What is a blog and why is it needed

The question of what a blog is is asked by many, since on the Web you can now see a lot of examples. This is something that many of us understand, but cannot explain. Let's figure it out.

The word blog comes from the phrase web log , that is, an online diary . All blog entries are necessarily sorted in reverse chronological order, with the most recent entry always in first place. In addition, the blog is characterized by the fact that it should regularly appear entries, in contrast to a regular site, which can exist without updates for quite a long time. A blog is a community of people with some specific interests - this is the author and his readers.

The main topic of the blog has always been the most significant factor. He is absolutely unable to exist without visitors from search engines and a constant circle of readers who are subscribed to updates via RSS feeds and electronic newsletters. Let's see what a blog is and what it should be.

It should be a specific set of short notes available to readers for comment. As an example, we can highlight the well-known Twitter, which is called a microblog. On average, a blog post should be no more than five hundred characters long. Usually, one person acts as the author of a blog, but collective blogs where several authors publish their posts can be a frequent occurrence. So what is a blog? At its core, it is a public site where entries are regularly added in reverse chronological order.

Now let's look at what a blog on the Internet can be. There are several types: personal, corporate, thematic, news. Of course, these are not all varieties, but they are considered to be the main ones. Personal blogs are usually created by individuals who share events in them. An example of this is the celebrity’s online diary. The popularity and attendance of such a blog depends entirely on the popularity of the person owning it. Subject blogs relate strictly to some narrow topics. An example is the culinary blog. Corporate is usually created with the aim of advertising the company's products, as well as to promote the product or the entire business as a whole. Various topics can be covered here, however, everything will revolve around the goods of the company to which this blog belongs. An example is the Yandex blog. Blogging is usually done by several authors. Such a site can be of any subject, for example, SEO news and others.

Blogs can also be divided into independent and dependent. An independent blog is understood to mean a separate site belonging to the author, who monitors it, that is, it sets up, deals with all expenses, solves all sorts of problems. Such a blog is much more promising and prestigious, but it requires serious costs, both monetary and time. An addict is a free blog that can be obtained on certain sites. In this case, the site takes care of the costs, but the blog is not an independent unit on the network, it is dependent on this site.

So what a blog has been told. Now we can talk about the goals of its creation. It is clear that every blogger pursues some very specific goals. Online diaries are created for self-improvement, self-development, self-expression. But the other types of blogs are created for profit. Thus, you can earn directly by placing contextual advertising, banners, custom articles on the site, or indirectly by advertising products or services.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14413/

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