simplest protein from a reliable manufacturer, for example, Lactomin 80. A review of it cannot be bad, because a large and serious German company is engaged in its production, and it has more than enough fans around the world. Optimum price-quality ratio.

product quality

The original or a fake

In fact, if you do not buy the powder in its original packaging, then there is a great chance to stumble on a fake. Moreover, the consequences can be very different, given that you can take money from you for a natural product from a leader in the production of sports nutrition in Europe, for example, Lactomin 80. The fake can be a cheap Chinese concentrate, or at best skimmed milk powder. How to recognize a fake? Of course, it is best to purchase goods in a company store, where a trusted seller will definitely give you exactly what you want. If this is not possible, then buy the concentrate only in its original packaging, where the label will indicate that the contents are whey protein, the content of which is 80%.

lactomine 80 fake

Is protein harmful to health ?

Surely the question is important for everyone who has decided to seriously engage in sports. Muscles will not grow without good nutrition, and it is the concentrate that makes it possible to obtain a portion of pure protein without additional admixtures of fat and carbohydrates. So, the fatty layer will decrease, and relief muscles appear under it. However, many people mistakenly confuse protein with synthetic anabolics and steroids. In fact, these are completely different things, however, when talking about whether a protein is harmful to health, you need to remember that you need to take it correctly, under the guidance of a sports doctor. But self-prescribing proteins for yourself, focusing on the advice of friends, can be harmful to your health.

lactomin 80 how to take

The consequences of uncontrolled intake

Not only the quality of the product, but also the right reception are the guarantee that only beneficial changes will occur in your body. First of all, high doses of protein can cause serious damage to human health. As a result, the amount of magnesium, iron and sodium, vitamin A and nicotinic acid in the body rises sharply. This leads to a number of unpleasant phenomena, the consequences can be pain in the stomach and nausea, fatigue and visual disturbance. With an excess of protein in the body, calcium loss increases, which can affect bone strength.

Ask the seller for a license, check the quality of the product and do not forget to go to a consultation with a sports nutrition specialist.

lactomine 80 price

Recommendations for use

It should be noted that protein concentrate is recommended for very thin people to maintain a normal body weight, and very obese during the drying period. Ideal for both cases "Lactomin 80". How to take it? We will talk about this in a bit more detail. The ideal time to consume this product is right after your workout and in the morning. However, you can additionally use it in between meals, as well as an hour before training. Depending on the recommendations of your trainer per day, you can consume from 3 to 5 servings of about 30 g. It is worth remembering that a large amount of protein is not absorbed by the body at once. And do not forget that 50% of the protein should come from ordinary food.

And with physical exertion, and with weight loss, it is very important to provide the body with protein between the main meals, as the body experiences a deficiency in it, which means that your muscles will collapse in order to replenish it. This will affect the process of both gaining and losing weight. Do not forget that the portion for weight loss is half of the standard single dose, that is, equal to 15 g. In fact, “Lactomin 80” should be prescribed individually, based on the person’s constitution, his initial weight, state of health and wishes. But the most important thing is not to overdo it in your quest to achieve perfection.

Price range

How much will an athlete take Lactomin 80? The price per kilogram has already been announced - about 800 rubles (without flavoring additives). If it seems too tasteless to you (in fact, the taste is quite neutral, like diluted milk), then you can purchase other options with various additives. The cost of such products is already 1100 rubles. In this case, analyze your need in advance. It’s easier for someone to buy a kilogram of powder by weight. But since there is a lot of protein required, it is easier to immediately buy a 15-pound bag in its original packaging. There is no difference between Lactomin 80 (a review of almost every consumer testifies to this) and well-known brands, but the savings are almost twofold. Therefore, for athletes it is an excellent choice, a quality and not too expensive product.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14411/

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