We replenish our vocabulary: furor is

Newspaper headlines are full of headlines like "A new sort of soda made a splash at an exhibition in Beijing." Have you ever wondered where it came from and what the word β€œfuror” means? Present information about this in this article.

Furor is ...

Did you know that "furor" is close to the noun "fury", both words are descended from the Latin furor, which translates as "fury."

Make a splash

Furor is a huge public success, which is accompanied by violent manifestations of admiration and delight.

Phonetic and morphological features

The word "furor" consists of the same number of letters and sounds: there are five of them. Since the word has two vowels, it can be divided into two syllables. If a word has more than one syllable, one of them is stressed, and the other is unstressed. In the word "furor," the stress falls on the second syllable.

"Furor" is a common inanimate masculine noun.


Like all masculine nouns ending in a consonant, β€œfuror” refers to the second type of declension.

What is a furor
CaseQuestionSingular noun examples
NominativeWhat?It was a real sensation!
GenitiveWhat?The company has never seen such a grandiose furore.
DativeWhy?Marina missed the good old days so much: the admiring glances of fans, the chic, shiny outfits, and the furor that she constantly made in her circle.
AccusativeWhat?Wherever Michael appeared, he made a splash everywhere.
Instrumental caseThan?The ballerina was pleased with the sensation she made at the premiere.
PrepositionalAbout what?Each furor has its pitfalls.

Furor: synonyms

The word "furor" is a borrowed noun. Do you think it is possible in speech to replace it with words that are close in meaning?

Furor is:

  • Sensation (Journalist Finakhin was greedy for sensations).
  • Hype (The arrival of the Combination group made a lot of hype).
  • Success (This is real success!).
  • Excitement (I do not like excitement, one must be more modest, more modest).
  • Triumph (The competition program ended with the triumph of a young musician from Tbilisi).

Phrases with the noun "Furor"

In a modern school, great importance is attached to the formation of communication skills and the development of speaking and writing. To do this, they ask not only to write essays or expositions, but also to compose phrases, as well as to come up with common and not common sentences.

What could be the sensation?

Furor: synonyms

Full, comprehensive, real, simulated, flattering, global, captured, cool, pleasant, exciting, deserved, undeserved, long-awaited, unexpected, unexpected, amazing, full, noisy, perfect, deafening, big, unexpected, logical, logical, world, grandiose, frantic, enthusiastic, colossal, unprecedented, produced, caused, shared, ours, mine, nobody, past, future, unprecedented, unique.

What can the furor do?

To occur, to be, to appear, to delight, to delight, to inspire, to amaze, to be produced, to be called.

What can be done with the sensation?

Enjoy, enjoy, share, observe, participate, use, explain, provoke, envy, describe, tell, capture, photograph, shoot, repeat.

The word is often found in the steady combination "make a splash."

Who or what can make a splash?

Man, actor, actress, singer, singer, man, woman, beauty, group, collective, military, colonel, student, student, clever, excellent student, excellent student, winner, leader, hostess, troupe, film, play, performance, performance, result, experience, work, picture, class, staging, speech, program, programmer, scientist, discovery, choir, genius, wedding, incident, star, diva, company, contestant, clown, trainer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14435/

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