What can be made from rhubarb: some tasty solutions

Rhubarb is a perennial plant with large leaves, growing in the middle lane. Its edible part is greenish-red petioles, fleshy and juicy. Rhubarb leaves are not good for food, but from the petioles you can make many delicious dishes. Do you already know how to make rhubarb jam or pie with it? Believe me, there are options that will surprise you.

What can be cooked from rhubarb

What to cook from rhubarb?

From this plant, which is a vegetable from a botanical point of view, you can make marmalade, jelly, compote, jam, pie filling, mashed soup, vinaigrette and sauces. The main thing is not to use brass or metal utensils during cooking, as rhubarb can lead to an oxidative reaction. Now you know what can be cooked from rhubarb. By the way, this vegetable appears when you can’t even think about other fresh fruits and berries, and it becomes an excellent source of vitamins and healthy acids and salts. As a remedy, rhubarb is used as a natural mild laxative. For people with gastrointestinal problems or dieters, this property is really valuable. Let's talk more about what can be prepared from rhubarb.

What to cook from rhubarb

Rhubarb compote

Take a kilogram of petioles, wash them thoroughly and cut into slices a couple of centimeters long. Pour a liter of water and boil for five to seven minutes. To taste, you can add no more than one and a half glasses of sugar, after which it should be boiled until the petioles soften. If you wish, you can add vanillin or vanilla sugar, as well as cinnamon. The taste will be more piquant. This easy-to-cook and tasty compote will let you no longer think about what can be cooked from rhubarb.

Kissel with rhubarb

Unlike stewed fruit, jelly is more dense and nutritious. Did not know that you can also make jelly from rhubarb? It really is. For cooking, you need a kilogram of petioles, cut into small pieces, a liter of water, sugar, lemon peel or cinnamon. Boil the roots for five minutes, wipe through a sieve or puree with a blender, add sugar, vanillin and zest or cinnamon. Stir five tablespoons of starch in cold water and, slowly stirring, pour in the rhubarb puree. Heat the mixture to a boil and turn off the heat. Let the jelly cool and serve as a dessert.

How to Make Rhubarb Jam

Rhubarb sauce

What can be made from rhubarb even more unusual? This is a sauce. Take chopped petioles into pieces and cook them until soft. Grind through a sieve or in a blender. Fry a little flour in oil, add sour cream, salt, sugar and mashed puree, heat to a boil. This sauce is well suited to meat dishes instead of tomato paste. The ratio of products is as follows: for one and a half kilograms of petioles, you need to take two teaspoons of flour, one or two hundred grams of sour cream to taste, a teaspoon of salt and a tablespoon of sugar. As a dressing, rhubarb is also suitable. For example, an ordinary vegetable vinaigrette will become more piquant and unusual if you season it with juice from cooked petioles. Boiled rhubarb can be added to soups instead of spinach or sorrel.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C1443/

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