Treatment of sinusitis cyclamen at home: methods, recipes, reviews

Treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen began to be carried out hundreds of years ago. The high effectiveness of the drug, which helps cleanse the mucus and pus of the sinuses, was noticed by ancient herbalists. Today, laboratory studies have confirmed the beneficial properties of cyclamen root. Based on the extract, various preparations are made.

cyclamen medicine for sinusitis

The effectiveness of drugs with cyclamen for sinusitis

Cyclamen juice was used in ancient Rome. He helped with purulent wounds, abscesses, stimulated the process of childbirth, relieved gout, headaches, rheumatism, positively influenced male potency. The plant did not use Slavic medicine, but healers of Georgia knew it well. The very first medication based on cyclamen for the treatment of sinusitis was produced specifically in Georgia (Nasodren, OJSC Iveriapharma).

Modern pharmacists are interested in such extensive medicinal properties of the plant. Today, preparations containing its extract are on sale. They treat sinusitis, runny nose. Cyclamen is also suitable for the treatment of sinusitis. Sinuforte is considered to be the most well-known product, the only active component of which is the lyophilisate of juice and European cyclamen tuber extract.

The tubers contain saponins, namely the alkaloid cyclamine. A moist environment promotes the conversion of this alkaloid to cyclamethritin. They irritate the nerve endings of the mucous membranes, resulting in a sharp increase in the production and outflow of mucus. All this leads to subsidence of edema, liquefaction of the fluid and existing purulent masses, they easily go outside.

What is the mechanism of action based on?

Treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen is based on the fact that it acts as a stimulant of secretion (the mucous membrane of the nose is irritated, enhanced natural drainage is provoked), a powerful antiseptic (kills viruses and germs). It relieves inflammation and relieves pain. The effect occurs already after a couple of minutes and lasts up to two hours, the whole period of gray-mucous discharge is observed.

treatment of sinusitis cyclamen at home

Where can I get cyclamen?

For therapy, cyclamen wild growing in the forest, or European (dryaku) is usually used. It has a tuberous root system, which reaches tangible dimensions in only two years. At home, a variety such as Persian cyclamen is usually grown, because saponins are found in equal quantities in all varieties. Home flowers are used if they are grown from seeds on their own, a purchased Dutch plant will not work, because it is treated with chemicals.

Cyclamen-based medicines

The following effects are contained in the roots of highly active substances, essential oils and organic acids:

  • the independent exit of pathological secretion from the sinuses of the nose improves due to their irritation;
  • regeneration and self-cleaning processes are accelerated;
  • inflammation of the nasal mucosa is removed;
  • It has an antiseptic and antimicrobial local effect.

You can prepare a medicine based on this plant yourself from the roots of grown cyclamen. There is also a pharmacy tincture on sale. How is sinusitis treated with cyclamen at home, we will describe below.

sinusitis treatment with cyclamen

Recipes for home cyclamen medication

From the root of cyclamen, you can make drops, ointments and tinctures, and then use them in the fight against sinusitis.

A certain amount of toxic substances is accumulated and produced in the plant, so it must be used carefully.

During the manufacturing process of the drug:

  • the dosage and proportions indicated in the recipe must be observed;
  • you need to rinse your hands after each contact with the plant;
  • do not touch the mucous membranes with your hands;
  • do not give to children.

Before the manufacture and use of any means based on cyclamen, you need to consult a doctor. The otolaryngologist will select the most suitable for each specific patient, talk about the necessary dosages. So, here are the recipes for the treatment of sinusitis cyclamen.

Drops for liquefying and removing mucus and pus from the sinuses are made as follows. The root of the plant is rubbed, the pulp is squeezed out and the juice is filtered. Then it must be diluted with water in a ratio of 1: 4. Insist in the refrigerator. Instill in the morning in each nostril 1 time, after which you need to stay alone for ten minutes. The course of therapy is continued for a week.

treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen juice

Drops, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the dryness of the nasal mucosa. To make them, cyclamen juice is mixed with sunflower oil. Proportion 1: 1. Allow to infuse for three days in a dark place. Every day, 2 drops are used in each nasal passage. The course continues for a week.

Ointment. Preparation: plant juice is mixed with Vishnevsky ointment, aloe juice, colanchoe in equal proportions. Cotton swabs are impregnated with this agent and placed in the nostrils. Stand for half an hour. The course lasts 14 days.

To prepare the tincture, 2 g of crushed cyclamen root is poured into 100 ml of boiling water. Let it brew for 1 hour. Infusion should be diluted in the proportions of 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of boiled water. Apply 2 drops in each nostril up to five times a day.


Reviews about the use of cyclamen juice in sinusitis are mostly positive, and people praise just drops, they show faster visible results. The impact is very strong, so the pathological contents are removed after a couple of days. The tool fights nasal congestion by increasing sneezing. This can occur continuously for the first 30 minutes after instillation.

Such aggressive action is not suitable for everyone, then it is better to turn your attention to ointment or tincture. Their effect is not so pronounced, but side effects occur less frequently.

The treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen at home can be harmful if the therapy continues if any unpleasant sensations appear. In case of burning, pain, heat or other ailments, you should immediately stop using cyclamen, sinuses should be thoroughly rinsed. It is necessary to get additional consultation from a doctor who will conduct an examination of the mucous membranes and adjust the treatment.

Pharmaceutical preparations with cyclamen extract

Commercially available medicines containing cyclamen extract. Sinuforte in drops. It is better to use it at the beginning of the disease and as an additional drug in complex therapy. It depresses viral and bacteriological infections, strengthens local immunity.

cyclamen for treatment

Drops of Neonox. They treat a wide range of pathologies of the nasal region. Their natural composition supports the normal functioning of the mucous membrane, as a result, excessive dryness goes away and swelling decreases.

Sinuslift. Apply when the disease has become more severe. The pathological secretion improves, inflammation and swelling are relieved, the mucosa is restored, and the reproduction of bacteria is suppressed.

Any treatment should be prescribed by an otolaryngologist. In no case can you change the dosage and duration of therapy yourself, so you can only do harm.

Does treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen always go smoothly?

Negative reactions of the body and contraindications

Side effects from improper use of cyclamen can be very unpleasant. They can be provoked by individual intolerance of the plant or increased sensitivity of the mucous membranes.

Negative reactions usually consist of:

  • allergies
  • vomiting
  • burning sensation, painful itching in the nose;
  • increased sweating, heat;
  • sneezing, coughing;
  • cramps
  • a violation in the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • trouble breathing.
cyclamen sinusitis treatment recipe

Cyclamen is a plant that accumulates toxic substances, so it should not be used:

  • people allergic to cyclamen;
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under the age of 2 years.

Caution is needed for problems with the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

Reviews of cyclamen for the treatment of sinusitis are mixed, as well as about any potent substance. People report that more often than not, the remedy helps well. True, sometimes there are allergic reactions of the body.

In order to maximize the effect, and minimize risks, you need to get expert advice. He will determine the necessary dosage and method of therapy, and perhaps the doctor will advise you not to use the drug at all and replace it with another. In the treatment of sinusitis there is a need for basic drug therapy, which is prescribed by the otolaryngologist.

cyclamen for the treatment of sinusitis reviews

Consequences of an overdose

Treatment of sinusitis with cyclamen juice should be carried out with great care. Elevated doses can cause poisoning, which manifests itself:

  • stupefaction;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • temperature rise;
  • cramps, bronchospasm, pulmonary edema, impaired heart function.

Be sure to consult a doctor before starting treatment.


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