Hairstyles with false hairpins: photo

Beautiful hair has always been the pride of every woman, and a thick, long braid, a sign of health and grooming of its owner. In addition, long hair, a real field for experimenting with hairstyles and styling. But what if, for one reason or another, your dream of a braid to the waist, still has not come true? You can be patient and wait for the hair to grow back, or you can resort to some female tricks.

Want to look your best and wear romantic, casual and even wedding hairstyles? With overhead strands, all this will be within your power. In this article we will take a closer look at the main features of wearing, care and selection of natural and artificial strands for your effective look.

Before and after

Hairpins - what is it?

Hair on hairpins, or as they are also called - tresses, have long been not a novelty both for stylists and ordinary fashionistas, far from the hairdressing industry. They are a strand of hair well stitched at the base, complemented by special clips, clips, with which, the strands are attached to the head to the native hair. Hairpins have a miniature size and match the tone of the hair, because they are completely invisible in hairstyles with false strands.

Artificial hair

Hair for tresses can be artificial and natural. They are also available in different colors. In specialized stores, you can easily find natural shades and bright, acidic color options for extreme hairstyles.

The length of the strands is also diverse. There are curls from 7 cm to 100 cm on sale. In addition, the density of the hairstyle with false locks can be easily changed due to the fact that many false locks are sold in sets. If desired, you can use only part of it or create an unforgettable head of hair using all the curls.

How to choose the right hair, so as not to be disappointed

Before you go to the store to buy hair, you should decide what goal you are pursuing. Do you need locks for rare use, for example, on holidays, or do you plan to make them a permanent part of your image? What kind of hairstyles with false locks for hairpins do you plan to do? How much are you willing to spend on this pleasure? When you answer these questions, the choice will become obvious.

Synthetic hair

Artificial hair is made from synthetic fibers visually very similar to human hair. High-quality, expensive, synthetic tresses, in appearance, are not much different from natural hair and sometimes even a professional can not immediately tell where the real one is and where the artificial curl is.

Bright faux strands

Cheap artificial strands, of course, cannot boast of this. Unnatural shine quickly gives them off. However, they are distinguished by a large palette of colors and, with proper care, perfectly keep the factory styling. Therefore, if you plan to make a hairstyle with false hair for a party or celebration, artificial hair is perfect. In addition, their price is much lower than that of tresses made of natural hair.

The disadvantages of artificial strands are that they can not be dyed, curled with tongs, curling irons, heat curlers, you can not straighten them with an iron and wash too often. Any thermal effect on the fibers can lead to their melting, and frequent washing will turn beautiful shiny curls into a tangled washcloth.

Another unpleasant factor is that synthetic strands have more weight than natural ones. Everyday wear of such severity can adversely affect your own hair. And girls with exhausted strands should completely abandon this option.

Human hair

Natural hair, although it does not differ in a wide variety of colors and shades, has several advantages. They can be curled, dyed, straightened, washed and even cut. In addition, hairstyles with false strands, as in the photo, look very natural. Well-treated human hair does not cause allergies and is light in weight. Because tresses made of natural material are comfortable and pleasant to wear, even throughout the day.

How to put on hair

By cons, perhaps, include the high cost of strands of natural hair.

Care Rules

It doesn’t matter what kind of hair you acquired in the end, because artificial and natural strands require special care. Subject to all the rules, hairstyles with false locks on hairpins, in the photo and in life, will look great and will last you a very long time.

Artificial hair drying

Wash artificial hair no more than once a month. At the same time, avoid soaking them, this can lead to tangling. Natural strands can be washed more often, about two to three times a month. At the same time, choose shampoos for normal or dry hair, and when washing off, do not use very hot water. The use of the balm will also have a beneficial effect on natural hair, but its exposure time should not exceed more than five minutes.

How to color

As we said earlier, hair made from synthetic materials cannot be dyed. Even a light tint tonic can ruin them. With natural curls is a different story.

Paint must be selected very carefully. Too aggressive composition should be avoided and it is undesirable to repaint black curls in light shades. Do not forget that any paint must be kept on tresses, three times less than what is indicated on the package. Otherwise, you risk burning the strands. After staining, rinse them with water and shampoo without rubbing them in your hands and against each other. To give softness, use balm. Squeeze the curls with a soft towel and gently comb while holding on weight. You can dry your hair in limbo, or on a flat surface.

How to wear tresses

Hairstyles with false strands on short or long hair look good if the color of the native hair and the color of the hair on the tresses are completely the same. But, this rule only works if you plan to create a natural image. For bold and bold styling, you can use several bright strands that are radically different in color.

Colored strands

For styling with her hair tresses are attached according to this principle:

Gather the upper strands in a bun, leaving a row of hair in the neck area. Fasten the widest strip of tresses to the roots with clip hair clips. They are worn from top to bottom. Separate the next part of the hair and do the same manipulation. Continue to attach the required amount of tresses to your hair, moving from bottom to top. The higher you advance, the narrower the stripes you need to use. Fix the thinnest tresses under the hair on the temples.

Locks on short hair

Hairstyles for short hair with false strands are done according to the same principle. Also, this option of attaching curls is perfect for weaving braids, or hairstyles in the Greek style. The remaining types of fastening tresses depend on the hairstyles themselves and your imagination. A little training and soon you will learn how to make fabulous images for any occasion. We hope that our article was useful to you.


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