Environmental protection in the modern world

Environmental protection is one of those global problems, the solution of which requires a comprehensive and universal solution, the implementation of a set of effective measures to restore natural resources, prevent pollution of the oceans and the atmosphere, deforestation , etc. For centuries, people have been spending their natural wealth thoughtlessly, and today the time has come when we realize that the planet’s reserves are not infinite and require not only rational use, but also restoration.

environment protection

The main factors that environmentalists pay attention to are air pollution , which causes the thinning of the ozone layer of the atmosphere and leads to a “greenhouse effect”, the discharge of harmful substances into the world’s oceans, which causes the death of its inhabitants, and the increase in production waste that cannot be decomposed. . The incident at BP’s oil development, which led to a real environmental disaster, showed how much more extensive environmental protection is needed in the oil and gas complex. Indeed, it is in this industry sector that any accident leads to terrifying consequences, from which nature cannot recover for years.

Today, environmental protection is one of the most important issues that are addressed by governments and public organizations in most countries of the world. Scientists are looking for more gentle technologies for the production and processing of raw materials, are developing complexes for its subsequent utilization or reuse, are exploring the possibility of reducing the amount and concentration of harmful emissions into the atmosphere, trying to use safe energy sources and more environmentally friendly fuels.

It is adverse environmental conditions that affect not only natural

environmental protection in Russia
resources, but also on human health: the average life expectancy of people decreases, the number of infants born with developmental pathology or congenital diseases increases, the number of infertile couples and cancer patients grows. It was such disappointing statistics that became the reason for the development of a set of measures aimed at changing the current situation.

The protection of the environment in Russia in recent years has become one of the priorities of the state’s internal policy. It involves the development and implementation of new, safe production technologies, measures to restore natural resources (new forest planting and cutting down, restoration of the population of water bodies, rational use of mineral resources, reuse of various raw materials, etc.). Along with these measures, the number of nature protection zones, national parks and reserves is increasing.

environmental protection in the oil and gas complex
The State Committee for Nature Protection is called to regulate and control the use of resources. His direct responsibility is to develop regulations, requirements and rules. Only in our country are environmental laws included in the basic law of the state - the Constitution. In addition, in order to properly use resources in various sectors, the Subsoil Law has been developed, as well as the Water, Forest and Land codes. Despite a fairly large number of environmental agencies, environmental protection in our country is still not sufficiently developed. And this is not so much a flaw in state power, as much as each person’s own attitude to the world in which he lives.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/C14513/

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