How to gain self-confidence: TOP 5 ways

Do you want to gain self-confidence? Yes, this is an excellent quality that allows you to positively, but realistically evaluate yourself in any situation. As a rule, it is not given to a person from birth, but is brought up in himself by rigorous labor. True, it is worth noting that self-confidence will not miraculously arise in one night. One desire for this is not enough, you have to work hard. Your goal is to understand that you are a good person, worthy of respect and love.

how to gain confidence
How to gain confidence in 12 steps

  1. Recognize that you are not self-confident. Understand the causes of this phenomenon: what makes you feel uncomfortable, shy, causes shame? It can be a child’s psychological trauma from the careless utterance of parents or ridicule of friends. Be that as it may, realize this, carefully and impartially consider your imaginary flaw, which makes you feel worse than others, understand its failure and ... forget about it!
  2. Discuss this situation with family or friends. If you can change your flaws, do it immediately (buy a gym membership, book a dance, consult a stylist or beautician, take a foreign language course, etc.). If not, take them for granted, emphasizing your personality.
  3. Forgive yourself. Remember: no one is perfect. There are times when even strong and successful people feel insecure, but all these are only temporary emotions. Treat your mistakes with a smile.
  4. Create a list of your strengths - each of us has strengths. Define your talents and try to express your inner world through them. Self-doubt is the condition of the victim imposed on itself. Stop feeling like a victim! It doesn’t matter if the list of your abilities turned out to be more than modest - think about what you would like to do, and boldly get down to business, even if your inner voice screams in a panic that nothing will come of it. Will come out, how!
  5. Remember the words of the philosopher: not the one who has much is rich, but the one who wants little. This does not mean that you should not strive for the best, on the contrary, ambitiousness is your plus. However, be grateful to fate for what you have. The next time you are overtaken by an attack of self-pity, remember homeless animals, starving children, terminally ill people, orphans. They really feel bad, and you are just lucky!
  6. Be positive always. Even in a bad mood, you should try to radiate optimism. Do not spare yourself and do not let others do it.
  7. Do not be afraid to accept compliments. When they tell you that you look great, you should not roll your eyes to give out a tirade about the bags under the eyes (which, by the way, no one sees besides you) and so on. You just have to smile and say “Thank you!”.
  8. Always smile at your reflection in the mirror, do not look for flaws in it, and note the merits.
    how to gain confidence
  9. Play a confident person. Imagine that you are playing forfeits with your friends and you have the task to spend a day (or an hour) in the image of an absolutely confident person. You see, in the evening you no longer want to part with this image.
  10. Be principled always and in everything. This will cause respect among others.
  11. To the extent possible, help the people around you: do charity work, help an old woman with a heavy bag, a fallen child, a homeless puppy. Helping others, we become better, and, in addition, you will know what people need and bring positive emotions into their lives.
  12. Avoid perfectionism - it can prevent you from achieving your goals.

How to gain confidence quickly

Psychologists recommend doing sports or signing up for a dance studio for this. The fact is that sport promotes the synthesis of hormones of happiness - endorphins, develops coordination of movements, grace, positively affects the figure. In a complex, this helps to increase self-esteem.

How to gain self-confidence through psychological training

Now there are a lot of trainings for all occasions. We are interested in personal growth trainings or even a trivial pickup truck - they teach how to effectively interact with others, accept yourself as you are, and look positively at the world.

self confidence
How to gain confidence by playing

Popular role-playing and psychological games are also an excellent simulator for such purposes. Perhaps, the spontaneous theater will be ideal: it teaches to show your emotions, express yourself, behave in various, sometimes completely unpredictable life situations. Even the famous game “Mafia” teaches how to gain self-confidence, because within its framework a person tries on new roles and learns to be natural.

How to gain confidence: shock therapy

If you are a rather shy person, specially create stressful situations for yourself, forcing you to constantly be in the center of attention, interact with strangers. Soon this situation will become familiar to you.

Self-confidence is not a combination of skills, but a state of mind that exists in each of us - you just need to open it in yourself.


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