The medicinal properties of lakonos: indications for use

Lakonos American, or greasy grass, is a contented large plant with a fleshy, thick and spindle-shaped rhizome. The root penetrates deep into the ground and grows strongly, its weight can reach 10 kg. This beautiful and unique plant is rarely found in Russia, it is mainly cultivated in North America, Iran, Crimea and Transcaucasia. People not only grow it in their gardens, but also actively use it as a medicine.

medicinal properties of lakonos

The medicinal properties of lakonos are known throughout the world. In the 18th century, various infusions were prepared from raw materials, which were used to remove spoilage and the evil eye. The fruits of phytolacchus lakonos were greatly softened and received magical ink. Today, the plant is used for medical and industrial purposes. As a medicine, all parts of the raw material are used. They are harvested in the winter season.

Chemical composition

It contains potent biologically active substances. In the roots themselves there are many alkaloids, bitter substances, starch, steroids, sucrose, saponins, oxidase enzymes, essential oils, formic and phytolacchic acids. The medicinal properties of lakonos form the basis of the composition of oily grass. In fruits and seeds there are a lot of anthocyanins, carbohydrates, alkaloids, potassium, B1 and PP vitamins. The leaves are rich in ascorbic acid, flavonoids and saponins.

pokeweed medicinal properties

Pharmacological properties of the herb phytoluca lakonos

The healing properties are determined by the chemical composition. In pharmaceuticals, medicinal preparations are made that have a stimulating, anti-catarrhal, antirheumatic, antiparasitic and laxative effect. In addition, it is scientifically proven that the medicinal properties of lakonos have a mild cleansing, analgesic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic and vomiting effect. Medicines based on this herb improve metabolism and stimulate the immune system.

Alcohol infusions have a wound healing and bacteriostatic effect. In medicine, the pokeweed is very important. The healing properties of it are truly unique. In small doses, a drug based on this plant acts as a sedative. Wound healing ointments and anti-inflammatory drugs are made from the roots.

Indications for use

The medicinal properties of lakonos have long been known to medicine. Medicines from fresh rhizomes are indicated for rheumatic pains, scarlet fever, neuralgia, diarrhea, hemorrhoids, gonorrhea, thrush, kidney disease, intestines, rectum, bladder. And also with diseases of the duodenum and stomach. This is an indispensable and effective tool to combat acne and acne.

phytoluca lakonos medicinal properties

Laconic ointments are used to treat scaly lichen. Alcohol extract helps relieve menopause. Topically, the drug is used for scabies, skin infections, ulcers and joint inflammation. Berry juice promotes the rapid healing of deep wounds and even tumors. The medicinal properties of lakonos are difficult to overestimate. But besides good, it can cause harm to the body.


You should know that all parts of this plant are poisonous. Drugs must be taken with caution and in small doses. Root powder and liquid extract cause seizures, reflex disturbances, shortness of breath, nerve palsies. In case of intoxication, an urgent need to rinse the stomach with a solution of potassium permanganate, activated charcoal or saline laxative. It is not recommended to plant a plant at home, especially if you have children, deaths are known to medicine.


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