Bee stalk - a miracle cure

Bee stalk
Bee pollen is the pollen of flowering plants that a bee brings to the hive on its legs in special baskets. To prevent weightless pollen from crumbling, a bee mixes it with nectar and saliva. While there is no nectar in the spring, the bee uses honey to moisten pollen. Squeezing through a pollen collector (a grill in front of the hive’s notch with holes 4.5 x 4.5 mm), the bee loses its trim, which in the form of lumps rolls into a trough. Bee pollen is the second food product (after honey), a vital raw material for the existence of these insects. It includes everything necessary for feeding bees, for growing a new generation - proteins, fats, carbohydrates, a full set of amino acids, vitamins, hormones, enzymes and mineral salts. By the composition of amino acids, bee pollen is equivalent to such protein products as meat, milk, eggs. Putting pollen in a honeycomb, pouring honey on top and sealing the cells with wax, the bees get bee bread - real canned food in reserve! Nursing bees are processed into royal jelly - food for brood and queen bee. Larvae form, one might say, in front of our eyes - they increase hundreds of times in a few days. All members of the huge bee colony need pollen - this is their daily bread. During the season, bees store up to 40 kg of dressing. From the hive, you can take 5 kg of pollen without harm to bees.

Bee stalk. How to use
Bee stalk - application of the product for treatment

By the color of the lumps, you can find out which plants collected pollen. From raspberries - whitish gray, from fireweed - green, from sunflower - golden, from chestnut - red, from phacelia - blue, lump dark blue - pollen was taken from a common bruise flower, from red clover - brown. Here is such a multi-colored palette of this bee product. Equally diverse is the list of diseases that the bee stalk can help cure. After all, pollen is a clot of the plant's life force, its concentrated energy, in which a new life is programmed. And since the bee mainly collects pollen from useful medicinal plants, there are phytomedicines in their pollen. Pollen from chestnut helps with varicose veins, from sage - from inflammatory processes in the throat and lungs, hawthorn pollen stimulates cardiac activity. But since it is impossible to sort lumps of pollen (they are smaller than a match head), flower pollen collected by bees is a complex drug. First of all, the use of this product strengthens the immune system, restores damaged cells, improves metabolic processes, stops the aging of the body, so this substance is extremely necessary for use in chronic debilitating diseases. They take pollen pollen in case of anemia, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes, diseases of the digestive organs, liver and kidneys, with impaired vision and hearing, neuro-depressive disorders, disorders of cholesterol and carbohydrate metabolism, hypertension, and pulmonary diseases such as bronchitis and tuberculosis, with skin diseases, infertility and impotence. It has been established that regular intake of pollen reduces cravings for alcohol and nicotine. A miraculous remedy - bee pollen helps to restore physical strength faster.

Bee stalk. Application
How to use

Pollen is a biologically active agent, a medicine, therefore, it is taken dosed. A teaspoon per day is enough. Take on an empty stomach and after that you can eat only after half an hour. Traditional healers advise to dissolve pollen without washing down with water. If there is no diabetes, you can mix it with honey. It is not recommended to use pollen during pollen treatment. Before treatment, you need the advice of a doctor. Although there are no allergens in the dressing, unlike fresh plant pollen (it is mixed with bee enzymes), allergy sufferers should not forget about the characteristics of their body and should start taking it with a lower dose, carefully monitoring the reaction to a new product.


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