Qilib lotion: what is in the composition, effect, application, reviews

Hair loss is a disaster for every modern woman. Needless to say, men are also preoccupied with their appearance and condition of hair, in particular. Baldness, a decrease in the thickness of each hair can be a big problem for a person, so you need to immediately learn how to deal with this ailment.

Quilib lotion is ideal for you to stimulate healthy hair regrowth on the scalp. Products are produced in a bottle of eighty milliliters.

What is included in the product?

quilib lotion for women

Quilib lotion is made on the basis of nutrient extracts, and all its active substances are selected taking into account the physiological characteristics of the body of women. If you use the product correctly, follow all the recommendations, then excellent results will not be long in coming.

In about three months of treatment, more than 80% of patients begin to grow hair (approximately eight thousand new hairs grow during this period of time). The effect will be noticeable after a month and a half of using the product. The products include:

  1. Bow. It guarantees an irritating effect, saturates the skin with nourishing components.
  2. Gaurana. The product dilates blood vessels.
  3. Cocoa Seeds The substance tones the skin, nourishes the roots of the hair.
  4. Lemon. It protects hair from ultraviolet rays, strengthens locks.

This complex of extracts improves the processes of collagen synthesis, normalizes cell metabolism.

Clinical trials

The Qviliba lotion was studied in six directions; approximately four hundred people who had problems with hair regrowth took part in a group of volunteers. What did scientists manage to prove? The main results:

  1. The tool is really effective in treating inflammatory processes in the structure of the hair.
  2. An increase in the presence of collagen in the scalp by 79% is observed during treatment.

Who is allowed to use the drug?

Healthy beautiful hair

Qilib lotion is recommended for women who suffer from hair loss (the intensity does not matter). Also, the remedy is indicated for girls who have too thin and brittle hair. In addition, a special tool for men is available.

How does the drug work?

If the Qilib women lotion is used on a regular basis, then the following effects will soon be observed:

  • restoration of normal hair growth;
  • new hair growth;
  • visible result after a month and a half.

How to apply the product?

quilib lotion reviews

Before using the product, the bottle must be shaken. To comfortably use the drug, use the applicator. Apply the product on the scalp, it does not matter, it is wet or dried. Rub the lotion lightly into the head with massage movements. The procedure should be performed twice a day: in the morning and before bedtime. If you wish, you can wash your hair after thirty minutes have passed and the product is completely absorbed into the hair. One bottle is enough for a month. Before using the product, consult a doctor.

What are the reviews about the tool?

About Qilib lotion positive reviews. Buyers are satisfied with the effect of this product, they like the composition of the drug, its effect and the result, which can be seen after a month and a half.

The product contains natural ingredients. Girls repeatedly wrote that the product smells normal, it is easy to use, and it really does not cause allergies (even in the most sensitive people). However, it is still recommended to check the personal reaction to this tool. How to do it? It's simple: apply a little product to the skin of the forearm, wait a couple of hours, and if the allergy does not appear, then everything is in order.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14508/

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