What is indigofer dyeing for hair?

Indigofera or Basma is the most famous oriental hair dye of plant origin. In various proportions, it gives colors from chestnut to charcoal, giving the hair softness, radiance and a healthy look. Further we will provide information that this is an indigofer dyeing, and a photo of the hair dyed with it.

indigofer dyeing

Beneficial features

This natural pigment is native to India. It was always appreciated by oriental women and was used to give hair volume, gloss, eliminate dandruff, treat dermatological diseases and, of course, to obtain the most deep and intense dark hair tone.

indigofer leaves dyeing

This is a completely natural product, from which a diverse composition of healing masks and cosmetics is made to maintain and treat hair follicles. The indigofer dyeing plant includes the necessary minerals, natural resins, tannins, natural wax and vitamins that make the strands flexible, strengthen hair and nourish the skin.


Dyeing Indigofera grows mainly in sultry conditions, mostly in Southeast Asia. This plant is a genus of bean shrubs, it has colorfully pink inflorescences and has a pleasant aroma.

Leaves of indigo dye are used, most often, as a pigment for hair and tissues. The resulting paint is considered very durable and saturated. In addition, the plant is used for medical purposes, for example, with liver diseases and various dermatological inflammations.

indigofer dyeing for hair

The procedure for dyeing hair with this composition makes it possible to achieve the result of lamination due to the fact that resin is contained in the coloring pigments. Resins fill the voids between the scales and smooth the surface of the hair, they obviously thicken, look strong and attractive.

Indigofera is very popular in cosmetic medicine. She has:

  • anti-inflammatory properties;
  • antiseptic effect;
  • emollient effect;
  • cleanses, eliminates dandruff.

Basma for hair coloring

Natural paint from indigo tincture leaves (Basma) has the following properties:

  • makes curls submissive;
  • simplifies combing;
  • prevents obfuscation;
  • strengthens roots and texture;
  • nourishes ringlets;
  • stimulates growth;
  • forms a protective film;
  • gives bulkiness, making curls more luxurious.

Painting basma can be used to update the shade, and in addition, it is permissible to use it between the use of industrial paints. This requires brewing Art. l composition in a small amount of warm water, and dilute the resulting mixture with hot water to a volume of 1 liter. With this prepared solution, rinse the curls after washing. Such a composition can correct an undesirable tone.

What dye from the leaves of indigofer dyeing can turn out

Blue-black dye is made from young leaves of indigofer plants, dried and ground into the finest powder. To get a chestnut color, henna is added to it in various proportions, depending on the expected shade. This natural pigment is perfect for gray hair and well paints unpigmented areas in natural colors.

The present composition of indigoferu dyeing for hair gives a deep dark tone without additional pigments. There is a misconception that basma gives the hair a greenish or turquoise hue, but this is not so, and this judgment was formed in the 80s, when a variety of chemical was added to the pigment. impurities to reduce the cost.

Mix formulas

We offer you recipes for creating various shades using basma:

  • "Black Tulip". Combine basma and henna (ratio - 2/1), add 4 tsp to the mixture. Beetroot juice and keep on hair for 3 hours.

indigofer dyeing this is basma

  • Intensively black. Take 2 equal shares of basma and henna. Make a solution and separately stand on the hair for 2-3 hours.

leaves indigofer dyeing what dye

  • Natural black. Stir 1 serving of henna and three servings of basma. Keep for 3-4 hours.

indigofer dye color

  • Bronze. Take 2 servings of henna and 1 serving of basma. To sustain on hair 1,5-2 hours.

indigofer dyeing what is this photo

  • Chestnut. Keep the same servings of basma and henna on the hair for no more than 1.5 hours, separately or mix 1 serving of henna and 2 servings of basma (keep 1.5 hours).
  • Light brown. One part henna and 1 part basma. Keep no more than an hour.
  • Fair-haired. Combine 1 serving of henna and 1 serving of basma. The exposure time is from 30 to 40 minutes.

You already realized that the indigofer is dyeing - this is basma, a stable safe paint that any girl can afford. The intensity of the tone depends on the exposure period and the natural color of the hair, and in addition, on their texture and thickness. Do not forget that strong curls will be painted more actively.

Staining procedure

First you need to find out the subtype of your hair, since this natural dye (indigofer dye) dries them a little, which, of course, is good for greasy and not very dry curls. Owners of naturally thin hair and spoiled by hostile dyes need to reduce the time of influence of the dye and apply it not as often as women with ordinary and oily hair can do it.

To make the mixture you need:

  • whether to take plastic glassware and pour the right amount of powder into it;
  • stirring with a spoon, pour hot water (not boiling water) until a homogeneous gruel is obtained;
  • distribute the pigment through the hair with a special brush, and in addition, observe that the mass does not cool;
  • withstand the right time, and then wash the curls with warm water.

Basma dyeing at home is absolutely simple, and you can do all this without much effort and additional ingredients. The procedure does not take a lot of time and makes it possible to add the right tone to the hair without damage.

Useful recommendations:

  • It is not recommended to wash your hair for 3 days after staining;
  • Basma is not brewed with boiling water;
  • Do not insulate;
  • wash it off only with water;
  • henna can be brewed with a decoction of ground coffee;
  • getting an extremely black tone is possible only with a separate staining of indigofera (basma) and henna (henna);
  • Before dyeing, cut, brittle sections of hair should be cut off each time;
  • Stir the composition thoroughly so that no undissolved granules remain.
  • it must be applied by wearing gloves in advance, otherwise the paint from the skin will not be washed off for a long time;
  • for people with dry hair and those with porous and thin curls, these dyes are not recommended;
  • basma is a very stable paint, it is difficult to wash it off, for this reason it is preferable to not contain it, rather than overexpose it.

Cooking Healing Masks

A variety of oils, grassy consistencies, powders and other high-calorie components can be added to the coloring gruel. Natural basma and henna make it possible to perform effective hair treatment and give them a bright, correct tone. These are completely safe substances that have no contraindications. They do not have chem. elements, they instantly and effectively deeply act and renew the texture of the hair.

For the manufacture of a healing mask should:

  • prepare curls, washing them in advance and drying;
  • brew basma powder or henna with boiling water;
  • insist for 15 minutes;
  • bring the whisk to a thick paste;
  • add with egg yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil;
  • apply and stand for 30 minutes;
  • rinse off without using shampoos.

Apply the mask once a month.

Eyelash & Eyebrow Tinting

Indigofer dyeing is an element that is often included in the composition of paints for eyelashes and eyebrows. This operation excellently strengthens the bulbs of the hairs and promotes their growth, which makes the cilia longer and reconstructs the direction of the eyebrows.

The process itself is somewhat troublesome, but the reward will be a spectacular look and growing eyelash growth. If you dye not only the hairs, but also the skin between them, you get the tattoo effect.

For the operation you will need:

  • part of henna and 2 parts of basma (you can use the ready-made natural multi-colored mixture for coloring);
  • warm water (up to 90 ° C);
  • plastic or clay dishes;
  • flat vessel with hot water;
  • brush;
  • cream for dry skin or oil;
  • napkins, cotton pads and sticks.


  • pour the powder 1/2 tsp. water;
  • drip a couple of times;
  • place the vessel with gruel in a container with warm water and mix thoroughly;
  • if the solution is thick, add some water, if liquid, wait a little longer or add a pinch of powder (the density should be such that it is well smeared like oil paint);
  • when the solution has been prepared, it is necessary to apply cream to the skin near the eyes and eyebrows or oily cover these areas with oil, creating a shape and protecting it.

Staining process:

  1. Attach safety cotton half-disks under the lower cilia.
  2. Fill eyelashes from the top line, starting from the base to the edges. Paint over carefully avoiding the formation of lumps and grains.
  3. Next, work out the lower cilia.
  4. During the operation, immediately eliminate the smeared areas with a stick or napkin corner.
  5. Then proceed to the eyebrows, keeping the tone from 60 to 90 minutes.
  6. Moisten cilia and eyebrows, wait a little while the composition gets wet and gently wash it until the water is colorless.

In order for the cilia to get a bright dark tone and color more evenly, it is preferable to perform 3 operations with an interval of 3 to 5 days.

Cons from application

Basma is an environmentally friendly product that includes biologically active elements and vitamins. But it should be remembered that it is not used for coloring separately, otherwise an indigo-greenish tone may come out.

In addition, it has the ability to dry curls. The composition of the product includes tannic components and acids, which can contribute to this property. For this reason, in the interval between stains, it is necessary to moisturize the curls as much as possible and apply the dye no more than once a month.

Another of the drawbacks of basma is that after washing off the paint gets dirty.

The use of artificial means for coloring on natural can serve as a reason for obtaining the wrong tone, which will be assumed. What exactly will be the color of the indigo dye, in this case even the specialist in the salon will not be able to answer.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14473/

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