Climate of the Lipetsk region - features

Lipetsk region is one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Located in the European territory of Russia, in its central part. The center of the region is the city of Lipetsk. The area of ​​the Lipetsk region is 24,000 square meters. km It borders with the Tambov, Kursk, Oryol, Ryazan, Tula and Voronezh regions. The population is 1150 thousand people. The climate of the Lipetsk region is moderate by all criteria.

climate features of the Lipetsk region

Geography of the Lipetsk region

The region is located in the central zone of the European territory of Russia, at a distance of 370 km south of Moscow. In the west of the region there is a hill with a height of up to 262 meters above sea level, which in many places is dissected by river valleys, gullies and ravines. In the east there is a lowland plain with a height of up to 170 meters above sea level. It is a plain with many saucer-shaped depressions, the so-called hollows. Almost all river runoff belongs to the Don basin.

The territory of the Lipetsk region is covered with forest-steppe. Its main part is plowed up, and natural vegetation is preserved only on the slopes of beams and river valleys. Forest cover occupies 7.6% of the entire territory. Deforestation in these forests is prohibited due to their environmental significance. Among the forests, pine and oak forests are more common than others. Birch forests, aspen forests and alder forests are less common.

geography and climate of the Lipetsk region


The climate of the Lipetsk region corresponds to a moderately continental type with well-defined seasons of the year. Winter is moderate, with developed snow cover. In January, the average temperature is -10 ° C. Summer is warm and quite long. In July, the average temperature is + 20-21 ° . In the southeast, it is higher than in the northwest. The average temperature for the year is + 4.1-5.1 ° . The absolute minimum - 39.6 ° was recorded in the city of Dirt. The highest temperature value is noted in s. Horse-Well - +39 ° .

The amount of precipitation for the year is 450-550 mm. Most of them fall from April to October. Snow cover is established with the beginning of the calendar winter, and melts at the end of March. Its average depth is 25-35 cm. The average duration of occurrence of the cover is 130 days per year. It has the greatest thickness in late February - early March - an average of 18-33 cm. The growing season lasts over 180 days a year.

climate features of the Lipetsk region

Winds often blow in the area. In summer, most often occur western, north-western and eastern, and in winter - south-western, western and southern.

In general, the climate of this region is well suited for growing crops such as: sugar beets, potatoes, vegetables, cereals, fruits.

Features of geography and climate of the Lipetsk region

The location of the region and the features of the relief determine the geographical distribution of meteorological values ​​over its territory and seasons. The coldest month is January. This is due to the remoteness of the region from marine areas and the presence of significant continental climate. In the marine climate, the minimum temperature is usually shifted to February. In the western half of the region, cyclones coming from the Atlantic are observed more often than in the east. Therefore, winter is milder there. In the south-west of the region, the average January temperature is -9.7 ° , and in the northeast -10.9 ° . During the invasion of Arctic air, severe frosts also occur.

Winter weather

The warmest month of the year is July. In the northwest it is cooler +18.5 ° C than in the southeast. The annual temperature amplitude is 30 degrees, and in some places more. First of all, it determines the continental climate. The most continental is the climate of the Oka-Don Lowland, and on the Central Russian Upland (within the region) it is somewhat milder.

Precipitation pattern

Precipitation is influenced by such factors as topography, remoteness from the Atlantic Ocean, latitude, and features of regional atmospheric circulation. Rainfall increases from southeast to northwest - from 450 mm per year to 550 mm, respectively. This pattern is explained by a decrease in the northwest direction of the frequency of anticyclones and an increase in the frequency of cyclones, as well as the features of the terrain.

Lipetsk in winter

There is less rainfall in winter than in summer. The least of them happens in February - 20-25 mm. The maximum falls in July - 60-85 millimeters.

The climate of the Lipetsk region by city

The climate of the Lipetsk region varies slightly between regions, so different cities have slightly different climatic characteristics.

In different regions of the region, the climate, although slightly, varies. In Lipetsk, the climate is moderately cold with average rainfall (548 mm) and no droughts. The average annual temperature is +5.8 ° C.

In Yelets, the climate is moderately cold with an average (578 mm) of annual rainfall, and the temperature is slightly lower than in Lipetsk +5.6 ° .

Gryazi's climate is classified as cold and temperate, with an annual rainfall of 543 mm. The average annual temperature is +5.8 ° C.

It is cooler in Dankov: the average temperature here is +5.2 ° . And the rainfall is 553 mm.

In Lebedyan, the average annual temperature is 5.3 ° C, and the annual rainfall is 558 mm.


Thus, the climate features of the Lipetsk region correspond to an average level of continuity, a cool temperature regime and a moderate amount of precipitation. The eastern part of this region has a more continental type of climate than the western. The climate of the Lipetsk region in the east is drier, with more frosty winters and hotter summers than in the west of this region. Climatic conditions are favorable for the cultivation of many crops, so the bulk of the territory is plowed. From the point of view of relaxation, the climate is quite cool, but acceptable for swimming in the summer months. Thus, the article answered the question: what is the climate in the Lipetsk region?


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