Book of Victor Hugo "Cosette". Summary

This passage from Victor Hugo’s novel “Les Miserables” is perceived by many as a separate book. And in fact, the story of a small person within the vast plot has the plot, climax and denouement - all that is necessary for an independent story. The writer was especially addicted to disadvantaged people, especially children, and therefore, in his novels, children's images are especially vividly written out. This is another hero of the novel - Gavrosh, who died at the Paris barricades, and a whole bunch of homeless children, and, of course, Cosette.

cosette summary


The story of the girl begins with a description of the unfortunate fate of her mother, who became a victim of deception. She was seduced and abandoned by her beloved man, she had a girl, and now Fantina wanders around the world with her baby in her arms in search of food and work. However, who will hire a woman with such a burden? She accidentally finds herself near a tavern of the Tenardieu spouses, who have three small children - two girls and a baby boy. During a conversation with the innkeeper Fantina manages to persuade her to keep the girl with her on the condition that she will send money every month for her maintenance. The greedy couple of Tenardieu were glad of such an opportunity to earn extra money. And little Cosette remained to live with them.

Hugo Cosette Summary

The summary of the baby’s biography in the house sheltered has no clearance. Evil Tenardier hated the child and believed that she was eating their children. Although the poor girl fed on garbage, she ate under the table with dogs and cats. Mother neatly sent the promised money, however, everything was not enough for the greedy owners, and they raised the pay several times. Poor Fantina meekly complied with all their requirements, although she had to sell her luxurious hair, and then her teeth.

From the age of five, Cosette became actually a servant in the tavern. The host daughters no longer allowed her into their games and also treated her as a servant. Mother no longer sent money - she died of consumption and longing for her daughter. Hopeless orphan life - that's what Cosette was doomed to. A summary of her misadventures is unlikely to fit in one description. The reader has two feelings mixed up in his soul - pity for the child and indignation at human greed and anger. An unexpected turn in the fate of this Cinderella was predetermined by the very development of the plot by Victor Hugo.

Cosette : A Brief History of Salvation

One of the late late evenings, the mistress sent the girl to get water to the stream. The poor thing was terribly afraid of the dark, but even more afraid of Madame Tenardieu's anger. Along the way, she stopped near the lighted shop window and looked at her dream - a big beautiful doll. Then she ran to the stream and, trembling with fear, scooped up a bucket of water. She dragged him, bending from heaviness, and suddenly a strong hand grabbed a bucket.

brief summary of cosette victor hugo
“This is too heavy a burden for you, child,” said the stranger, “who sent you on such a night?”

“Madame Tenardieu, the innkeeper,” said Cosette.

He helped bring a bucket and went into the tavern. The hostess scornfully looked at the poorly dressed old man, but invited him to sit at the table. Having talked with her, the guest found out how Cosette got to them, a summary of their misfortunes and impoverishment through the fault of this gluttonous engraftment. Cosette sat under the table, and at that moment, when the master's daughters were distracted from her rag doll, she got out and grabbed her. The woman's anger fell on her head. She was saved by a stranger who asked for permission to take an orphan with him. The innkeeper was glad, but Mr. Tenardier intervened, who began to bargain: after all, he raised this girl and was attached to her as to his own daughter, so he did not agree to give her away. Unless for the money. Finally agreed. The stranger left the tavern and soon returned with a doll, the very one whom she admired in the window of Cosette. The innkeeper and her daughters nearly burst with anger.

She was leaving this evil house, her hand was held tight by an unfamiliar old man in rags. This is a summary.

cosette summary

"Cosette." Victor Hugo and his heroes

The reader in this part of the novel can only guess that the life of the poor girl made a turn for the better. Only then he learns that this poorly dressed stranger is none other than the former mayor, rebel and fugitive convict, benefactor of the outcast Jean Valjean. The fate of the girl thanks to him is now changing dramatically. He takes care of her like a daughter, educates her, in difficult times, sacrifices his freedom to save her beloved. The story of Cosette's girl is yet to come.


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