Types of hardening of the body

Hardening is a system of preventive procedures necessary to increase the body's resistance to negative environmental influences. A set of measures can increase human stamina, strengthen the nervous system, immunity and improve the body's resistance to various diseases. The main types of hardening will be discussed in the article.

Beneficial features

Probably, many have at least once heard about the value of hardening. What is the mechanism of these procedures? Activities help to adapt to the temperature of the environment by regulating the generation of their heat. The human body in the cold by instinct produces more energy, raising the temperature, and in hot weather the reverse process occurs.

types of hardening

When the body undergoes rapid temperature fluctuations for some time, the ability to quickly turn on compensatory mechanisms capable of increasing or decreasing heat generation appears. As a result, immunity becomes stronger, resistance to various ailments is enhanced.

Many believe that hardening affects only immunity. But this effect is not the only one in the list of advantages. Stamina also increases, the functioning of the nervous system normalizes, metabolism improves, and mental activity is stimulated. As testimonials of those involved in hardening testify, there is one more advantage - a person is always in a good mood. It is only necessary to carry out activities correctly. What types of hardening exist, is described below.


Air baths are a gentle form of hardening of the body, which is suitable even for children and the elderly. Japanese doctors believe that the more people are in the fresh air, the longer they will live. They claim that aerotherapy protects against neurosis, early menopause and cancer.

Air quenching is usually carried out in conjunction with physical activity. This combination allows you to achieve excellent results. In humans:

  • the cardiovascular system improves, blood vessels become stronger;
  • hemoglobin level in the blood rises;
  • digestion is normalized;
  • mood improves, a person feels a surge of vigor.
types of hardening of the body

Quenching is carried out as follows:

  1. Walks. They should be carried out every day, and the duration and distance is determined by age and state of health.
  2. Ventilation. It is advisable to open windows 4-5 times a day for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Air baths. For this, the body should be as bare as possible, and the temperature should be reduced gradually. Typically, hardening begins in the room at a temperature of 18-21 ° C, and eventually passes to the street, reaching a temperature of 5 ° C. The duration of bathing is approximately 15 minutes. If the temperature is below 4 ° C, the duration of exposure to air without clothing is no more than 10 minutes.


Exposure to sun light is another type of hardening that improves blood circulation, restores the nervous system, stimulates the formation of vitamin D, and protects against rickets. Do not confuse hardening with the sun and sunbathing. The purpose of the first event is to strengthen the immune system, and the task of the second is to give the skin a bronze hue.

Sunbathing must be done before 11 hours and after 17, but the temperature should not be below 18 ° C. In the summer, it is advisable to do this in a swimsuit using a hat and glasses. In winter, treatments are best combined with winter sports. First you need to be 5 minutes in the sun, adding 3-5 minutes daily, reaching 1 hour.

Barefoot walking

On the human foot there are many active points, when exposed to which you can regulate the work of internal organs. Acupuncture is based on this principle. This principle applies when walking barefoot. This type of hardening makes the body more stable, provides the prevention of hypertension, stroke and angina pectoris.

body hardening basic types and principles

It is preferable to start walking barefoot in the summer, giving this occupation daily for 10-15 minutes. It is advisable to start with grassy lawns, gradually moving to a dirt coating. You should not worry about the feet: gradually the skin becomes denser, and the unevenness of the earth will not be very noticeable. It is advisable to alternate grass, pebbles, water, sand. Procedures can be carried out on the plot. This is a fairly effective type of hardening for school children.

Water use

This is an effective type of hardening, but because of the specifics, it is not suitable for everyone. The method includes several varieties:

  1. Rubdown. It is necessary to use the principle of tightening: you should start by wiping with a sponge, and then move on to a hard terry towel and brush. Rubdown must begin with the upper part of the body and perform massaging movements, and then move on to its lower part. Such events are an excellent cold prevention. This is a more gentle method. Procedures are also suitable for preschoolers.
  2. Pouring cold water. Local douches, such as feet or general rinsing, can be performed. At first, water is used several degrees below body temperature, gradually it decreases by another 1 degree.
  3. Shower. This event is similar to douche, but it can be carried out for several minutes longer. It is possible to act in 2 ways: contrast shower or stay under cold water. Over time, you need to increase the duration of the procedure.
  4. Winter swimming. Bathing in cold water is effective, but this requires lengthy preparation. Doctors recommend first wiping, and then switch to dousing and only then take water baths. The temperature should also be reduced gradually.
basic types and principles of hardening

These are the main types and principles of hardening the body. They are effective only subject to the rules and the absence of contraindications.

Swimming in the ice hole

This method is also referred to as the main types of hardening of the body. Its principle is as follows: swim in the hole should only be with good preparation. For this, a person needs to be tempered for about 6 months. Do not swim in the hole on your own. There should be a person near the swimmer who will help if necessary.

Before immersing in cold water for 10-20 minutes, a warm-up consisting of gymnastics, light running is performed. This improves blood circulation and prepares the cardiovascular, respiratory system for stress. You also need to wear a rubber cap that will cover your ears.

body hardening

Diving is performed for a short time - 5-90 seconds. After that, you need to dry yourself with a towel and put on a warm bathrobe to protect against hypothermia. You need to drink warm tea for warming. You can not drink alcohol, because they have ethyl alcohol, which dilates blood vessels, so the body will quickly begin to lose heat. In this case, hypothermia occurs, the risk of colds and pneumonia increases.


Such procedures also lead to hardening of the body. The positive effect of massage is associated with improved blood microcirculation, which normalizes metabolism. There is also a restoration of the excretory function of the sweat glands, and this improves the thermoregulation of the body. During the massage, irritation of the peripheral nerve endings is carried out, as a result of which hardening occurs.

Other types of hardening

In addition to the main types of hardening of the body, there are other options that are used less often. Some choose snowing. Only the upper body needs to be processed. First, these activities should be carried out indoors. Their duration is 1-3 minutes.

After 14-20 days after getting used to the cold, rubdowns should be carried out outdoors. Experts recommend starting wiping after preparing the body for cold water. This procedure should be carried out only in the absence of serious diseases and good health.

types of hardening of children

The main types of hardening include visiting the bath. Procedures improve the health of the body and restore the emotional state. Such measures are extremely undesirable for hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

In addition to the main types of hardening of the body, there are also unconventional ones. At home, you can gargle with hot and cold water. These procedures are commonly used to prevent upper respiratory tract and throat diseases in children. Accustom to events is allowed from 3 years. First, hot water (40 degrees) is applied. Then the water temperature decreases by 1 degree. The minimum indicator is at least 18 degrees.

Rinsing is performed as follows: the child needs to rinse his mouth and spit out the contents, and then he needs to draw warm water into his mouth, his head thrown back and begins to utter the sound "a". For these procedures, mineral water, saline or a decoction of medicinal herbs can be used.

When is it useful?

It is advisable to start procedures in the summer, because during this period the body is more prepared for stress. The effect obtained over the summer should be maintained in the rest of the year. With proper hardening exercises, the risk of colds or complications is minimal even in cold weather. Starting hardening in the fall, spring or winter is undesirable. This is due to the fact that water or air procedures at low ambient temperatures increase the risk of hypothermia, colds. In spring, you should not start the procedure due to the fact that during this period there is usually a lack of vitamins and minerals, the body is exhausted and not ready for new stresses.

When can not be tempered?

Each type of hardening has principles, the observance of which guarantees a positive result. Frequent mistakes of beginners: unreasonable decrease in temperature to obtain a quick result and ignoring contraindications. It is difficult for the body to quickly get used to new conditions, a person can get a cold or pneumonia. And if contraindications are not taken into account, this can lead to an exacerbation of chronic diseases. Hardening cannot be performed with:

  • frequent otitis media, diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • epilepsy, encephalitis, sclerosis of cerebral vessels;
  • glaucoma, conjunctivitis;
  • diabetes, ulcer, tuberculosis, emphysema, bronchial asthma.
what types of hardening

Contraindications for sunbathing are:

  • strong sensitivity to ultraviolet light;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • thyrotoxicosis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • scleroderma.

Even if your ailment is not listed, it is advisable to consult a doctor before starting hardening.


The main types and principles of hardening are interconnected. Events must be carried out according to the following rules:

  1. It is necessary to start hardening with good health, being healthy.
  2. The temperature should decrease gradually - by 1-2 degrees after each procedure. Gradually, you need to increase the duration of the procedures.
  3. Do not interrupt the course. If a break is made, then events should be resumed in a sparing mode.
  4. It is necessary to combine hardening with physical activity - so the result will be achieved faster.
  5. If after this appears weakness, malaise, you must stop the course and consult a doctor.
  6. During events, it is necessary to monitor the state of health: control the pulse, measure pressure, monitor appetite.
  7. It is important to consider age, state of health, climate.


It should be borne in mind that activities must be carried out continuously. If you take a break of 3 months, then you will need to start again. Information about the types and rules of hardening will be useful to everyone who wants to be healthy and strong.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14463/

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