What is the possessive case of nouns in English? Exercises

In English-speaking countries, only 2 cases are possessive and general. In the latter, the word coincides with the form indicated in the dictionary and does not have a peculiar ending. Using possessive express the belonging of an object to something. In this case, a special ending is added to the noun (in the genitive case) - apostrophe + letter s, for example:

  • Mike's bag - Mike's portfolio;
  • girl's pencil - a girl’s pencil;
  • dog's food - dog food.

Possessive nouns can be:

  • proper names;
  • animated objects;
  • some inanimate objects.

Next, we consider how the possessive case of nouns in English is correctly formed. Exercises with answers will help consolidate the material.

How are they formed?

Plural and singular possessive

In English, possessive constructions vary in units. hours and more h

In units including the possessive case of a noun in English is formed by the following methods:

  1. Animate object. By the way is added '(apostrophe) + ending s. For instance:
  • Take mom's bag. - Take your mother’s bag.
  • I met Kate's sister yesterday. - Yesterday I met Sister Kate.
  • I don't like the neighbor's dog. “I don't like the neighbor's dog.”
  1. Inanimate object. The preposition of is added to the word. For instance:
  • Did you hear the sound of wheels? - Have you heard the sound of wheels?
  • The last page of the magazine is torn out. - The last page of the magazine is torn out.
  • The piano stood in the center of the hall. - The piano stood in the center of the room.

In many including the possessive case of nouns in the English language is formed differently:

  1. Animate object. Only '(apostrophe) is added to the word, if the noun ends in –s, or' (apostrophe) + the ending s is in other cases. For instance:
  • Brothers' books were scattered on the floor. “The books of the brothers were scattered across the floor.”
  • The actors' trousers were wrinkled. - The trousers of the actors were wrinkled.
  • The Stuarts' lawn looked neat. “The Stuart lawn looked neat.”
  1. Inanimate objects. Here the preposition of is used. For instance:
  • The legs of this table are metal. - The legs of this table are metal.
  • Every day I walk in the parks of our city. - Every day I walk through the parks of our city.
  • The Apple trees of our garden are very beautiful in bloom in the spring. - The apples of our garden are very beautiful in bloom in spring.

Exception to the rule

Nouns in the possessive case (rule)

Individual words (inanimate) do not lend themselves to a general rule.






Names of cities and countries




Of England




Name of place

toy's store

city's square

toy shop

Town Square


Distance measure








moment's silence



moment of silence

of the day


Special words










the company

the moon

of the world


the sun



Of the earth

the ocean

The rules are pretty simple and straightforward. After studying the topic “Possessive nouns in English”, the exercises at the end of the article will not seem complicated.

Pronunciation of noun endings

Possessive nouns

The endings of possessive nouns can be pronounced differently, depending on the sound the word ends in.

  1. If a noun ends in a dull consonant, then -'s reads as [s]. For instance:
  • cat's tail - tail of a cat;
  • Jack's notebook - Jack's notebook.
  1. If the word ends in a vowel or voiced consonant, then -'s reads as [z]. For instance:
  • dog's eyes - eyes of a dog;
  • neighbor's car - the car of the neighbor.
  1. If the last sound of the word is whistling or hissing, then -'s reads as [iz]. For instance:
  • George's book - George's book;
  • Alex's pen - pen Alex.

Possessive case of nouns in English. Exercises

1. It is necessary to translate the sentences:

1) My mother's library.

2) Your actor's dresses.

3) Our teacher's glasses.

4) My son's cars.

5) The boys' father.

6) Our engineer's project.

7) Her parents' house.

2. Translate, using the possessive case:

1) My brother's notebooks.

2) Books of your students.

3) My uncle's cat.

4) Student dictionary.

5) Children's toys.

6) The population of this planet.

7) His sister’s apartment.

The answers

1. Translation of proposals into Russian:

1) My mother’s library.

2) Your acting dresses.

3) Points of our teacher.

4) My son’s cars.

5) The father of the boys.

6) The project of our engineer.

7) The house of her parents.

2. Translation of sentences into English:

1) My brother's notebooks.

2) Your students' books.

3) My uncle's cat.

4) Student's Dictionary.

5) Children's toys.

6) The population of this planet.

7) His sister's apartment.

Now it is clear how the possessive case of nouns in the English language is formed. Exercises easily solved. You began to understand English a little more. Keep learning! I wish you success!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14457/

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