"Sheets and roots" - fable of Ivan Andreevich Krylov

Fables of Ivan Andreevich Krylov are known to us from primary school age. Why, despite the deep moral meaning, are the best works of the Russian fabulist taught in the elementary grades? This is done so that children learn to evaluate bad and good deeds as early as possible, and Krylov’s rhymed stories are ideal for this. In this article we will analyze the work “Sheets and roots”. Fable Ideal not only for students to study, but also for home reading.

sheets and roots fable

Summary of the work

Krylov’s fable “Sheets and Roots” has a very interesting plot, which in itself deserves attention. That is why, before starting a full analysis of the work, let's get acquainted with its brief content.

The story begins with how the leaves talk nicely with marshmallows (here you need to pay attention to the fact that in the plot of this fable the author refers to the south winds as marshmallows), which gently caress them from morning to late at night. The main characters boast about how useful everyone around: travelers hide under the crown to save from the heat, beautiful virgins resort to them to dance, and the nightingale chooses a tree for spring chants ... “Sheets and roots” the fable is very unusual, because before Ivan Krylov did not even think of “reviving” the crown of a tree.

Krylov fable sheets and roots

The second part of the poem begins when the roots of the tree on which they grow are verbally connected to the leaf monologue. Here the work immediately takes a different turn, at the end of which its main meaning is spelled out in a separate quatrain.

The moral of the fable "Sheets and roots"

Like everyone else, the presented rhymed story carries a certain meaning and draws an analogy with a person. “Sheets and roots” is a fable which, using the example of plants, shows pride in itself and disrespect for other people.

moral fables sheets and roots

Leaves - narcissistic, beautiful and so irreplaceable, certainly proud. They give several situations to marshmallows as an example, in which the crown, consisting of them, is simply irreplaceable for people ... History recalls a case in life when a successful artist is proud of his merits, and people around him often do not know that the key to his popularity is painstaking the work of the producer - a person who always remains in the shadows. So the roots are actually of great importance, which self-confident leaves, obviously, have forgotten.

“Sheets and roots” - a fable with a multifaceted meaning

In addition to the basic morality, the presented work of Ivan Andreevich Krylov has a certain “double bottom”. The understandable meaning of the fable is that success and recognition are not always deserved. The example of leaves shows a man who became proud because of his abilities and completely forgot about those who helped him all the time.

Another moral of the poem is that real talents always stand aside. During the days of Ivan Krylov, it was really very difficult to break through to a person with great abilities, who does not have any connections ... But, by the way, it probably always was. The roots in the work presented are at the very bottom, like a poor person who sells his work in the hands of those who have more financial opportunities.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14423/

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