Men's hairstyle with parting: varieties, styling features

Representatives of the stronger sex often have to find themselves in situations where it is necessary to quickly change the everyday hairstyle to something more presentable and elegant. A great option in order to impress others is a men's hairstyle with parting. Next, we consider the varieties of such haircuts, the features of their implementation.

men's hairstyle parted

The choice of hairstyles, depending on the shape of the face

Men's hairstyle with parting involves the execution of volume on one side of the head. As practice shows, such asymmetry does not go well for all representatives of the stronger sex:

  1. The face is oval. Owners of this appearance are suitable for any short men's hairstyles with parting. In this case, both elongated bangs and a shaved nape are welcome.
  2. The face is square in shape. It is recommended to leave short strands here. An undesirable solution is hair styling in the direction of the center of the head.
  3. Round face. Voluminous men's hairstyles with shaved parting and bangs are not suitable.
  4. Rhomboid face. Attractive parting on long curls with strands raised in the side of the head.
  5. The triangular face. It is important to resort to the implementation of ideas that visually increase the volume in the upper part of the head of hair.

men's hairstyle

I would also like to consider options for men with a narrow chin. For owners of a similar appearance, stylists recommend not resorting to shaving the back of the head. On the contrary, to make the image more harmonious here makes it possible to create a parting along with long strands laid up or combed to the side.

Classic version

A classic men's hairstyle with parting is the most common solution. Distinctive features of this styling are smoothly laid strands that have an average length. The creation of a slanting bang is allowed.

short men's hairstyles

The presented hairstyle with a side parting is suitable for men for absolutely all representatives of the stronger sex, regardless of the style of clothing, whether it is strict, business suits or sports, everyday looks. The main thing here is the implementation of the most smooth, neat styling, which is achieved through the use of gel or wax.


Another universal hairstyle with a parting on the side is male. A distinctive feature is the creation of an average length of curls in the region of the crown along with a shaved nape and short temples. To make the styling look neat in any situation, it is recommended that hair owners with a rigid structure be resorted to implementing the idea.

Actual such men's hairstyle with parting looks for attending special occasions. However, recently athletes, as well as guys who pay special attention to creating stylish images in everyday life, have increasingly resorted to its creation.

men's hairstyles with shaved parting

Half box

A haircut that opens the face, emphasizing the advantages of male appearance. It is relevant for self-confident, stylish personalities.

Such a male hairstyle with parting involves creating the smoothest transition from locks of medium length in the upper part of the head to shorter ones from the bottom. The idea can be realized on the hair of absolutely any type. A good option, the hairstyle looks for owners of curly, fairly rare curls.


A haircut is an ideal basis for laying curls on one side. The main distinguishing feature of the hairstyle is the presence of rather long strands in the crown and parietal area - about 10-12 cm. The curls at the temples are shortened or smoothed with the help of styling.

men's hairstyle parted

Shearing is done exclusively by hand with scissors. Ideal for chubby guys and owners of a somewhat angular oval.


It is a shortened version of the previous haircut. For processing the temporal zones, the use of a machine haircut is allowed here. When creating an informal image in grunge style, somewhat chaotic styling of curls with the implementation of a clearly graded parting is possible.

Features of styling hairstyles with parting

Almost all men's hairstyles with parting are performed according to the same scheme:

  1. To begin with, the curls are thoroughly washed. Then the hair is dried using a hairdryer. The roots are treated with a tool that has the effect of creating additional volume.
  2. A deep, pronounced side parting is performed. The curls are once again dried with a hairdryer, lifted and successively combed back with a thick comb. Thus, the most smooth strands are formed.
  3. As soon as the hair dries, the parting is adjusted. Using the comb, any hairs that distort the previously created line are stacked.
  4. Ultimately, the hairstyle is processed with a strong fixation gel or wax. This allows you to get the effect of wet hair.

men's hairstyles with shaved parting


The above types of hairstyles with parting allow you to diversify both business and everyday looks. At the same time, it is extremely important that the selected styling not only looks attractive and fits the face, but also does not cause discomfort.

men's hairstyle

When forming a hairstyle with parting, one should remember about the competent selection of clothes to create the appropriate ensemble. For example, the smoothest retro style styling will look harmonious only in combination with a business suit, dress coat or tuxedo.


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