What is demagogy: concept, history of occurrence, basic techniques

Currently, the concept of demagogy in many people causes negative emotions. She is associated with schemers and deceitful politicians who can prove everything that suits them, regardless of whether it is true or not.

What is demagoguery

Literally, this concept is translated as "fawning over the people." Demagogy is the effect on the instincts and feelings of a large mass of people. It is produced using intentional distortion of facts. In addition, the concept of demagogy is also customary to mean certain requirements and reasoning. They are formed only on the limited interpretation of any things.

What is demagoguery? Previously, this word meant oratory of politicians. That is, demagoguery, in simple words, was considered the management of the views and opinions of the people. Every self-respecting politician was obliged to study this art in order to be able to protect both his interests and the interests of his people. With the help of the art of demagogy, politicians could convey their opinions to the crowd in such a way as to support them.

history of the development of demagogy

History of Origin

The transformation of eloquence and oratory into a skilful lie happened long before our era. At a time when Ancient Greece was just beginning to develop as a democratic state, the rulers were elected, only coming from a noble family. Everything changed in the V century BC, when ordinary people like merchants got the opportunity to be elected. All sorts of politicians appeared at that time who were radically inclined and tried to win over the people through false promises.


The ways demagogues attract people to their side are different. For example, it can be honest methods, which are based on charm, facts and arguments, as well as “dirty”, which are based on black PR - gossip and lies. Demagogy is ubiquitous: both in politics and in relationships, life and work. In order not to fall on the hook, you should know the main techniques of demagoguery.

There are four main types of demagogy according to Igor Nezhdanov, shown in his book “Analytical Intelligence”.

speech demagogy

Demagogy is illogical

What is non-logic demagogy? This can be expressed in a mixture of a true and false statement in one phrase, a deliberately incorrect statement of the question, the use of verbal expressions for the so-called “one-time exposure”, for example: “you don’t think you are always right”, “you yourself must understand that ... ". In addition, in this case, the demagogues do not like to answer a question, but a close question. “Is it possible to trust the speaker’s claim that he gave evidence of this theorem? “The speaker is known to me as a very good public figure and family man.” Also, the demagogue can refer to the authority of people who are not specialists.

demagogy methods

Demagogy without logical disruption

  • By this concept can be meant the omission of a significant fact, which can change the obvious conclusion, but which the listener does not even suspect.
  • Skipped facts that change the conclusion. A person can figure out about this pass if he does not trust the speaker.
  • The omission of those facts that are noticeable and filled out by listening people “by evidence”. This undoubtedly leads to a wrong conclusion.
  • Certain verbal turns in order to create distrust in certain listeners of certain facts.

What is logical violation demagogy? In this approach, a logical error is applied in which the temporary connection between several incidents is explained as causal.

Power Demagogy

What is demagogy based on power? This type includes blackmail, transfer of discussion to scandal, accusations of an opponent of demagogy. This technique can be encountered both at work and at home. In addition, it is very common in online discussions.

the concept of demagogy

Psychological techniques of speech demagogy

In order to be able to use logic correctly, sometimes it is enough to put pressure on your opponents morally, using the human factor.

  • Transition to the individual. This trick is rather unpleasant, and also speaks of dishonesty of a person, so you should not associate yourself with people who are used to arguing over personalities in a dispute.
  • Assault as a defense. The man himself begins to blame his opponents for all problems.
  • Nitpicking to the little things. This technique includes the so-called “trolling”, which is quite popular in all kinds of social networks, in which some individuals idly started writing malicious comments to strangers. By this, they wanted to get them crazy. But such “trolls” soon began to be ignored, since their actions were quite transparent. Real demagogues using this method can very easily and quickly confuse many people.
  • Exaggeration as a demagogic device. This is a very powerful method in which one exaggeration can be layered on another. Example: “How could my scientific project be prevented from publication? Who do you think you are, God? Do you really want to decide the fate of people? ” It might seem at first glance that this speaker is talking about life and death. However, it turns out that “they were not allowed to print” - it was only returned for revision to correct errors. The “Scientific Project” here appears as an ordinary essay, to which human destinies have nothing to do.
    methods of demagogy

Appeal to authorities who are not specialists

Such a reception may include the statement of opinion on the political situation in the country of pop stars, reflections on utility tariffs for the hosts of the culinary broadcast. Of course, they have the right to express their opinion, but experts can take this into account in resolving some important problems. Often, demagogues turn to the opinion of popular people who are not experts in these matters.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14445/

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