Vietnamese rum: Chanh Rhum, Rhum Chauvet, ISC Rum - which is better

There are countless alcoholic beverages in the world. The population of different countries and regions prefers "their" drinks. This is because the type of product mainly depends on the climatic conditions and the original product.

What is rum?

Fermented alcoholic beverage from sugarcane juice originated in ancient China or India. It is he who is considered the "progenitor" of the Roma. The drink itself was first fermented from molasses (a by-product from sugar production) back in the seventeenth century on Caribbean reed plantations.

Vietnamese rum

He did not possess high tastes. He had another advantage - the ability is stored for several years. On long sea voyages, water quickly faded and was not suitable for use. Rum perfectly quenched thirst and did not require special storage conditions.

A strong drink quickly spread around the world. In countries with sugar cane plantations, they learned how to produce rum, bringing local flavor to its production .


Cuban, Thai, Jamaican, Caribbean, Austrian, Indian, Dominican Vietnamese rum - they are all divided into the following varieties:

  • White or silver. This category includes transparent light rum. The light shade is due to the lack of long-term exposure. It is perfect for cocktails, has a delicate fruity aroma and light sweetness.
  • Gold, red or amber. Such rum is aged for at least 2 years. The drink gains its color thanks to a special roasting of oak barrels, in which it “ripens”. In order to emphasize the shade, add caramel and various spices. The rich color and bright, rich taste attract the female half of humanity: slightly chilled, it is possible with pieces of ice, not diluted, easy to drink.
  • Dark or black. The minimum exposure is 3 years. A dark shade from the walls of highly charred barrels, a dense taste and a thick aroma. Men prefer to drink it undiluted, with lemon and ice. It is made with high sugar cane.
  • Flavored. Tropical fruits, berries, spices, juices are added to rum. Get a sweet drink no higher than 40 degrees.
    40 degrees
  • Fortified. Rum is diluted with alcohol, bringing the strength of the drink to 75 0 .
  • Premium class. Very high-quality rum, with an aging of at least five years. It has a rich taste and pronounced aroma. Drink undiluted
  • Elixir. In fact, rum liquor, sugary sweet just above 30 0 fortress. They are used in pure form, they are not used for cocktails.

There is a general rule for eating rum. It is not drunk from the throat of a bottle, as the pirates did, but from a special glass. It has a wide base and tapers up. This helps the aroma of the drink to concentrate. It is he who gives the first idea of ​​rum, only then comes the turn of taste sensations. The bouquet of aroma and taste is completely “dissolved”, giving unforgettable pleasure.

Rum in Vietnam

Vietnam has all the conditions for the successful production of rum: a wonderful climate for growing sugar cane and hardworking people. The first to appreciate this region is the French. The Slaur Chauvet company (France, Le Havre), founded in 1972, built rum plants in the country. Vietnam is one of the leaders in the production of cane sugar. A colossal excess of raw materials helped to quickly establish the production of rum.

Chanh rhum

Local varieties of the drink do not differ in fragrant bouquet and good taste. The French company, with well-developed technology and modern equipment, was able to establish the release of high-quality and inexpensive products.

Production Features

Vietnamese rum has its own secret of cooking. In new barrels for aging the drink, the remainder of the previous fermentation, special yeast and bacteria must be added. Strict temperature control, careful repeated distillation, flavoring additives and as a result - an excellent strong drink.

The type of distillation is determined by the male rum variety - rich, heavy, strong or female - dessert, light, spicy. Numerous additives (mint, citrus fruits, vanilla, cinnamon, anise, etc.) allow you to diversify the taste and aroma of the drink.

Popular brands

Chanh Rhum is inexpensive, a little over one dollar per bottle. The taste of the drink is for everybody, fortress 29 0 . For its production, various berry and fruit extracts are used, the choice is very large. Most often it is used in cocktails with carbonated drinks, usually with Coca-Cola or fruit juices. They can only be fresh. Never add packaged juice to rum.

ISC Rum can be light and dark. It has a peculiar bitter aftertaste. In its pure form, it is preferable to use brown rum, it is tastier and more aromatic. This is the most popular drink in Vietnam. The history of its occurrence is kept secret.


Rhum Chauvet is of all three types: white, red, black. Between themselves differ in taste, aroma and methods of use. This variety is for gourmets who prefer a drink in its pure form, without any additives. White Vietnamese rum is indispensable in cocktails. Women prefer red, and black has such a rich taste that even Coca-Cola does not clog it. All varieties are distinguished by a fortress of 40 degrees, which makes them very attractive for Russian tourists. The cost of this brand ranges from 9-11 dollars per bottle.


Inventive manufacturers add the most unexpected spices and fruits to the drink. Vietnamese rum can be quite original. Even the Vietnamese themselves do not know who and when decided to insist a drink on various creeping reptiles. But such rum is very popular. There are two varieties:

  • The drink is prepared using various snake liquids that are added to rum. It is infused throughout the day and served on the table.
  • For a long time, a creeping individual “floats” in a closed bottle. Such a drink is served at the festive table.
    Rhum chauvet

It is such a rum that is most popular among tourists, but not for its taste, but as an unusual souvenir from an exotic country.

What drink?

Each country has its own characteristics and secrets of the production of rum. It is not possible to compare drinks according to strict criteria. It is incorrect to talk about a particular drink that it is bad.

The multinational nature of the rum makes it different, with its own character and style. No exception and Vietnamese rum. Which is better to argue for a long time. Someone likes Chanh, not very strong, with a pleasant delicate fruity aroma. Others will prefer ISC - one of the most popular varieties in the country. The bitter aftertaste is hard to forget. Fans of European brands will prefer the French Chauvet.

which is better vietnamese rum

Grown on the southern shores of the Caribbean Sea, sweat cane sweat poured by slaves, gave the world a magnificent drink of romantics - rum. Diluted and in pure form, with fruit or a cigar, he will never stop giving pleasure to his fans.


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