How to cut long hair of different types

From time immemorial long hair is the first and best decoration of any woman. What is most remarkable - long curls and strands are perfect for absolutely any style, which can not be said about other hairstyles. Hair care is a prerequisite not only for their beautiful appearance, but also for healthy growth.

how to cut long hair
That is why a visit to a hairdresser-stylist is a mandatory procedure that is aesthetically justified and allows you to create a magnificent hairstyle, taking into account all the features. But how to cut long hair so that the hairstyle is beautiful? And I donโ€™t want to lose the main length.

Some tips for long-haired beauties

how to cut long hair

So, how to cut long hair to make the hairstyle the most successful? The hairstyle primarily depends on the type of hair: thin, thick, straight, lush, curly. So, for example, thin strands can be visually โ€œenrichedโ€ with volume, if you cut them with a ladder using thinning scissors, and then gently (this is a prerequisite for healthy hair) to smooth with an iron.

Also, rare long hair can be cut in two layers, of which the upper should be shorter than the lower. Such a hairstyle will noticeably add volume.

How to cut long hair, you can ask your hairdresser. An experienced stylist will be able to choose the most ideal option, but, however, you can consider not such cardinal options for changing the appearance. So, for example, a long (to the eyebrows) thick straight bangs can significantly diversify your appearance, while the hair length will remain the same.

In general, if we talk about fashion, then this year the straight, clear lines, including in the hairstyles, are held in high esteem. Therefore, if you do not know and cannot decide for yourself how to cut long hair, refer to fashion magazines with hairstyle options. This year returned straight and oblique bangs with clear and even cut lines. Ladders and cascades faded into the background. Well, if you want to be known as the original, then different strands can be cut off at different levels with even sections.

how to cut long hair

How can you cut long hair without sacrificing length? You can gently profile the tips, trim the bottom cut in an oval or straight line, and simply lay the main length in a certain hairstyle using plaques, irons, styling products and other hairdressing gadgets.

How to cut long hair itself

Many do not want to go to the stylists for an appointment, preferring to do their own hairstyle. In general, this is an ungrateful, difficult and most often knowingly disastrous business. Only true professionals can cut their own hair, but at the same time they do not risk, but go to colleagues for a service. Therefore, it is better not to even try to learn how to cut long hair itself, so as not to get a hairdressing nightmare as a result.

In general, if you canโ€™t choose a specific option for hairstyles, then pay attention to online programs for the selection of haircuts, makeup and accessories. A completely free service that will help you choose the most ideal option. To do this, simply upload a photo with your image and then select the best hairstyles!


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