Objectives of the organization: features and classifications

The success and financial well-being of the company will depend on how well -organized the goals of the organization are. This process is determined by the conditions for their implementation for the near and long term. Currently, there are several classifications in accordance with various grounds. Let's consider them in more detail in the given article.

The classification of the organization's goals according to the scale of activity is as follows:

  • private
  • local
  • are common;
  • global.

Objectives of the organization by objects can be:

  • the entire organization as a whole;
  • the objectives of the structural unit (s);
  • functional systems (economic, scientific, technical, technological,
    social, productive, administrative, clerical goals, marketing);
  • specific performers.

The third classification is allocated in accordance with the management functions:

  • analysis;
  • decision making;
  • assessment;
  • control.

In accordance with the executing entity, the group and personal goals of the organization are distinguished.

Classification is also carried out:

  • by awareness (imaginary and real);
  • by reachability (fantastic and real);
  • by hierarchy (lower, intermediate, higher);
  • by relationship (competing, indifferent and interacting);
  • on objects of interaction (internal and external);
  • by value (functioning, growth of the organization - fast, stable, limited);
  • by time factor (long-term, medium-term, tactical).

We consider in more detail the last type of classification. It is based on a time period that is associated with the duration of the production cycle.

Short-term goals of the organization. They must be achieved at the end of the production cycle and, as a rule, are implemented during the calendar year. They are characterized by detailing and concretization in matters of when, what, who and how should be done.

Mid-term goals of the organization. They serve to adjust short-term and long-term projects, usually developed as necessary.

The strategic goals of the organization are achieved in five or more years. It should be borne in mind that managers who focus their attention only on tactical indicators, neglecting long-term plans, often fail financially. For example, companies that are able to set low prices, counting on the strategic prospect of increasing market share, will be able to take a leading position over time.

In such a system, it is not recommended to make assumptions that future financial indicators should certainly be better than past ones. The fact is that the strategic goals of the organization include an analysis of the company's prospects, the task of which is to find out trends, dangers, opportunities, emergencies and so on.

But you need to keep in mind that long-term planning can cover the field of activity in five, ten or more years. Moreover, this indicator is relative. Because what is considered long-term for one company may be tactical for another.

In the wording, a clear and thoughtful definition of the content of the goal, its temporal, quantitative, and spatial characteristics is mandatory; personal binding; hierarchy and rank goals; possible means and ways to achieve them. In any case, they need to be consistent with each other: short-term ones should be established as steps to achieve long-term ones, and adjusted in the medium term.

There is only one effective law: the more concretely and clearly defined goals, the more realistically their achievement strategy will be framed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14475/

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