Reviews: holofiber as a basis for warming

For a comfortable existence, a person needs high-quality, environmentally friendly materials in everyday life. To ensure this comfort, manufacturers are puzzling over innovative processes. Thanks to new technologies and developments, an excellent non-woven material appeared on the market of synthetic fillers and heaters - holofiber, which, thanks to its qualities, was able to win the trust of many consumers. This is evidenced by numerous positive reviews. Hollofiber is successfully used in various manufacturing industries and is gaining popularity among customers.

Reviews hollofiber

The structure and properties of the filler

Spiral hollow fiber - this is the structure of a synthetic 100% polyester - holofiber. Due to the springy structure, this fiber has a distinctive property - it holds its shape perfectly. Products with a holofiber filler when exposed to external factors do not deform, but return to their previous form. This material has received a demand and recognition of customers due to such advantages:

  • The service life of products with a holofiber filler is much longer than for products with other fillers.
  • Due to its elasticity, the material retains its shape well.
  • It is completely free of toxins, so it does not cause allergies.
  • Odor does not absorb, air does not pass.
  • The material is completely non-burning and not electrified.
  • Excellent heat retention.
  • Does not get wet.
  • Possibility of application for sound insulation and thermal insulation.
  • Has a certificate of environmental safety.
  • Ticks do not start in the filler.

Domestic manufacturer of insulation "Hollofiber"

Hollofiber is a registered domestic brand owned by Termopol-Moscow LLC. The company has been producing high quality products for many years. The manufacturing process takes place on professional equipment, taking into account all the latest technologies. The raw materials manufactured by the company are in great demand among textile workers, sewing enterprises, and furniture factories. The pride of the Russian manufacturer is hollofiber filler. Reviews of clothing insulated with this material are often positive. Even the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences recommends using clothing based on hollofiber insulation in all climatic zones.

Filler holofiber. Jackets Reviews

holofiber jackets reviews

Guided by intentions to purchase high-quality outerwear, consumers are faced with the problem of choosing a filler. For many years, buyers actively bought outerwear on a padding polyester or down, until various reviews began to appear. Hollofiber is much stronger and better as a filler than previous competitors. The material of the new generation contributes to normal heat transfer, which significantly increases its functionality. Lightness is also an important winning factor when choosing outerwear. It is also worth noting that the price of a unique filler is much lower than that offered by competitors for clothes with the same qualities.

Important items for sleeping

holofiber pillows reviews

In addition to clothing, this filler is widely used in the production of bedding. Synthetic pillows have gained particular popularity among consumers. Hollofiber (reviews of those who own this thing - confirmation of this) is a material ideally suited for filling these "air" sleep satellites. Buyers note the softness, strength and ease of care. Unlike down pillows, ticks and other microorganisms will never get into such pillows. Due to its springy qualities, the pillow made of holofiber takes on the anatomically correct shape for a person’s comfortable sleep. A great solution is to buy quality furniture and items that promote healthy sleep. The material is also used as a filler for mattresses. Due to the preservation of its initial shape and elasticity, objects from holofiber do not wear out for a long time and do not become dusty. Unlike foam rubber, previously widely used in this industry, furniture based on holofiber filler has already been appreciated by millions of domestic buyers. The material received quite decent reviews. Hollofiber is a great choice for allergy sufferers. With furniture with this filler, you can forever forget about the signs of such an individual ailment.

How to distinguish a craft

Consumer recognition is the highest quality rating. However, there is a likelihood of counterfeiting, despite the availability of prices, fraudsters make products containing a heater that looks like a company insulation, and pass it off as a holofiber.

hollofiber filler reviews

This kind of deception, no doubt, causes negative reviews in people. Hollofiber produces high-quality insulation and is not responsible for non-certified goods purchased from scammers. In order not to be in such a situation, pay attention to the label; it must bear the environmental safety sign and the Hollofiber logo, each letter in which must correspond to the correct name.


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