Midwest USA: Description, Industry, Resources, and Feature

Midwest - this name is often heard in many films and books. Indeed, this place has a special charm and charm. In fact, this is a fairly large region, which boasts great achievements. They manifest themselves in scientific and cultural life, as well as in industry and economics. The midwestern United States also has a favorable geographical position. The article will consider the features of this region, its composition, industry, population and much more.

mid west usa

Midwest USA - General Information

America, like many other countries, is divided into several regions. There are 4 in total, but we will talk about one of them - the Midwest. It is worth talking separately about its composition. It is divided into 2 large parts. One of them is called the Great Lakes Region, the second is called the Great Plains Region. The first region includes 5 states: Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan. The second consists of 7 states - Missouri, North and South Dakota, Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska.

A characteristic of the Midwestern United States includes many different facts. For example, this region has made excellent progress in employment. It recorded the smallest number of unemployed in the whole country. Also, an important industry such as agriculture is actively developing in the region. If we talk about industry, then there is also something to brag about. In these places are the largest production centers of the country. Among them, Chicago, Detroit and some others can be especially noted.

The Midwestern United States is also a major transportation hub. Here intersects many important ways along which the supply of goods and freight transport.

Midwest Characteristics

Economic and geographical position of the region

So, we learned what is in the Midwest and what role it plays in the life of the whole country. Probably, many were interested in the question of why this region is so developed? There is a fairly simple explanation. There are many favorable factors in the area that contributed to this growth. It is worthwhile to elaborate on why the leading positions in the economy and industry are occupied by the Midwest of the USA. EGP (economic-geographical position) of this region really contributed to its formation. This is manifested in several ways. Firstly, natural conditions and climate contribute to the development of agriculture here, allowing you to get rich harvests. In addition, the local soil is unusually fertile. Favorable conditions for livestock. Secondly, the region has huge reserves of natural resources. Here, large amounts of iron ore and coal are mined.

Of course, such favorable conditions are bearing fruit. Among the special achievements, it can be noted that the Midwestern United States supplies the entire country with dairy products - butter, cheese and milk.

midwest usa egp


Of course, it is impossible not to say about the inhabitants of this region. It was settled relatively long ago, in the 19th century. Today, about 67 million people live here - the Midwest of the USA can boast such a significant figure. The population of the region is about 22% of the total population of the country.

Here, as elsewhere, there are leaders in terms of the number of inhabitants. For example, the state of Illinois boasts a truly large number of inhabitants - more than 12 million people. He takes 5th place in the whole country.

In second place in the region is another state - Ohio. Here the number of inhabitants is about 11.5 million people. In the ranking of all states of the country he is in 7th place.

Thus, we met with the population of the Midwest. From the above data it can be seen that the region is quite large, and also a really large number of people live here.

Climate and nature

Once we have already raised the issue of climatic conditions. The fact that they are favorable for agriculture has already been said. However, it is worth talking about them in more detail.

The region lies in areas of humid continental climate (warm and hot). Usually there are hot summers and cool winters. The warmest months in the area are July and August. The average July temperature is around +22 ... +25 0 . In January, the average temperature is usually kept at -4.5 0 . However, as elsewhere, there are significant deviations from the average values.

If we talk about the nature of the Midwest, it is striking in its unusualness and beauty. It is no coincidence that these places are called the Edge of the Great Lakes. Here is a whole system of fresh water lakes. There are 5 reservoirs in total. This is the largest such system in the world. All lakes are connected by rivers, which contributes to shipping and fishing in these places.

Also sometimes these places are called the Land of Great Plains. This name is due to the fact that there is a large plateau.

midwest usa population


So, we talked about the population, nature and climate of such an interesting region as the Midwestern United States. The industry of this area is also interesting to consider. For example, Illinois is a large center where coal is mined. The deposits that are located here have been known since the mid-19th century. Now, according to experts, there is a reserve of 211 billion tons of coal.

Also in this region is an active oil refining. In addition, its mining is also carried out here. It should be noted and the energy industry in the Midwest. It is believed that she appeared here in the state of Illinois. Now in this place there are 6 nuclear power plants, each of which has 2 reactors.

The region has developed and automotive industry. The state of Michigan became the center of this industry . It is here that the largest factories are located - Chrysler, Ford and General Motors. There is also a military industry and furniture production.

Agriculture is especially worth noting, as the region is characterized by a variety of manufactured and delivered products.

midwest usa industry

Large states in the region

Now that we’ve talked about economics, industry and nature, we need to pay attention to the composition of the region. Many territorial units boast such an area as the Midwestern United States. The states included in it deserve a separate story.

The most developed of them is Illinois. We have already talked about its economy and production. However, this is not all that can be said about him. Of particular interest is the fact that Illinois is the largest transport hub in the whole country.

Another state that is not far behind Illinois is Michigan. He, as already mentioned, is known for the automotive industry.

Ohio can also be noted. Most of it is located on the flat terrain, so it is remarkably adapted for successful agricultural activities. In addition, the state operates the automotive and aerospace industries.

The biggest cities

So, we met some of the states of the region. It is worth talking separately about the largest cities located here. Chicago stands out especially from all Midwest cities. It is on the 3rd place in the number of inhabitants (after such megacities as New York and Los Angeles) and is considered a major business center of the country. Also, this city is a cultural, economic and transport center of the entire region.

In second place is Detroit. Its population is about 681 thousand people. The city was founded at the beginning of the XVIII century. Now it is the largest center of the automotive industry, there are several factories known throughout the world. The city is located on the border with the neighboring country of Canada, which makes it an important transportation hub.

midwest usa states

Region Resources

As it has already become clear, many things can boast of such a region as the Midwestern United States. Resources are no exception. As already mentioned, in the territory of this region there are many mineral deposits. For example, in the state of Michigan, there are natural gas sources that are being actively developed. In addition, limestone (in Indiana), lead, coal and gravel (in Missouri), as well as sand and gravel (in Minnesota), are mined in the region .

mid west usa resources

Thus, we got acquainted with the reserves of various minerals in the area. The Midwestern United States is rich in resources, which markedly influenced its formation as a large industrial center of the country.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14476/

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