Turgai region of Kazakhstan: features

Kazakhstan is one of the Central Asian republics. Located almost in the center of the Eurasian continent. It borders with Russia in the north and west, with Mongolia and China - in the east, with the republics of Central Asia - in the south. The population is 18 million 157 thousand 078 people (for 2018). The total area of ​​the territory is 2,724,902 square meters. km According to this indicator, it is the ninth place in the world. The Turgai region of Kazakhstan is characterized by significant desolation that developed after the collapse of the USSR.

Turgai region, Kazakhstan

Geography of Kazakhstan

The main part of the territory is occupied by huge flat plains, previously covered with dry steppes, deserts and semi-deserts, and now mostly plowed. To the east, altitude rises and signs of mountainousness appear.

The capital is the city of Astana, and the largest city is Alma-Ata. The generally recognized language is Kazakh. The second most important official language is Russian.

Currently, Kazakhstan is divided into 14 regions.

The Republic of Kazakhstan

The climate is very dry and sharply continental. Frosty, snowy winters and very hot, arid, summers are characteristic. The absolute minimum is minus 58 Β° C, and the absolute maximum is +50 Β° C.

Kazakhstan has revealed large reserves of uranium, oil, and significant reserves of natural gas. There are also rich deposits of various metals.

Administrative division of the territory

The current territory of Kazakhstan includes 14 regions and 87 cities, of which two - Astana and Alma-Ata - are central. Regions are divided into regions (for example, the Oktyabrsky district of the Turgai region of Kazakhstan). Kazakhstan belongs to unitary states and has a presidential form of government. The president is elected during the popular election of the head of state. Now it is Nursultan Nazarbayev. His term of office is 5 years, and he can be elected for no more than 2 consecutive terms.

Turgai region of Kazakhstan

In the past was one of the areas of this country. It existed from 1970 to 1988 and from 1990 to 1997. The administrative center was Arkalyk. This region was located in the central part of the country, in the basins of the Ishim and Turgai rivers . The area of ​​the territory was 111.9 thousand square kilometers. Around it were such areas as Tselinograd, Kustanai, Aktobe, Kokchetav, Dzhezkazgan.

Turgay region

The Turgai region included 9 districts.

The economy of the Turgay region

Non-irrigated agriculture and animal husbandry of the meat and wool direction, as well as the agricultural industry and mining, were of the greatest importance. In agriculture, grain cultivation prevailed. Pastures occupied the largest area (65%), and arable land was in second place. However, agriculture had a significantly larger share in the economy than animal husbandry.

The energy sector was based on thermal power plants operating on imported Kazakhstan coal. Ore mining, production of building materials, food agricultural products (oil, meat, flour), woolen products predominated in industry. The majority of enterprises were located in Arkalyk.


The total length of roads was 4.4 thousand km, and railways - 475 km. The paved roads were 1902 km.

What is the Turgai region?

The territory of the former Turgai region of Kazakhstan is a vast Turgai steppe, with virtually no forest belts and other tree and shrub vegetation. Basically, all of it has been plowed. Due to the dryness, the grass cover is low. In some places you can see the flowers. A characteristic element of the landscape are elevators, which are found regularly, and, due to the vast, even spaces, are visible from afar.

Cranes in the steppe

Near the roads you can see beautiful cranes.

Settlements are small and rare. They look rather depressing. There is a feeling of desolation and ruin. There are even whole half-abandoned cities. Such is Derzhavinsk of the Turgai region of Kazakhstan. All this is the result of the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 90s of the 20th century. Kazakhstan survived it even harder than Russia. At the same time, the housing and communal services sector suffered greatly. Abandoned high-rise buildings are typical for this part of Kazakhstan. In Russia, this situation is typical only for one-story private households.

Derzhavinsk of the Turgay region, Kazakhstan

Thus, the Turgai region of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a rather dull and sparsely populated place with a predominance of vast open steppe spaces.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14412/

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